SgtBriar's Application for Mentor
Usual Character Name: Austin Feufer
BYOND Username: SgtBriar
Times Avaliable: Varies a lot, but usually anytime from 10am AEST onwards
Recommended by: Bob Ludwig

Reason for Applying/Game Experience
The reason I'm applying for Mentor is because I really enjoy helping and teaching people new things. This game is complex as fuck to begin with and when you get to stuff like chemistry, bomb making or the engine it just ramps up expotentially, which can really ward off new players. Having a helping hand to guide you, or at least set you on the right path set you on the right path so you can see just how fun this game really is, is a huge boon for new people and for the game's lifeblood, and I'd like to be one of those people.

Game experience, uh, I first played this farting spacemen game about 2 years ago, on Mushroom Station. At that time I was a pretty immature and dumb dude. At that time, the RD also still started with a bomb. This led to me doing some very stupid things, resulting in a few short bans, and then a month long that I think I got for attempting to suicide bomb a traitor, which led to me to quitting for a long ass time until I came back about two months ago. Since then, I've tried my best to not be shitty (apparently I only have one admin note for lasering escape in a pod trying to kill a ling - that was at the beginning and I've avoided randomly firing ever since) and tried to be productive, helping dudes out. My experience in terms of time played is lacking compared to a lot of the other players out there, but I think in terms of knowledge I have a really solid foundation, one that I'm still building on.

My department of choice is Research, in particular Chemistry. I'll freely admit, I fit the chemist stereotype perfectly, an insane terrorist who exists to do nothing else than to make the most deadly hellfoam or poison mix, and when they've done so run around the station yelling "EUREKA!", all the while sleepy penning people, throwing grenades of doom, or both; basically a demented, horribly paranoid, space age Archimedes. I'm fairly competent at mixing up some death, although I don't go for extremely involved recipes, I prefer a KISS approach. If something does is easy to make quickly and it does the job, then it's good enough for me. Medical and Security are also two jobs I really enjoy playing, both having clear-cut objectives that are quite satifisying. Saving people's lives is actually my second favourite thing to do in this game, even if I don't get any thanks for it.

Your opinion of Shrek:
Shrek was good, then he got mainstream and exploited for laffs. Now, all of his layers have been peeled away and to be honest there's not much left ogre. Rippo sherk

Previous bans:
Three on mushroom, two fairly short ones although I forget the reasons why, and one month-long ban for what I believe was suicide bombing.
Austin definitely knows his stuff - a concrete yes from me.
100% yes Austin is a great player. Always tries to help people and is just a really cool dude. I'm surprised he is not applying for Head of Security as well since he is a amazing officer as well. Anyway he knows his stuff he will make a great mentor
Ol' fiesty's a good guy, I'd recommend him.
Absolutely yes for this dude, he knows his shit.
Austin is a really cool dude and would do great as a mentor. So I say yes
Yeah absolutely, super dude.
Chill, knowledgeable and robust. Make him purple.
Austin's a good dude and he knows his stuff. Mentor he.
Ah, austin feufer, more like austin pooper as i like to say, you are a good guy, you know your shit and there is a story too! a way back when you and me would do mad science, pretty much making mixes that would shoot flames everywhere in the test chamber, and i enjoyed almost every second of it, you've always been a helpful fun dude and i am surprised this has not been accepted yet, Give this guy everything, he deserves it.
Austin is A Good Dude who is always fun to play with. I've never had a bad round when we both roll sec. Seconding the idea he should really be going for HoS.
Yeah, apply for HoS sometime too
a fair few people Wrote:Stuff about applying for HoS

I'll apply for HoS maybe a month or so down the track. I still think I have a bit to learn as security, in my opinion.

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