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This is a little list meant to be added onto about how to be a respectful enemy of the station.
Rule 1: Wait a while before going on your rampage. Don't go around pipe bomb gibbing the first random person you see two minutes in, they may be another antagonist.
Rule 2: If someone gives you respect, give it back to them. This includes people who clone you, the HoP if he gives you access, people who reattach limbs and so forth.
Rule 3: Say please and thank you. No rude noises at the dinner table.
Alright, now it's your turn, add onto this list with the things you think antagonists should do to make the round more fun for everyone. This does not include " URGH DO MORE GIMMIX GODDE" or " UGH FUK U *insert name here* U GIBD ME IN FIRSS 5 MINITS". Keep it to the format above.
Have fun.
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Be mindful of your teammates. Don't give it away to the crew that it's a wizard or nuclear round too early. Talk to your comrades, and be as cooperative and helpful as you can.
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tell people that you are going to kill them well in advance of doing it so they can run away to space and not have to deal with you ruining their round.
if you are about to defeat security, put your weapon away and let them stun you instead. it's their job to beat all of the antagonists, and if they don't do their job they could get fired! that would be awful!
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When you get murdered don't cry in deadchat all round long. Or do, those tears are so sweet.
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Clarks Wrote:When you get murdered don't cry in deadchat all round long. Or do, those tears are so sweet.
They're like nature's natural sweet and sour sauce.
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Make sure to step on another traitor's bomb before committing any traitorous acts of your own!
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BYOND Username: KikiMofo
Until the bug that wizard golems attack other wizards gets fixed you should probably tell your wizard buddy that you are going to do golems before hand. Also careful where you are flinging fireballs cause you might hit your buddy.
Also syndies. When you are about to bomb or RPG somewhere you should probably tell your teammates over the headset so they don't get caught in the blast.
And changelings be very nice to other changelings. You should always ask someone if they are a changeling before spitting them and eating so that way their round doesn't get ruined(Na really fuck other changelings. Usually they are jerks who want your extra DNA so they don't have to work as hard)
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thehman03 Wrote:Rule 2: If someone gives you respect, give it back to them. This includes people who clone you, the HoP if he gives you access, people who reattach limbs and so forth.
As a corollary to this one, remember that if you treat the medical staff well (or bribe them), they'll probably be a lot more open to stapling your limbs back on instead of braining you.
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When you get killed for respecting another antagonist make sure you get cloned.
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I got one. Don't tell other people how to use their traitor rounds.