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Spy mode - Official Discussion Thread (Wonk)
let us discuss spy mode (conspiracy) in this thread

When spy mode was first put in the rotation there was a nice thread discussing it and suggesting changes, but as far as I can tell nothing was done. Actually it was made a little more confusing when people were told that in some cases they need to ignore the "you've been implanted" message and everyone was confused and etc. etc.

In a recent chat the consensus was that spy too often played like rev frown but unlike rev it is salvageable.

off the top of my head here are some typical problems in spy mode--
  • once one team decides to be overt, every other team basically loses any advantage to being covert, turning it into a rev-style grand melee brawl. in a typical spy round this means that whichever team loots the armory first wins, because it's an easy winning strategy, so why not?
  • rounds can really drag out when, ala rev, one team decides the safest way to "win" is to hide. spyheads can also lose if they fail to eliminate a braindead spyhead who did nothing, so once again rampaging often seems like the best strategy.
  • the unimplanted crew ("neutrals") have a reason to try and oppose the spies, which is a definite improvement over rev. except, the first people to get enslaved in spy mode are typically the captain (and with it the AI), hop, hos, and security, so even if the neutrals get organized, they're hopelessly outgunned.
  • the issue of implanting a spyhead/someone who is already implanted is confusing due to contradictory statements by admins, and also, mindslaving a spyhead is basically an instant kill over them. freedom implants block this but basically no one knew about this for awhile and even then I don't think it's generally understood.
  • the side objectives (steal XYZ/shut down AI) are a bit lacking and don't do anything to enhance the gameplay.

here's some thoughts
Spy Equipment: Some people think that spies should have no syndicate uplink at all. I dunno about this since it basically means whoever gets access to sec gear first has the definite advantage, but at the very least I think a lot of people want the EMAG to go. A single traitor with an EMAG can cause a load of chaos on the station; 4 spymasters all with EMAGs basically means the brig is rendered worthless & every secure area is opened and looted in the first 5 minutes of the round. removing the EMAG would also cut back on people's ability to load up on laser guns, which would be.. nice.
Time Limit: Rev used this to try to prevent people from simply hiding and to keep rounds from dragging on forever. Well it didn't really work on the former but at least helped the latter.
Escaping: Spies have to escape on the shuttle, but this typically means either: a) Spies are causing overt chaos, hull breaches everywhere, the hallways littered with bodies (hello rev) or b) One of the heads is a spy, and will refuse to call the shuttle until they're 99% sure they've already won (zzzzzz boring). The shuttle presumably means that the spies are all brought to one area for one final conflict, except since the safest bet is to camp out the escape arm with lasers and slaughter everyone to play it safe, it's... dull. Either with or without the time limit, letting spies "win" if they've completed their objectives (regardless of where they are) would be nice.
Implantees: Security implants, rather than made useful, were removed from the game after conspiracy was put in rotation... dunno why. If sec gets drafted into a spy's team then there is no reason for that spy to be covert, because there is no one left to put up organized resistance to them. The HoS in particular is everyone's #1 target because of armory access. Should sec officers be immune to spy mindslaves? Should that protection extend to Captain/HoP? making more people immune would slow down spy rounds a bit, but also mean the average lowly crewmember is more likely to get involved and give the neutral faction a better chance of victory, so... I think it deserves some consideration.
Spy Implantees: folks probably have different opinions on this, but I think spy heads should probably have a natural resistance to being mindslaved, especially if syndicate uplinks (and freedom implants) are removed... Currently implanting a spyhead means you've basically killed that spy head, AND you get access to all their recruits. in the past I've seen this cause a snowball effect where one spyhead basically has an army, at which point, once again, why bother being covert?
Side Objectives: this ties into the issue above, how do you make conflict occur and make the spies come out of hiding? there were a couple thoughts on this in chat:

1. Teams need to have contradictory objectives. If every spymaster is assigned to kill the AI, well okay the AI is dead in 10 minutes, now what? How about instead:

"spy A would have to fuck over spy B, spy B would have to fuck over spy C and spy C would have to fuck over spy A"

As to what kind of objectives though would be... I'm not entirely sure. the standby of "kill X/keep X alive" runs into the constant problem that people die/kill themselves often without any outside help. maybe some folks here can think of cool ways to stage that.

2. Teams need to steal 1 Unique, Trackable item, of value solely to the Spies. The item would be disguised as & replace one standard item on the station, like a flashlight or a piece of junk in maintenance or whatever. (This would be to prevent metagaming, noticing there is an item in a certain place and immediately deducing Ah, it's spy round!) All the spies get a pinpointer that leads to it, as if it were a nuke disc.

What does this accomplish? Well rather than just walling up QM and waiting until the end of the round, it'd force spies out of their hideyhole. It promotes covert conflict, since everyone wants to get the item but at the same time wants to monitor it to see who else is trying to get it.

It also gives the neutrals a tool against the spies. If they get their hands on a pinpointer and get the item themselves, they can try to keep it out of spy hands, or use it to flush spies out. I think it'd open up some cool possibilities. (another feature to keep rounds from dragging out is that if there is only 1 spyhead left AND they have the objective item, they win and the round is over. if that last spyhead is killed before they get their hands on the item, the crew wins. like wiz/nuke, no need to wait for the shuttle)

Whoa: that's a lot of words. :ugeek: oh well
I agree about the emag, Removing it from spies pretty much means they have to manually get HOS level access, either by persuasion, or by force.

What if spies have get their own AI upload card, a card that allows AI to see that team and makes it loyal to them, that will add some fun with spies attempting to break into ai upload first, in addition to stealing really important item on the station.
To be honest Spy mode is like Street Gang mode, where the spy leaders would implant as many people as possible, try and grab all the good weapons and items, then duke it out with at least three other gangs in a gigantic brawl.

By far, these kinds of quick, brutal, and big brawls are my favorite gamemode I have played (my second favorite being rev)

I dont know why you think there is no stealth in this game mode, whenever you are a spymaster, you want to always try and make your underlings look like spymasters or traitors. Once you become a mindslave, you have to do your best to draw attention away from your real objectives (like starting a huge gunfight in the courtroom while your master loots EVA with the other slaves).

It is true however, that the term"spy" should be replaced as "Kingpin" because other then trying to be sneaky, you dont really ever use "spy items". Its more like you implant someone, and order them to do all of your dirty work.

Come on guys,we can have a space mafia!
idea: as funny as it is to beat up a spymaster and steal his implanter so you can tell all of the botanists to slip the whole crew with bananas, please make the implanter, uh, implant locked. custom spymaster implant that allows them to use the multi-use implanter, basically.
where's my edit button for when my head starts spinning with ideas after i click submit

alternative idea: the multi-use implanter is tied to the spymaster it spawned with. even if someone else implants someone with it, have it give a big wordy message telling people that they should kill everyone who's not in the fold or something.

have the game flash a message to the same channel adminhelps end up sent to if spy comes up. two dead spymasters ten minutes into the round is unfun and it'd be cool to have them replaced every once in a while if someone feels like it.

make it way too clear for spymasters that they should USE THAT FUCKING IMPLANTER first before they spawn in a syndicate dagger and start stabbing Pubbie McBarman. you will get mobbed and die always, which ruins what could be a great round type.
I think Security and HoS should be immune from being implanted with the permanent implant, as it will, as you say, give the neutrals something to stand behind. I think the loyalty implants should be put to use in that they can negate the effect of the previous implant and any other implants, so that security needs not run down to robotics, but implant somebody there and then.
I have chatted with Cogwerks and many other players in deadchat about our ideas for spy.

We all came to the agreement that the uplink as it is needs to change; e-swords, cloaks and revolvers are already removed, and at very least we agreed that the e-mag should too. The more favoured idea was to either remove the uplink completely, or give spies a special 'spy mode only' list of items to spawn.

In our heads we imagined seeing small groups of spies duking it out for supremacy, normally in private, currently we have groups of spies who will rather focus on and murder innocent bystanders 'becuase they can' ala Rev.

There is barely any stealth. Just yesterday a spy round was ruined when 2/3 of the masters got caught and beaten down by their syndicate daggers because they either implanted in public or immediately went on civilian murder rampages. The only time i ever saw stealth or ingenuity is when i instructed all of my spies to gather information about the other groups first; one used the packet sniffer to listen in on rival spymasters and identify them.

Loyalty implants should remove mindslave conditions, but wouldn't work on a master. Then security would have some other method than beating suspected spies to death in the hall/security

Spy leaders should be either immune or very resistant to mindslave implants.

My final and kinda far out idea involves the implanting system itself. My idea is a new implanter that gives the subject no idea or message they have been implanted or are a spy, until the spymaster either says a phrase (how would this work?) or presses a option on their HUD that 'activates' the implant making the person they implanted their slave.
The HoS and Security should be immune to mindslaving. Otherwise it's just a rush to mindslave the HoS and grab all the riot gear. That is, if you didn't feel like spawning in an e-mag and nabbing it anyway.
Spy Masters should loose their traitor items and start out with only a Syndicate dagger and implanter. There you use you stealth and cunning to disguise yourself as a regular assistant shitlorde.

Assistant shitlordes with no special equipment tend to be more successful than it is generally known.
I think Spy Mode would benefit greatly from more stealthy items, like those suggested in the Spy Gear thread.

I also think that it would benefit by having the idea of the implanter remodeled a bit. When I think of spies, I don't think of gangs of hooligans run by a head spy. I think of one dude or two working together, acting covert, gathering information, and VERY RARELY coming into real physical conflict before it's time to show down.

I imagine a spy round should be about covert information gathering, and then quietly setting up the other spymaster to get killed by the neutrals for being a traitor, with both your victim and the station being none the wiser that you were even involved.
Yeah, I'm heavily leaning towards the No Equipment school of thought.
Interesting notes in this thread, I'll see if I can make some changes soon.

Also man, it was really fun watching people in the last gang war round when they didn't even have mindslave implants, just word of mouth and street rep for recruiting people.
Cogwerks Wrote:Also man, it was really fun watching people in the last gang war round when they didn't even have mindslave implants, just word of mouth and street rep for recruiting people.

Suppa Tuff Gangsta Moondawg shouts,"Yo my homie how you doin'? We need some more muscle to deal with those shitty Cluwnes, and their Kingpin, Goat Fart. So you wanna grab a fire extinguisher and join the Greyshirts homie?"
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:So you wanna grab a fire extinguisher and join the Greyshirts homie?

You mean to say this doesn't happen every round?
Winged_Chiller Wrote:
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:So you wanna grab a fire extinguisher and join the Greyshirts homie?

You mean to say this doesn't happen every round?

Well now it would be an actual gamemode
Hey, I just played for a shift, and noticed there is a new round called gang wars. So is it like a more violent version of spy mode?

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