07-22-2014, 06:36 PM
When you put nanites in the arc-smelter and end up borging half the people on the server.
Best moments ever thread 2.0
07-22-2014, 06:36 PM
When you put nanites in the arc-smelter and end up borging half the people on the server.
07-23-2014, 01:03 AM
Ikkonoishi Wrote:When you put nanites in the arc-smelter and end up borging half the people on the server. Gosh you are more of a monster then me.
07-23-2014, 04:34 AM
Readster Wrote:WereClown VS WereCluwne. The battle to end all battles. The best part of that round was the werecluwne's introduction on the escape shuttle: an intense midi track played to accompany the arrival of a completely limbless man, naked but for the mask on his face, pathetically inching around the shuttle. Then he turned into a werelingpirewrestler and raised havoc.
07-23-2014, 06:27 AM
Ricky Robby [145.9] exclaims, "security to security!!"
Ricky Robby [145.9] says, "i have something to announce, you corrupt pigs." Ricky Robby flies through the ceiling! Galactic Alliance Update A massive influx of negative b-ball protons has been detected. A Chaos Dunk is imminent. All personnel currently on Military Dump 37 have 15 seconds to reach minimum safe distance. This is not a test. Ned-I C-Gon [145.9] states, "Hank Hill has signed up as Head of Security." Hank Hill [145.9] says, "OH FUCK" Hank Hill [145.9] says, "A BAD TIME TO JOIN" Ricky Robby successfully executes a Chaos Dunk! Christopher Gettemy [145.9] stammers, "HHOOS ggee ttoo sseeccurrittyyy yuuurr nnnneerrddssss ddddiddnntt ssseett meee aaaa ttimmmmee"
07-23-2014, 06:45 AM
Natsumehack Wrote:Gosh you are more of a monster then me. To be fair I planned on just borging myself, but I developed an asymptomatic strain of the nanite infection so even when it went to stage 5/5 I didn't beep-boop. I hit one guy who was breaking into the MD's office with the shovel once while he was getting a general beatdown, and tossed it in the bar hitting another guy. I went back to medical and made a nanite-infused air tank. Then I commented on the fact I had over 100 units of nanites in my bloodstream the MD came up and chain-zapped me with both defibrillators without even asking. That cured my asymptomatic strain, but didn't really make a dent in the nanites in my blood so I got infected with an active strain. My infection progressed pretty quickly to stage 5 so I ran back to the arc smelter to recycle the air tank into a metal bar. I wanted to make a few extra shovels to drag around the station before I lost my hands. A couple of guys were playing with the nanite metal I had left behind, and standing next to the arc smelter. I shoved the air tank in the smelter and the smelter spewed nanite smoke out which instantly put both those guys up to stage 5. One of them suicided into the smelter, and the other one made a nanite-infused flesh jumpsuit out of him. I shoved all the nanite-infused bars I had into the fab before I ended up borged. I made another nanite infused slag shovel, and dubbed myself Borg-king, and walked around the station offering people citizenship in Borgtopia. I called the shovel my scepter, and told people that they merely had to grasp it to gain citizenship. Someone picked it up, and said they were keeping it so I went back to the arc smelter to make another scepter. I found a guy there making nanite-bullets who would go on to shoot a couple of people before getting converted himself. I made another scepter, and took it up to the bar where a blob had invaded botany, and was being worshiped by cultists. I offered the blob citizenship. One of the cultists took my scepter, and fed himself to the blob. Sadly the blob was not borged.
07-27-2014, 07:30 AM
07-28-2014, 02:34 AM
Apparently heisenbee is a tough motherfucker It only shows a measly 30k degrees here but that empty canister ended up having 200K degrees gasses in it.
07-28-2014, 02:10 PM
A space WW1 round happened today. it was beautiful
07-29-2014, 12:17 AM
OMJ Wrote:A space WW1 round happened today. it was beautiful It got a bit strange when the dead started coming back as zombies. Then War Itself appeared with a hunting rifle and invincibility. I pushed it over and stole its shoes. Unfortunately I was a zombie at that point and could not ask it what it was good for.
07-29-2014, 02:30 AM
Lost Generation SA Wrote:I could not ask War what it was good for. That's a crime against comedy.
07-29-2014, 02:44 PM
Conor12 Wrote:Lost Generation SA Wrote:I could not ask War what it was good for. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5L2Gve7oh_4
08-01-2014, 02:32 AM
Sterling Archer twitches.
Damian Garneys says, "uh oh" Sterling Archer twitches. Ricky Robby says, "is that officer on drugs" Damian Garneys has scanned Sterling Archer! Sterling Archer grumbles. Damian Garneys says, "yes" Sterling Archer punches Damian Garneys! Sterling Archer punches Damian Garneys! Damian Garneys [145.9] says, "whelp a sec officer is on drugs and beating me"
08-01-2014, 02:36 PM
You show the cryptographic sequencer to Ol' Harner! They are very impressed.
DRUGBOT [145.9] states, "WOAH" Luis Smith [145.9] says, "have you tried both exit and quit" Ricky Robby attacks Maetchoe Man in the chest with the cryptographic sequencer! DRUGBOT [145.9] states, "A MACHO MAN" Ricky Robby says, "hmm" Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Chester Deadman [145.9] says, "yes" Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Ricky Robby screams! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man crashes into the table! Maetchoe Man crashes into the table! Nick Davis [145.9] says, "Try 0." Ricky Robby is buckled in by Maetchoe Man. DRUGBOT states, "OH GOD" Ricky Robby says, "oh god" Maetchoe Man shakes Ricky Robby trying to wake Ricky Robby up! Nick Davis [145.9] stammers, "BBBeeeeeppsskkyy eemmaageedd.." Maetchoe Man shakes Ricky Robby trying to wake Ricky Robby up! Maetchoe Man shakes Ricky Robby trying to wake Ricky Robby up! You begin to recover. Ricky Robby [145.9] says, "you can't emag the matcho man" Ricky Robby says, "you can't emag the matcho man" Maetchoe Man shakes Ricky Robby trying to wake Ricky Robby up! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! DRUGBOT states, "HE BUCKLED YOU IN" Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Ricky Robby [145.9] says, "at all" Ricky Robby says, "at all" Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! DRUGBOT states, "OH GOOOOD" Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Chester Deadman [145.9] says, "nope" Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Maetchoe Man clotheslines Ricky Robby into oblivion! Ricky Robby is unbuckled by Maetchoe Man. Maetchoe Man forcefully kicks Cafeteria! Maetchoe Man crashes into the golden statue of Stockley! DRUGBOT [145.9] states, "RICKY, THAT WAS A DUMB IDEA"
08-01-2014, 05:59 PM
"Maetchoe Man crashes into the golden statue of Stockley!"
08-01-2014, 08:28 PM
Mike Markerson attempts to feed Unknown THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread, THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread, and THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread sandwich on plain bread sandwich on plain bread, THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread, THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread, and THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread sandwich on plain bread, THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread, THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread, and THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread sandwich on plain bread, and THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread, THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread, and THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread sandwich on plain bread sandwich on plain bread, and THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread, THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread, and THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread sandwich on plain bread, THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread, THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread, and THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread sandwich on plain bread, and THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread, THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread, and THE MONSTER, THE MONSTER, and THE MONSTER sandwich on plain bread sandwich on plain bread sandwich on plain bread sandwich on plain bread cake.
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