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Injecting bee eggs with chems should make diffrent bees.
So I found out today you can inject bee eggs with chems, sadly this doesn't effect the bee.

So I propose different chems could change the icon of the bee that comes out and give different effects.

Say You inject a bee with the chem inside weed, when fully grown it should have sunglasses, and always be(e) smoking a lit blunt.

unstable mutagen = super deformed cute bee(even more cute then they already are.)
Napalm + unstable mutagen = Fire bee(A bee sprite, but looks like they are on fire) , that would be wise to keep away from flammable items.
Ants + unstable mutagen = Ant bee.
Nanomachines = Robee(not the robuddy bee, but a bee that looks like a cyborg)
DB(if you was truly a monster) = ashes
DB+ Unstable mutagen = Dragon Bee
Ectoplasm + unstable mutagen = Ghost Bee.
Grog = Pirate Bee.
Synthflesh = A bee that looks like it has human skin.
Insulin =Willam Beeley
lipolicide = skinny bee.

So what other chems could we inject bee eggs to make different kinds of bees.
By "super deformed" as an attempt at being cute do you mean you want to see a bee with a face like this?
BadClown Wrote:By "super deformed" as an attempt at being cute do you mean you want to see a bee with a face like this?

IF needs bees it, that would be funny.
Sugar = Candy Bee
Vodka = Russian Bee
Space Cleaner = Janitor Bee
Healing Chems = Doctor Bee
Space Lube = Clown Bee
This'd be a lot of spriting work for not much at all
I think this would be feasible if you limited it to:

Royal Jelly: Queen Bee (still)
beff: Fat n' Sassy Space Bee
nanites: Guardbuddy-looking bee
lipocide: Skinny n' Charming Space Bee
Exctoplasm: Ghostly Bee

Because sprites exist for the first 3, the 5th is just a transparency effect, and the 4th doesn't see super difficult and is the only sprite necessary.
YJHGHTFH Wrote:This'd be a lot of spriting work for not much at all

It does gives me reason to inject bee eggs with horrible chems.
Natsumehack Wrote:It does gives me reason to inject bee eggs with horrible chems.

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