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Increase in Matter Eater functionality
I recently messed around with Matter Eater, and while being able to nonchqlantly eat my tea cup after finishing the tea itself is absolutely hilarious, I was thinking of some more practical uses for the chem aside from just eating the occasional object and your own limb if you ever need to.

For one, being able to eat gibs and dead corpses without the usual penalty of eating dead corpses would be cool. If you can eat knives and glass shards with Matter Eater and be just fine, why not a dead body or three?

Furthermore, the ability to eat through larger objects would be cool, perhaps requiring a larger cooldown and a charge up time in which you're gnawing away. Being able to Pac-Man your way through windows, tables, and barricades is a very pleasing mental image.

Finally, and this might be stretching it a bit, but giving a Matter Eater the ability to eat stunned enemies alive, like the Shambler's devour ability, would be a very neat application of the mutation, although possibly one that should stay to the changeling.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you eat other people's limbs as well? So, theoretically, you can stun someone, fart in their face, and then eat all their arms and legs?

Because that sounds way cooler than just eating someone hole. And if it's not already a thing, it probably should be.
Meanwhile, at the brig
[Image: matter_eater_lad_2.jpg]
Eh. You have the ability to get rid of any item ever, no questions asked.

I'm gonna go with no, this is a bad idea.
Didn't there used to be some bonus to matter eater if you were also Fat?
Pro strats:

1) give someone a swirlie, scream and then eat the toilet in front of them

2) climb into someone's pod and use matter eater to eat all the pod components
Could one use this power to eat the cursed clowne items.

Or hell eat both the Bio dome armor, and the Obsidian Crown.
Almost certainly yes.
Cogwerks Wrote:Almost certainly yes.

That is rather funny.
Perhaps make Matter Eater more rare or more of a bitch to acquire to compensate?

I just want my pacman gimmick dammit
BaneOfGiygas Wrote:Perhaps make Matter Eater more rare or more of a bitch to acquire to compensate?

I just want my pacman gimmick dammit
Sorry, that comment was supposed to be smallfont, but somehow got transmogrified into largefont.

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