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Make high temperatures start melting walls, floors, etc
It's kind of silly that a wall can withstand temperatures 11 times higher than the surface of the sun but a simple welder can poke a hole in it. Ideally when it starts getting really hot walls will glow, and then start to melt. Along with anything else meltable nearby.

The wall suddenly melts into a puddle of molten metal!
FUCK! You're covered in molten steel!
Pubbie McChucklefuck screams!
Pubbie McChucklefuck burns away into ashes!

Also on a related note, it'd be kind of neat if sufficiently high temperatures would start heating things in your inventory (like your oxygen tank! or mabye that beaker in your pocket!)
Please no, there's a bug that causes the engine to release super heated gas capable of lighting ANYTHING on fire, and if this happens when that happens it'd create the biggest fucking hull breach. Like, some of QM, a little bit beyond mechanics, and all of escape would be gone.
That sounds more like a feature than a bug to me.
I want this but I don't want the server to shit in its own mouth and die.
Well, after something's melted into slag (or nothingness), it's not like the server will be running temperature checks on it anymore.
Considering how the nuke renders most of the station nonexistent and also breaks most of the game because of the resultant soul-crushing lag, I'm not actually sure that's true.
Note that this is a thread made by a guy who threw an absolute shitfit in deadchat about "hellburning engineers doing it wrong!!!!1111!!!!1!!!!!" some days ago.
It was quite hilarious to watch, but I think the thread itself comes coupled with ulterior motives.
Note: you're wrong and also bad. I'm usually BOLD BULL ingame, byond key berrik, so whoever that was, it wasn't me.
I like this idea, but I think atmos needs a bit of tweaking. Like, I think it's a bit nuts the values some hellburns spit out, the power, the pressure, the heat are all balls off the wall. It needs to be adjusted majorly. That way, walls/floor being superheated and turning orange (pretty damn cool) and potentially melting would only happen if the temperature is super high, and would only be achievable by cooking it properly.
If high temperatures made things melt, then the thing making the high temperatures would itself also melt. Or it would make holes around it, causing space to cool it down.
So it wouldn't cause that much of a problem and it would be pretty neat.
We definitely do not need another new and creative way to be horrifically gibbed and permanently removed from the game. Also hellburns in the hallway are not sufficient to cause damage from this.

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