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Solitary confinement door does jack shit to protect people
I was the Captain and I brigged this fellow who had a chainsaw arm. He was up against the glass door, and I was to his immediate southeast. Somehow, he was able to chainsaw me through the glass door to death, basically cutting through the corner of the wall. I'm not sure if this is specific to chainsaw arms or if it can be replicated with any item, but this makes absolutely no damn sense and should be fixed. Getting chainsawed through solid, reinforced wall is not a very plausible way to die.
This is absolutely not specific to the chainsaw, for whatever reason that angle just works
This has been a thing for a while as I recall, in regards to glass doors in general.
Yeah please replace the door with a airlock. I've had alot of issues with that stupid glass door anyways
This has been a thing forever. If something is to the left or right of a tile that a glass door is on and you are on the actual tile the door is on, you can interact with anything on the other side. For instance you can walk up to the QM glass door and steal their blue toolbox.
You can also loot people through the glass doors if, again, you are on the tile the door is on.
This is part of how reach is calculated - it does not check for collision with things that exist in the same tile as the initiating actor. Anything that blocks movement that you can share a tile with works the same way.

If Farty Spaceman A is to the left of Pubbie Spaceman B, and there is a thin window on the right side of Farty Spaceman A's tile, A can interact with B, but not the reverse.

It's hard not to call this anything but a bug, but a can_reach function is something so deeply fundamental to the game that I don't expect this to get tinkered with and it's just something you learn to live with.
Easy enough to fix, I'll replace it with an airlock.

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