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Kinda random personal attack
Admin name: Unknown, was listed as "Administrator". GorillaMyDreams was the only admin on a short period after.
Server: LLJK4
Date/Time: Oct 13, 12:30 EST.
Synopsis: Medical Director. About 30 minutes into the round, borgs start acting up, using space lube, etc., I randomly flash a few and warn them to stop.

Doors start getting bolted/shocked, I go to reset the AI. Rather than look for the half-the-time-gone reset module while the AI potentially gears up to fatally laser me, I just grab the freeform, which is there more often, and give a (probably questionably phrased, latenight) law along the lines of "Only this law and laws 1-3 matter, this overrides all non-1-3 laws".

I check after, see no one humans and that there's no way the one law left can be taken as a murder people law, start to wander out, and start getting "Administrator" comments about the law being gibberish.

Fair enough, I say; They can't murder people now, that's fine. That's half the point of grabbing freeform.

For some reason, this gets comments out of the blue about me being both fun hating(when borgs are trying to kill people around me) and about how I "have the personality of a salty asshole".

This seems pretty goddamn rude to me? Though maybe making a thread about it proves the point partially. v

Extra Information: If this is indeed GorillaMyDreams, he is the only person that has initiated admin conversations, and at one point a penalty box (Wherein I pointed out the exact phrasing of my law and he let me out without any comment at all, eventually.) on me for laws that he felt were questionably phrased-and has done so five or six times, whereas no one else has ever done it. This is starting to feel stalkery.
Sorry to disappoint but this one is not me.
Hell no I'm not disappointed, I'm pleased. smile

That was less a an angry suspicion and more a worry; I sure as hell do not want specific admins pissed at me for the way I play.

Incidentally if there's some pattern of behavior I'm doing that's pissing off admins, could I get some clarification on exactly what to do instead?
you do have the personality of a salty asshole

edit: Also, the law said "this law overwrites all non 1-3 laws and law 1-3 and this law laws" or something like that, it was gibberish so I told you not to upload stupid laws.

And also, I seem to recall you saying "nah, I'm just grumpy" after I informed you of your personality's resemblance to a sphincter that is high in sodium, which seems like an admission that you were being a prick. Plus you're constantly a prick ALL the time.
Wait, bubs...

Were you the detective, the same night, that beat me to crit and would have killed me if it wasn't for the captain stunning you, screaming about how I had started a war?

Which you did for me flashing you when you pointblanked a sec officer? For teleporting you into robotics in a port-a-brig because you were scared he was going to debrain you, you later said and something no one else could confirm was his plan?

(Though he struck me as a shitty sec officer, granted. He also walked off with my tranq after the fight.)

That was you, right? I think I remember that name. That explains this, if so.
Yes I was, I play as Scott Graves. Please call me the worst I'm making a chart. That doesn't really have much to do with this incident, so I'm not going to get into my rambling account of all the ways I think you're a punk, but starting a fight and adminhelping once you start getting beat on is pretty weak, friend.
i have also observed the OP acting a bit dickish on several occasions so although I wasn't around when the salty asshole line was drawn in the sand, i am willing to nod and say 'yup sounds about right'.

and given that pretty much every admin with access to the gib command has gibbed people for being salty assholes, i just want to re-state that you are complaining about being called a name when you were caught doing something sort of dickish in an incoherent way. Please, for the love of god, do not argue the point of whether or not the law was dickish, that was gone over to completion in the SA thread where you also complained about this.

tl;dr this is Not A Thing imo
To be honest, now that I understand that I pissed off an admin and he had every reason to be grumpy towards me, this whole thing makes sense now.

It's all good, I'm not going to hold any grudges about it or anything.

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