cgrn10's application fo rmentor
Usual Character Name: Rite Krel
BYOND Username: cgrn10
Recommended by (if applicable): (Don't know if you put mentors here but, ) SgtBriar, Xeram, and some others
Times Available:Extremely inconsistent but mostly everyday

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum): Just going to write this up super quick before I leave for school. So I started playing around one and half years ago about. I'm really bad with time so it may have been 2 years but yeah. As in line with my previous bans I was shit when I started playing because I was new to the game and still liked games like CoD. Horrid time I know. Then I began to have my intellectual side kick in and was just astounded at all there is in this game and set out to know all of it at an above par rate(?). So I sort of went into hiding from this last December to around June on the few people servers, did some hardcore chemistry and learned all the other jobs. Since this was the time before hardwired solars, I had to firstly set up the engine every round because I didn't like wandering around in the dark giving me knowledge of most of the engineering jobs as sometimes I would just hang out there. I was botanising for some time and with that also getting the little knowledge of the jobs of chef and bartender. Almost of Medsci I knew to an extreme at that point. Then comes a long the summer. For the past few months I have been much more active on number 4 usually as sec or medical doctor, as I like to help the people on the station. That's why I am also writing this, I want to give back to the people of our farts in space simulator. I thought the game was actually quite hard as I was getting into it and that can be a turn off for some people, so having that helping hand to tell you not to set yourself on fire repeatedly in chemistry can help to pull someone into this amazing game. I know this is ending a little short, but time is telling me gtfo right now, so I hope this goes over well and if it doesn't I learn more about how to improve myself.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): I believe I got a day ban for metagaming way back when, a 3 day ban for being shit and wrestling people without consent again way back when I started playing. Nothing really recent I can think of.
This spaceman has demonstrated advanced knowledge and commitment in the field of farting around on a 2D spaceman game to the point I'd recommend him for mentor as stated in his recommendations. A good spaceman who can teach others to be good spacemen. Give he the purpletext.
Mentor material for sure I thought he was already a mentor
Aye he smaaartt
You're a pretty neat dude; I say yes for mentor status. You made some harmless errors in your post there' but nothing obstructive.

I've seen you in-game alot, good person. Good attitude.

I support this. Knowledgeable person.
I have run schemes with Rite Krel, you know your shit, your heart and head are in the right place, you're no fun-ruiner. Thumbs up.
Rite's fun to work along with and will make good mentor material with what she knows.
Definitely yes!

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