Franklin Briner's HoS Application!
Usual Character Name: Franklin Briner
BYOND Username: Hufflaw
Recommended by (if applicable): Haine, Herr_Spy_Guy, beeatingyou
Times Available: The afternoon mainly, GMT+1.

Reason for Application (300 word minimum): 

I really like playing as a security officer, heck I play almost every round as one. Mainly because I personally think that it combines this games two strengths - interacting with other people and horrible train-wrecks of fighting - into one difficult to digest job. And there's something about the excitement when playing with assholes that you can either beat, and feel happy about, or lose to, and feel kinda of mad about, that really attacts me to the job. No other job has as high stakes as security so it's fun, the job's fun I like it! I like it so much that I want to play even more of it as a HoS!

Though I don't personally think having a HoS on the station is necessary for security to police themselves or others. I never had any problems arresting/stopping/stripping officers who stepped way out of line in this dumb spaceman game as a normal security officer. However, I suppose it is easier to police the whole department if you have a huge sign on you saying „THIS GUY IS TRUSTWORTHY, TRUST WHAT HE SAYS“, so that's a pretty compelling reason to join. Despite the more polite playerbase and generally more relaxed security force making the HoS job not as important as it once was, it's sometimes still needed to have a voice telling the less experienced officers to calm down and not take it personally.

Also whenever I play this game I see a HoS present maybe half the time, during which they normally get killed or kidnapped mysteriously, and well, I want to personally experience what it's like to be murdered as one of the most important and powerful people on the station, it'll probably be fun! The other half of the time the HoS fails to arrive so I would also like to allow other people to have fun with gimmicks involving security that only the HoS can do reliably.

The other reason to join would be that it's more of the game that becomes playable, more opportunities for fun, gimmicks, wacky stuff that makes you laugh or makes you mad! One of the main reasons why I even play security: the fights, would be even more frequent as a HoS, where you have an even larger „KICK ME!“ sign on your proverbial back.

Security Experience (300 word minimum):

I have been playing this game for a long ass time, and let me tell you, I don't remember fuck-all about my time as security on the Donut or Ovary stations! Honestly, the memories I have about those times could be me filling in the blanks in my mind with what people usually say about those times, IE everyone was assholes all the time to eachother and especially to security and the rounds were a clusterfuck of mindboggling proportions, both of which I am almost sure are real. Even back then I played security way more often than was or is considered normal, but I remember being way less relaxed about the job in and out of the game as I should have been, though even back then I never enacted my revenge on anyone who griefed me as that would be dumb as hell and since then I learned to not take this game as seriously. Back then and also now I have tried to mostly play security as a general helper and mediator of conflicts, which really helped with avoiding all the nasty fights and rage.

But nowadays it's way easier to play as a sec officer! You don't get the griefer who wants to punch you, steal your baton and ID and permabrig you forever anymore! The worst you get is assholes that make it their goal in game to get your goat and start fights that you feel like you have to intervene in, and those are the fun kind of assholes, they're why security exists after all, they make the job fun!

Also I like to play security as if there's an unwritten space constitution that exists and limits what you as security can even do to prisoners, as this allows you to easier bullshit why you didn't search the obvious traitor who did nothing that dangerous yet or why you refuse to abuse prisoners, which is never necessary. Of course this doesn't mean that you have to be lenient on every criminal, after all, if there's no danger of being arrested when doing crimes then what's the point of doing them at all, really?

Also fuck thermals, they just encourage dumb metagamey bullshittery that's not fun for anyone and it's impossible to defend against, they cannot be removed soon enough.

In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc):

The brig is invisible to the regular crew, people can't whine at the prisoners or security about briggings, since they don't even know who's in jail. I'd suggest for the general population brig to be placed next to a main hallway or some other public place, with those purple crystal windows possibly acting as a deterrent from the laziest prison break attempts.

Also the brigging chute should just uncuff the prisoner automatically.

Also also!! I think security would be more fun to play if it was more connected with the station, possibly having a lounge infront of it where people can tell the officers about the crimes that are happening or beat the officers up and get sent to jail, just have the department be less of a fortress and more like a regular police station that people can visit.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will):
2010- Permabanned on gibbed 2 for hiding in a locker as a HoP during a rev round.
2011- Mirror ban. (Yes I evaded the ban for a year)
I was then unbanned due to the decision to unban everyone from 2012 and back.
2014- Week long ban for deliberately crashing another player's game.
I'm happy that you finally applied!

Briner is one of my favourite guys to observe. He's always involved in something silly and entertaining. He plays the type of officer who enables fun instead of cracking down on it. In fact, I have it on good authority that they based the 21st Jump Street reboot around him.

I'd love to see him bring his antics to the HoS' office.
Yes, Franklin is a cool person.
Yessssss. Took ye long enough ya big dumbface.
Yes. Good man. Writes excellent tickets.

Funny as hell.
Definitely, an excellent cop.
You're pretty much the only good dude on sec alot of the time.

I approve of this product and or service!

Seriously, seen nothing but good things out of Briner as sec. He's a nerd. A good nerd though.
Very much so, yes please.
yes yes and yes
Pretty sure this guy has been around longer than I have.

Most definitely. Briner man will make a good beret cop

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