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freed mind slaves
so when you're a mind slave and the timer on the mind slave implant runs out a pop up appears telling you that you are no longer under the control of whoever implanted you. my idea is that there be something your character does that other people can see and recognize that you're no longer a mind slave. for example "John Q. Pubbie blinks rapidly and looks around as though they've just woken up!" something like that so if they happen to be getting beat to death whoever is doing the beating can recognize that oh they were just doing as ordered and are no longer a threat.
This would be funny the first time a mindslave makes powerful use of *customv as a get out of jail free card.
Make the implant shoot out of their body, and shatter against a nearby wall/staff assistant's face.
Ikkonoishi Wrote:Make the implant shoot out of their body, and shatter against a nearby wall/staff assistant's face.

These kinds of posts are why I&S threads always derail into incomprehensible gibberish. The original idea doesn't need cluwnes, it doesn't need to do wheelies and dance around with a sik 90's 'tude. Sure, it may seem funny to you at first, but that doesn't mean it's worth bringing up as a serious suggestion.
To avoid custom emote exploitation you could make the text red, in the same way that ling acid spit emote text is red.

Or it could not do that and people could just check them for an implant.
Why would you want to prevent custom emote exploitation?
DyssalC Wrote:To avoid custom emote exploitation you could make the text red, in the same way that ling acid spit emote text is red.

Or it could not do that and people could just check them for an implant.

i would expect a competent security officer (no such thing) would want to arrest a suspected mind slave, dig around in them for an implant, and debrief them for information on who implanted them. of course this would never happen
One of the nice things about mindslave implants not giving any indication when they wear off is that even if you're right next to the slavemaster, they have no way of knowing it wore off. It may be tough explaining to the person you were beating to death that your mindslave implant just wore off, but it's even harder explaining to the person who mindslaved you that no, you weren't going to turn on them or drive a knife into their back at the first opportunity now that they have been notified the implant wore off.
Dabir Wrote:Why would you want to prevent custom emote exploitation?
This is the point that should be made. How many traitors will we see making goofy emotes and claiming amnesia when the cops catch them?
"But I was mindslaved, I swear!" "Sure thing buddy, tell it to the guy whose limbs you cut off."
Terrible idea.

Implant yourself with a mindslave. When security arrests you claim someone else did it, when they find the mindslave they'll assume you were telling the truth, and you'll only be loyal to yourself.
atomic1fire Wrote:Terrible idea.

Implant yourself with a mindslave. When security arrests you claim someone else did it, when they find the mindslave they'll assume you were telling the truth, and you'll only be loyal to yourself.

You can do that now, it just doesn't come with an emote to show it. You can just say "Oh fantastic it wore off. Guys, check my chest! I'm actually a mindslave!".

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