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Sad And unforgiving admins.
Hey, I have a small problem, if you can't talk with an admin truley, and let them give you a chance, there should be 3 warning meater, if you get over a warning you get week ban, if you brake any rule after that ban its permanent.

But, now why would you ban a person , and not let them have a chance to do anything in their community EVER again ?
Could you just simply tell me why is that, and why would you be banned for "droping a small stick on the floor" and getting perma banned

For killing a person, wen admins kill people with "Storms and stuff" Apperently not ruing the players full experiance, but wen you kill someone its like a HUGE deal

Next time please warn people before you perma ban them, thanks
Well, because im sceard of truth, im only a kid, who is sceard...
I am trying my hardest to come back sadly, i go in this mode, wen i lie its a bad habbit
Wonkmin, man i know its hard to trust a person who is banned 5 times, but its late night, and i always go on with a friend, and its always late at night i get banned, as i am tierd and want to try to do stuff, but always happens that i get banned :/ but man.
I am trying my butt of to get back, as this seems quite a nice community, i have played a year of space station 13, and i found goonstation aka lljk servers to have the nicest maps, and items and sometimes roleplay.
Wonkmin Wrote:Well now you need to learn how to deal with the consequences.

Go and play on another server and see how long your bullshit lasts there.
Actually i stoped, with it as i got banned from LLJK.
And Its not quite that eazy to go away from lljk or goon station
Wonkmin Wrote:Interestingly you have already exceeded your suggested three warning "meater". You're in the UK. The people of Yeovil and the surrounding area would be ashamed of your lack of basic skills. Learn to spell basic words, please.

(DEL) Feb 02 2014 7:58am | Submitter: wonkmin | Server lljk 2 us | Player Key: davidof9
Note: Banned by wonkmin, reason "Two prior notes for being awful and now even more griefing. Not responding to admin questioning. Goodbye.", duration:

(DEL) Feb 02 2014 4:20am | Submitter: heiraphont | Server lljk 1 us | Player Key: davidof9
Note: Shocking doors, setting turrets to lethal, telling the crew to murder other crew. All on default laws/no changelings. Warned.

(DEL) Jan 01 2014 19:51pm | Submitter: wirewraith | Server lljk 1 us | Player Key: davidof9
Note: Banned by wirewraith, reason "Went around hitting people with a chainsaw as security, didn't respond to adminhelps, logged off once prisoned.", duration: 7.37579e+06

Key: sexyrobomonkey (Permaban) By: magicmountain Reason: Several reports of being a rules-ignoring murderous shitheel over several rounds. Computer ID: 3305126806. Also tries to log on as Honkbee

This is just a small snapshot.

You have had so many chances. Each time you end up getting banned, then you register a new forum account on here and try to lie.

Your original post here is also full of lies.

I sure hope you are mentally ill or something so that there is some excuse for this pathetic shadow world you live in where you seem to be able to do no wrong.
Actually, i am quite bad speller, plus i only live here for a year and spelling is not my strongest side
Wonkmin Wrote:But you're never coming back. You need to learn this.

No amount of posting and complaining will ever mean your ban is lifted.


So please, stop posting, and go and do something else.

and why is that may i ask, i know i lied i know i rule broke, but why do you need to be such an ...
Why would i try so hard, so hard to get back into this server again ?
Just tell me a reason
EpicWolfie Wrote:
Wonkmin Wrote:But you're never coming back. You need to learn this.

No amount of posting and complaining will ever mean your ban is lifted.


So please, stop posting, and go and do something else.

and why is that may i ask, i know i lied i know i rule broke, but why do you need to be such an ...
Why would i try so hard, so hard to get back into this server again ?
Just tell me a reason
Welp, i know the reason, but why can't you give me another chance ?
As i wan't to come back, and i am always so dumb at night, as my brain needs to rest from all the HONKS and Bees i see
Wonkmin Wrote:Because even if we use your request for several chances, you've still exceeded that.

You will never be unbanned no matter how many times you ask.
And why did you add Tried to log on as HonkBee on the ban ?
Wonkmin Wrote:Because you tried yet another account to log on, because you clearly don't understand that our ban system does not just go by account name.

ADMIN LOG: Failed Login: Davidof9 - Banned (IP:, ID: 3305126806)

Stop trying. It will never work.
Hehe roll eyes (sarcastic) what id is it ? ^_^
Wonkmin Wrote:Because you tried yet another account to log on, because you clearly don't understand that our ban system does not just go by account name.

ADMIN LOG: Failed Login: Davidof9 - Banned (IP:, ID: 3305126806)

Stop trying. It will never work.
And why are you so unforgiving , and mean ?
I am just wondering you wen at me so aggressively, as i have not done anything bad to you man, im sorry if i somehow offended you for lieing before the time wen i made the unban appeals.

Sadly it does not really matter to you does it, but we could play some other games if you mind or not, form steam if you do have it
You do realize lying means we cannot trust pretty much anything you say? How do we know when you're lying and when you're not? Why should we spend our time trying to figure that out when we have plenty of players we get along with just fine?
Also you keep saying you want "one more chance" but you've already been given exactly that. On top of that you're not saying exactly WHY you should be given another chance.

Just give up, man. We don't deal with players like you.
Grow up a bit, play other games, learn from your mistakes. You don't need to play here.
Say you're a kid, and you have some friends over after school every day to hang out. There's this one weird kid who every time he shows up, something crappy happens. Maybe he starts a big shitty fight with another friend, or he breaks your stuff, or he insists on telling 'jokes' constantly about his my little pony / thomas the train engine crossover fanfiction with 'ironic' sex scenes. Every time you tell him to fuck off, he comes back a few days later promising that he's totally not going to do that again, but just like clockwork, within hours he's up to his old tricks. It's not going to take very long before you tell him to fuck off forever and completely ignore his pleas of 'but guyyys i PROMISE this time i won't start shit' and tell him to get bent.

You're that one weird kid. We don't care how many times you promise you're not going to start shit, because you've promised a million times before. We don't care that you're super sad that you're not allowed to hang out with us anymore, because you're the one who did the shit that caused that decision to begin with. We just don't care. We don't want you here. Stop passing us notes in math class. Stop showing up on our doorstep begging. Stop promising you'll be the best friend ever and let us play Super Mario 5 that your uncle who works at Nintendo totally let you have but you just don't have it with you right now. Just stop it and go away, you're embarassing yourself.

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