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Get rid of the Chemical Dispenser behind the bar
The chemical dispenser behind the bar is not a great idea for the start. Point a obnoxious people are going to breakthrough the window and crash the server somehow with infinite smoke or something stupid like that. Point b the barman doesn't really require the machine for it weed can be extracted and you could possibly contact science (probably not because its been blown up). Point c it makes it very easy for a traitor barman when you know its suppose to be difficult and that's why people hope for being a traitor scientist. Putting the chemical dispenser there was really just a poor choice to be honest.
I don't agree. The chem dispenser behind the bar is awesome for the barman and gives him a reason to use his riot shotgun when rowdy people break in to get to it
well sadly i did but then i got slayed by admin
I suggest putting the chem machine in the barsman BACK room so people don't have such an easy access chem machine
pizzatiger Wrote:I suggest putting the chem machine in the barsman BACK room so people don't have such an easy access chem machine
The back room isn't much safer, from what I remember. It might even be less safe because it's harder to see people breaking in from the back
I was gonna say exactly what Ursula said.

You can already steal the beakers behind kitchen really easily before you even break into barman's office.
This is basically why I avoid batman now. I can't take people breaking in before I just go crazy with the shotgun and get Jobbanned?
I'm fine with where it's at. It's too public for most people to get away with making too deadly of stuff.
TheTrixRabitt Wrote:This is basically why I avoid batman now. I can't take people breaking in before I just go crazy with the shotgun and get Jobbanned?
Did I really just type Batman? v
I'd probably only use the shotgun if someone was trying to murder someone else in bar.

That said I don't barman or detective much because I hate when I arrive late on the station and the riot shotgun or thermals and detective revolver have already been stolen or borrowed.

Sec gear you can kinda work around with the extra sec lockers, or even be a jerk and just bribe the QM into buying a laser crate, but what's the point of detective if you can't get flashed wearing the thermals all of the time, or yell at people as barman and actually mean it.
Frank_Stein Wrote:I'm fine with where it's at. It's too public for most people to get away with making too deadly of stuff.

You say that as if anyone would intervene or even care if they saw an assistant making sarin or whatever behind the bar
If you are barman and are actually at your post, the break in rate is significantly lower, also the bar chem-machine is vital to allow the chef jobrole to make cake frosting and allows these two jobs to be able to be just as destructive as every other job role (botany can make fucking exploding tomatos, meth stims, napalm, and healing stuff as well as many other nasties, security has security stuff, sciecnce has explosives of all kinds, medbay has surgical tools and ability to malpractice people to death. And I could go on for hours.
I've seen scientists beat trespassers to death with a fire extinguisher. Don't recall when exactly though.

I don't think anyone's gonna argue with someone making sarin unless it was the barman himself.
Maybe don't be a jerk barman who monopolizes the chem dispenser and refuses to allow people to have so much as a water?
Yeah, the few times I've played barman, you can reduce the break-in rate a ton simply by asking people if they want to use the dispenser and letting them in to use it. Plus, a fair amount of drinks require the chem dispenser for interesting chemicals, so it's not like the barman doesn't need it. And as for the third point, I'm not sure it even really makes sense for how 'easy' each job ought to be as a traitor.

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