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Mild mannered QM.
There are some rather unintuitive things about the QM console.

1) When in the trader interface (buying from a trader, checking cart etc.) you can't see the market prices, perhaps adding a market value next to any items the trader needs or sells would be a good idea?
Gragg has some uquil for sale, so instead of having to click back to market, go to traders, click Gragg, and then click buying, you could just see that Uquil is worth 1200 credits on the market right beside it's name in brackets.

2) there is no real reason for limiting cart size and crate size ( although maybe the 50 limit is there for lag reasons?) other than to prevent people from achieving exponential growth of cash money, I propose a simple solution:

Give traders a limited stock, but increase the amount that can be ordered to the maximum stock the trader has, therefore if Gragg has a stock of 250 Uquil nuggets you should be able to buy all (176 eg.) units if you have the cashola, without making it piss easy to make tons 'o cash.

What do you think unspecified person(s)?
Shoddy Wrote:( although maybe the 50 limit is there for lag reasons?)
I can confirm this is the case. Creating a huge stack of items all at once and then moving them around in a crate would likely create a significant lag spike.
ISaidNo Wrote:
Shoddy Wrote:( although maybe the 50 limit is there for lag reasons?)
I can confirm this is the case. Creating a huge stack of items all at once and then moving them around in a crate would likely create a significant lag spike.
Isn't the 50 limit for selling and the 20 limit for buying? Also can we somehow try to work on that, I'd like to be able to purchase more than 20 things in some cases or maybe have an option to purchase all my shopping cart items (from multiple traders) in one crate for space efficiency, any way this could be a thing?
What if there is just a timer between when a crate gets shipped? Buy 100 crates, see them come in at a rate of 1 crate every 5 seconds or so. At any time, look at the que of things to be shipped and cancel them for a refund.
Frank_Stein Wrote:What if there is just a timer between when a crate gets shipped? Buy 100 crates, see them come in at a rate of 1 crate every 5 seconds or so. At any time, look at the que of things to be shipped and cancel them for a refund.
Good idea.

Even if no one wants to take the time to set up the code for multiple crates in a queue, it sure would be nice to have suggestion #1

Also what do you think of limited stock? It is sort of tedious to be only able to order 20 units at a time and have to keep on refreshing a bunch of windows, just let us order them all in crates of max 30 on a queue.

Also on a side note: if we wanted to avoid lag problems entirely, we could just have a system where you set up an "off site storage" for your items where the items don't actually exist, but can be shipped in any number or shipped to the station in crates of 30.
Know what's weird? You can only order 20 things at once, and if a trader is selling metal they have 200 of it, and each sheet is one item. And they refresh to fully-stocked every time you purchase something.
Frank_Stein Wrote:What if there is just a timer between when a crate gets shipped? Buy 100 crates, see them come in at a rate of 1 crate every 5 seconds or so. At any time, look at the que of things to be shipped and cancel them for a refund.

Sounds like a good idea to me, and a queue is how the game handles other lag-causing events like explosions.

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