01-02-2013, 07:08 PM
Admin Name:InfiniteMonkeys
Server:Gibbed 3
date/time:january-02-13 around 10:00 PM
Synopsis: he banned me for a week for calling a changling who killled me a faggot with ZERO warnings, i was kinda messing with him trying to have fun aswell. he told me not to so i stopped but starting arguing with him jokingly like asking why and such so he banned me for 14400 minutes.
logs: [color=#FF0000]You have been banned by infinitemonkeys.
Reason: Don't call people faggots, how is this hard to understand??.
This is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 14400 minutes.
Server:Gibbed 3
date/time:january-02-13 around 10:00 PM
Synopsis: he banned me for a week for calling a changling who killled me a faggot with ZERO warnings, i was kinda messing with him trying to have fun aswell. he told me not to so i stopped but starting arguing with him jokingly like asking why and such so he banned me for 14400 minutes.
logs: [color=#FF0000]You have been banned by infinitemonkeys.
Reason: Don't call people faggots, how is this hard to understand??.
This is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 14400 minutes.