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Gamemode Idea: Survival Games
The general idea behind this game mode is that 3 or 4 people are picked at the start of the round to be "traitors". They are not traitors in the traditional blow stuff up and kill people sense. Instead, the objective of these antags, who Iv'e decided to call Survivors, is to kill every other Survivor. It's Highlander style, there can be only one. However, it's not so simple as to simply see someone and kill them. The other Survivors will be doing everything in their power to hide their antag-ness and search for you as well. It is the ultimate game of hunt or be hunted. Except the field of play isn't a forest or field, but inside a highly populated Space Station. The issue for the Survivors is that they can't cause too much commotion. While a normal traitor can detonate and bomb and escape without worrying about who finds out his identity, a Survivor whose identity is given away will find themselves attacked by 3 others with an equal match of traitor gear. Ultimately, the Survivors can kill whoever they want, but it'd almost always be a detriment to their operation unless that person is another Survivor.

There are also several other variables that make the gamemode unlike others. Each Survivor is assigned a number from 1 to however many Survivors there are total. Each Survivor will receive a hint on other living Survivors. These hints can be anything from "One of the Survivors is at home on the Southern half of the Station." to "One of the Survivors has blue facial hair." When one Survivor kills another, the Station will receive an announcement along the lines of "Survivor X was killed by Survivor Y." Each living Survivor will then receive a hint specifically about Survivor Y (something like, "Survivor Y's first name is longer than his last name."). All non-involved Survivors will gain 2 crystals, while Survivor Y will get 3. When the Station is down to just two living Survivors, they will both learn the other's identity, receive a picture of them, and their PDAs will both specify the location of the other Survivor's PDA every few minutes.

Secondly, each Survivor has a random physical aspect that is revealed if they are examined. For instance, one Survivor might be missing his left eye. If he is examined (and not wearing some sort of facial wear that conceals his eye) then a light-red message will show the examiner that his eye is missing (something akin to what is displayed when someone is examined and has a light injury). This gives Survivors a dead give away for finding each other and forces them to conceal themselves as soon as possible. In some cases, it'll be a birth mark on their arm or a scar on their cheek or something of that sort. It's not necessarily enough to identify a Survivor as soon as the game begins, but it's enough to allow you to prove they are not Survivors just by stripping and being conscious enough to examine them.

Thirdly, as I state earlier, each Survivor's PDA periodically gets tips about the other Survivors. However, it also gives the Survivors other small bonuses. For instance, it'll also periodically tell you that such and such a person is not a Survivor or give you an extra crystal. It is quite useful, but it also has several glaring downsides. If it is destroyed, the Survivor is gibbed. If the Survivor dies, the PDA explodes like a PDA bomb. If it touches the floor or any object it is destroyed. It is only safe in someone's hands, pocket, belt, or inventory. Lastly, it'll explode if it leaves the Station's Z-level. This forces the Survivor to hold onto and protect their PDA (and stay within the Z-level), which acts as a bit of a tell for Survivors. This also gives other Survivors a bit of an incentive to not actually kill Survivors. It's better for them to capture and incapacitate the Survivor and then use their PDA to find the other Survivors. Security would also have an incentive not to just executed, but use the Survivor to find more Survivors.

Ultimately, the idea is to create a sort of mad battle royal between the Survivors with Security and the rest of the crew trying to stop them. However, it needs to do this without destroying the Station every single round. Yet, it needs to not destroy the Station without causing Survivors to just hide and wait for the others to expose themselves. Thus, they are given hints about each other and given an incentive to find the others. In that, they are forced to fight but not to fight in a way that's too destructive. It's kind of similar to a Changeling being forced to feed on players, but not doing it too openly lest they get robusted by the crew.
what if the survivor starts as a miner.

Karakoran Wrote:Lastly, it'll explode if it leaves the Station's Z-level. This forces the Survivor to hold onto and protect their PDA (and stay within the Z-level)
That... honestly sounds boring for the Survivors, and really boring for the rest of the station.

Why would Sec bother with the Survivors? What chaos would they cause the rest of the crew? What happens on server 1 or 3 if only one person joins? Does the round immediately end because there's only one Survivor?

Really, the biggest flaw with this idea is the fact that it really only involves the 3-4 people chosen. Traitors have to hide from and/or kill the rest of the crew, Vampires and Changelings have to eat them, even Spies use them as tools in their game mode, but there is no reason for Survivors to involve the rest of the crew.

Plus the fact that it's basically Spy, but reskinned.
How about instead of trying to survive each other, they had to survive the crew?
Edward_Tohr Wrote:Why would Sec bother with the Survivors? What chaos would they cause the rest of the crew? What happens on server 1 or 3 if only one person joins? Does the round immediately end because there's only one Survivor?

Really, the biggest flaw with this idea is the fact that it really only involves the 3-4 people chosen. Traitors have to hide from and/or kill the rest of the crew, Vampires and Changelings have to eat them, even Spies use them as tools in their game mode, but there is no reason for Survivors to involve the rest of the crew.

Plus the fact that it's basically Spy, but reskinned.
Aside from some the fact that some shithead would probably treat it as a chance to rampage, you're entirely right. There isn't actually much of a specified reason for Sec to target the Survivors aside from preventing them from fighting and causing undo collateral damage. However, they will just because of the nature of the Survivors. They're fighting to kill each other, utilizing "traitor" gear, and ultimately are labeled as antagonists. Security will naturally apprehend the Survivors, especially if they get told to do so.

The gamemode would be unplayable if there's only one person on the Station. Of course, the game itself is barely playable at that level anyway. It needs at least two people, I'm afraid.

I do actually agree. This gamemode doesn't directly involve the other crew in the same way something like Changeling does. However, neither does a game type like Syndicate. I've had Syndicate rounds go by without even knowing the round type and had plenty of fun in doing so. If I wanted to proactively try and stop the Syndicates I could probably get involved, just as someone could in this gamemode. It would be one of the slower game types, but that's not entirely a flaw. Sometimes slow rounds are the best. Plus, it's only slow if people choose to play it slowly. You could play it by bombing the shit out of a highly populated room and hoping you kill one of the Survivors by accident. I'm not entirely of the belief that antags have to be built around the concept of killing citizens constantly, either.

I also agree that it shares a similar element in that they're looking for each other and trying to kill competitors. However, it's different in that it's more about the showdown between Survivors and less about using mindslaves, securing posts across the Station, and all that stuff Spy entails. Survival Games is much less removed from the action and also encourages the Survivors to kill each other more so than Spy by giving them hints about the others. It's less about hiding like Waldo or Spy, but not as much about raw destruction and death like Syndicate or Wizard.

herpmcderp Wrote:what if the survivor starts as a miner.
I hadn't thought of that, actually. Perhaps the Mining Station z-level is also allowed, though that opens up the field of play tremendously. Essentially I just wanted a way to ensure that one Survivor wouldn't run off into space and hide for the round.

Frank_Stein Wrote:How about instead of trying to survive each other, they had to survive the crew?
That was Waldo, and it was glorious.
So basically spy, but hard to implement and with a lot of problems?
this sounds like what spy was intended to be, a sneaky game of hunt-or-be-hunted instead of Team Mindslave Rampage Hour

it sounds fun and i don't see why it couldn't work
I like this
How about these apples:

Miners start at the mining dock, the room connected to the shuttle. Since a bunch of people, any job, really, fuck off at the start of the round to grab shit, and commonly not return to their job, it could be a fix.

Also yeah, I love it. How many telecrystals do you think the last two survivors would have by the end of a, say, 75 minute round?

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