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Good Idea/Bad Idea
Dabir Wrote:

There we go, I remember being told that this is what the engine's supposed to be.

Then those two turbines make even less sense and their roles as basic "pressure sensors" is confirmed.

Also, I had courses about the seebeck effect, I had to pass exams about the seebeck effect, if that's what is used ingame, it is not sensible to make a space station wide power source with it (most installations can barely pass the kilowatt, but I guess spacemans have made the technology very efficient so whatever) and a simple joule engine makes way more sense since we have access to a whole friggin atmospherics system and it's way more fun to mess with than a simple box with some supersized wires in it (in my opinion at least).

Anyways, I can understand that a purely thermoelectric generator would be used due to the simplicity of the model required. But then, it still leaves a big question : what is the influence of pressure inside the loops in regards to generated power ?
There's no pumps in the actual engine system itself, only in the inputs and outputs, so as far as I know, gas flow within each loop is driven pretty much exclusively by pressure (to be more precise, pressure differences at different points in the loop, caused by the one-way gates and the temperature-changing aspects of the system). That's why the visual indicator of loop pressure is a set of turbines - because pressure is a rough indicator of gas flow speed. Because the hot loop is constantly dumping heat into the cold loop, both loops need to be flowing at a sufficient and somewhat similar speed. If the cold loop is flowing too slow compared to the hot loop, then it won't cycle through the coolant pipes as quickly and as often as the hot loop cycles through the heat source, causing the cold loop's average temperature to rise and reducing the temperature gap (and therefore the power output). If the cold loop is flowing really, really slow, then it'll hardly be cycling through the coolant pipes at all and will be almost as hot as the hot loop itself, tanking output completely.
-Chance for anybody on the station to start with a random mutation (good, bad neutral, though some exempt due to being too much, like mute or radiation).

-The ability to hack smelter fabricators

-New items for the smelter fabricators, like cells made from conductive materials, tasers made from sec fabricators. Possibly from hacking smelters.

-The ability to fortify borg limbs with smelter metal.

-Traitorous borg augmentations, like installable attachments or actual augments. Lasers, tasers, phasers, flamethrowers, fog machines, radiation emitter augment, cloaking augment, modified speed augment that allows the borg to ram into human painfully, electric current augment that causes borgs hit with conductive weapons (crowbars, fire extinguishers, toolboxes, etc.) to shock their attacker.

-Robot rampage dedicated telesci zone. I don't consider Mars to fit that description, and lava moon is a machine god sort of thing.

-Telesci level that is essentially a station that was overran by botany and genetics, filled with carnivorous plants, diabolical monkeys, lions, and other space wildlife.

-Traitor chef gains a special traitor item; a piece of meat that when put into the gibber creates a meat monster. The meat monster acts like a man-eater, but when it devours someone it creates another piece of meat, which can then be used to make ANOTHER meat monster, thus keeping the cycle going.

-Special staff assistant traitor item; clown suit with special perks, like the safari costume. The shoes that would normally make you constantly trip you up make you faster and dispense space lube and act like galoshes. The mask turns all your words into honks. The outfit is as bulletproof as a normal vest. The costume comes with a few bananas that have spikes in them causing brute damage, a clown horn that has the effect of a sonic grenade and uses a charge system like the vuvuzela gun (the mask makes you immune to the sound). The suit also processes your farts into the really potent farts, causing tox damage to whoever you fart on.
Remove headsets for everyone as the default, with the exception of Heads and Sec. Replace them with improved PDAs that have a contact list that allows you to make 1 on 1 and group phone calls, with a type shortcut like "*call George Melons" to dial someone's number, "*hangup" to end calls, "*speaker" to toggle speakerphone

Also add office phones as suggested in the other thread, and a 911 emergency line that automatically calls and forces an answer to all Sec,and medical PDAs
A list of various frequencies that different packets are sent on. It doesn't even need to say whats on which frequency, just leave a notice in the radio room or something along the lines of "The following frequencies are reserved for specific usage, do not send extraneous transmissions on them."

You know, so new people getting into packet hacking dont need to slowly comb through each and every frequency as they search.
Paineframe Wrote:There's no pumps in the actual engine system itself, only in the inputs and outputs, so as far as I know, gas flow within each loop is driven pretty much exclusively by pressure (to be more precise, pressure differences at different points in the loop, caused by the one-way gates and the temperature-changing aspects of the system). That's why the visual indicator of loop pressure is a set of turbines - because pressure is a rough indicator of gas flow speed. Because the hot loop is constantly dumping heat into the cold loop, both loops need to be flowing at a sufficient and somewhat similar speed. If the cold loop is flowing too slow compared to the hot loop, then it won't cycle through the coolant pipes as quickly and as often as the hot loop cycles through the heat source, causing the cold loop's average temperature to rise and reducing the temperature gap (and therefore the power output). If the cold loop is flowing really, really slow, then it'll hardly be cycling through the coolant pipes at all and will be almost as hot as the hot loop itself, tanking output completely.

But if the hot loop is flowing really really fast, it shouldn't have time to properly transfer heat through the engine. Really, the optimal setup should be to have as slow and identical as possible flow in both loops. (Ideally it should be infinitely slow but hey you get why it's not worth it)

Also, a thing that annoys me a lot is the usage of pressure as some kind of mass unit in canisters and tanks. It works, obviously, but havign access to the actual mass would make things easier to understand. (And yes I am aware that pv = rT and that linear interpolation lets us calculate the mass of a full canister at temperature X because all canisters seem to have the same volume)
A septic tank connected to the toilets. Put your hand in and fish out items other people have flushed ("You pull a microbomb implanter out of the septic tank. You are absolutely disgusting") or dip in a beaker and get jenkem.
VictorMAngoStein Wrote:A septic tank connected to the toilets. Put your hand in and fish out items other people have flushed ("You pull a microbomb implanter out of the septic tank. You are absolutely disgusting") or dip in a beaker and get jenkem.

There's actually a reagent called sewage.
A Star Wars style disposal system that empties into a sewage tank would be pretty hilarious
A tether. Basically you attach the tether to someone and they are automatically pulled towards you every time you move. They can move away up to a limit of slack before it starts pulling back, or they could disconnect the tether. It wouldn't be for traitor shenanigans so much as expeditions and stuff so that you could pull your buddy out of danger without having to rightclick+drag them, as well as making sure no one gets lost. Use the buddy system.
Necklacing. Make it happen.
Frank_Stein Wrote:A Star Wars style disposal system that empties into a sewage tank would be pretty hilarious

Branching off of that, maybe a crusher that's actually a crusher? Like, a little pit with walls that gradually close inward at regular intervals to destroy what's in the pit. Like an Indiana Jones trap or something. Make it so if you fall in you have enough time to maybe escape but if you're too slow, it's squish.

Additionally, on the Star Wars angle, maybe put a cyclopean pit monster in there that sometimes attacks people who fall in.
Finger trap: Works exactly like a really awful pair of handcuffs, except mostly a gag item.

Place this on someone, or yourself, and watch that person spend 1-15 seconds trying to take it off.

Being a really cheap pair of handcuffs, trying to pull someone around using the finger trap may cause it to break.
Combine butts with musical instruments, and then reattach them to change the fart sound. Perform the rare and dangerous triple-sax.
Fart-in-a-jar: The homemade flashbang that even an assistant can make!

Voodoo spells and a witch doctor costume for the wizard: why kill your enemies when you can steal their souls?

The ability to make exploding medibots (that do about as much damage as a welding fuel pipe bomb)

A push frog that croaks GET OUT! when you squeeze it.

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