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AI blast door controls behind grille
[Image: FDC4tGQ.png]

This means that you can't close the blast doors as AI, which is kind of a problem.
There's a button located...somewhere or other on the wall of the chamber that lets you toggle them. It's rather small and easy to miss, but it's there.
Yes, it's in the tile directly to the right of the AI. Unfortunately right now there's a grille covering it so it can't be used.

You can just barely see it in the screenshot. I've circled where it normally is here.
[Image: ph6kRmZ.png]
was this on 2? 2 is being super weird right now
#4 actually, but it seems to have gone away. Whether this is because it was stealthily fixed or just stopped happening on its own I don't know.

Either way, thread over I guess since the bug stopped being there.

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