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Fix fractal sandwiches/cakes
Once it gets over a certain amount just make it say it has "a lot of stuff" in it or something.
I'll look into limiting it to roughly 1000 characters.

KikiMofo Wrote:No.

Piss off.
Marquesas Wrote:
KikiMofo Wrote:No.

Piss off.

This has been ran into the ground. Like many nice things before it.

Requiescat in piss.
Spy_Guy Wrote:
Marquesas Wrote:
KikiMofo Wrote:No.

Piss off.

This has been ran into the ground. Like many nice things before it.

Requiescat in piss.

Yeah, unfortunately, it has, thus my idea. I think I pretty much reached peak sandwich last night anyways.
I think that maybe there should be some sort of reward for the effort of breaking the character limit.

Maybe give it a cool effect of some sort... like, the ability to accordion out and spring people absurd distances depending on size?

Maybe make it do 1 point of damage when eaten for ever so many words in it past the limit, so that you can make gibsandwiches if you go BEYOND THE BEYOND?

I feel like if we take out something fun, yet run into the ground, we should replace it with something simple and non-broken that's not QUITE worth the effort but still enough to make the experience worthwhile
but i like my sandwich on plain bread sandwich sandwich fried sandwich nugget nugget nugget nugget nugget nugget cake
BlakeJohnson Wrote:but i like my sandwich on plain bread sandwich sandwich fried sandwich nugget nugget nugget nugget nugget nugget cake
It's all fun until the text is so long it crashes your game.
UrsulaMejor Wrote:I think that maybe there should be some sort of reward for the effort of breaking the character limit.

Maybe give it a cool effect of some sort... like, the ability to accordion out and spring people absurd distances depending on size?

Maybe make it do 1 point of damage when eaten for ever so many words in it past the limit, so that you can make gibsandwiches if you go BEYOND THE BEYOND?

I feel like if we take out something fun, yet run into the ground, we should replace it with something simple and non-broken that's not QUITE worth the effort but still enough to make the experience worthwhile

I feel like you should stop posting in favor of things that can and have crashed the server
Berrik Wrote:I feel like you should stop posting in favor of things that can and have crashed the server
I don't understand your response to what I posted? I think you may have misinterpreted something I said somewhere.

1)Marquesas is putting in a 1000 character limit
2) I suggested that in order to keep the practice still a thing that has small rewards that when you hit the 1000 character limit and it reduces to "A lot of stuff sandwich" we add in some fun effects.
3) For example, if there were 10,000 characters in the sandwich before reducing it to "A lot of stuff sandwich" it could accordion out and spray its contents everywhere, or hurt you if you ate it by dealing, say, 1 damage for ever 500 characters above 1000
I like ursulamejor's idea, but the sandwiches/cakes need to go even if his idea isn't implemented.
So you are suggesting making super sandwiches like stranglet loaves?
Someone just crashed the server with one of these. A quick fix here would be to disallow using sandwiches as ingredients in sandwiches and cakes. If you can't do that then making a fractal sandwich becomes impossible.

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