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Warning: Nuclear Operatives Detected En-Route
So, I was thinking up bad events that could happen during build-a-base rounds, when I had an idea that (I think) is so good, I decided to propose it as something for all game types. Nuclear Operatives.

I'm not talking about the Nuke Ops game mode, but it's close. Basically, whenever this event happens, Centcom blares a warning that they've detected syndicates en-route, and then thirty seconds later a team of syndies blasts into the base and all hell breaks loose.

Basically, five of these fuckers would spawn:
[Image: pt1NSdh.png]
(taken from the wiki)

Along with one of these:
[Image: PN8JTHR.png]

The five syndicates lay waste to anyone who attempts to interrupt the nuclear MULE, while it slowly trudges towards the bridge. Four of them have shotguns, one is armed with an RPG. If you can manage to defeat them, and reach the mule in time, you can attempt to disarm it. If it reaches the bridge, it detonates, and blows up a gigantic portion of the station.

That sounds pretty neat, right? Also sounds kind of code-intensive? Well, that's where you're wrong! Because most of the stuff needed to make it happen are already in the code!

To start with, take a meteor, sprite it like a black pod, and you've got your entry vehicle. It plows through a wall and explodes like a Syndicate pod with a SEED, all you'd have to do is code the spawns of the ops and mule after it blows up.

The operatives are also easy. just make them buddies. Take Ol' Harner's code, attach it to a nuke op sprite, and you're basically done. Just have them GUARD the mule, so they stay near it, and PURGE so they'll attack anyone who comes within range. Or, if that's not doable, (I don't know exactly how they're coded) you could just have them GUARD the mule, and tweak the code so instead of attacking anyone who attacks it, they just attack everyone on sight.

Making the ops buddies works great in another way, since (some) are already programmed to explode when they die, mimicking the effects of a microbombed syndicate. Instead of dropping a circuit board and buddy box, just have them drop red spacesuits and either a shotgun with one shell, or a loaded RPG, depending on which syndicate was killed.

For the Nuclear MULE, you literally just make a mule that has the Bridge as it's destination, and the special sprite. Set it to automatically be emagged, so if someone gets in front of it they get run over. When it arrives, and would normally trigger it's "drop item" command, instead it triggers a bigass explosion.

So there's then three different ways you can stop the mule. If you're willing to risk the collateral damage, just blow it up with a bomb or the RPG. If you want to get fancy, open the panel, and attempt to hack it. One wire makes it stop, one wire makes it explode instantly, 3 wires are dummies, and 3 wires make it speed up. And, of course, the simple solution is just to open the panel, and whack it with the Nuke Disc, which instantly defuses the bomb.

So there you go, that's my idea. I think it would be fairly easy to code and implement, only one thing really needs a special sprite and I hacked together one that may-or-may-not be acceptable, and most of all I think it would be hella fun. You'd have crew throwing themselves at the operatives to try and get a free shotgun or rpg, the captain would be trying to remember where he put the disc, and whenever the mule gets close people would just say "SEEYA SHITLORDS" and beat feet out of the blast radius. Plus it could be something that would be possible to implement on Construction rounds, if they happen, and would surely be a lot more dangerous than some drones or a Wendigo.
Christ, you put a ton of effort into this, and it could actually work! Good job.
I'm assuming the syndi mobs will drop part of the disarming code for the MULE? Because trying to stop it while it's en route would be kinda tricky.

Otherwise, this looks hella good stuff.
Imagine this happening during a nuke round. Awkward as hell.
DyssalC Wrote:Imagine this happening during a nuke round. Hilarious as hell.
If booby trapping wasn't significantly frowned upon you could slow syndies down by placing pressure plate teleporters and just opening fire on the robo syndies from constructed death traps and firing ranges. Or even just teleporting them into boxes made of walls.

It would be like a tower defense game.

Of course if the nuke is timed to auto destruct or teleport you're still screwed.
So if this is a random event and not a game mode I declare this is 100% the shit and please do this.

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