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Maintenance drones
Anticheese Wrote:Easily-removable wall stickers (possibly with a limited but regenerating supply to keep people from plastering them everywhere) that indicate a variety of hazards from WET FLOOR to DEATH
Archenteron Wrote:Give them little warning flags with O2, Fire, and Hazard symbols that pop out and wave around instead of pre-recorded messages.

Ahhhhhhh yaaaaas. So cute.
This is a great idea, it'd give dead players something to do other than whine and they could actually help the station in minor ways.
As far as what they could do, maybe they could work like slower, weaker versions of the existing bots, being able to make repairs, clean up messes, or heal minor wounds?

They'd just place themselves over what they wanted to work on, and stand still for about 10 to 20 seconds while they use power from their battery to repair the floor, break down garbage materials, or whatever.
10-20 seconds seems like a overkill if you ask me. I think they ought to have normal tools but with increased battery drain, perhaps? Or maybe make them only recover resources by consuming debris/rods/sheets but not recharger, because reasons.
This is a stupid idea. Being dead is a punishment, first of all, and giving dead people a prize is stupid. That said, the reasons its bad go far deeper than that.

I got a simple question for all of yous. Why is the station being repaired a good thing, objectively? How does that make the game more fun for everyone involved? Is your end goal when playing this to have the station is the best possible condition at all times with as few incidents as possible and everyone dilligently working? Chaos is entertaining, and this suggestion only servers to stem the flow of chaos, which is a bad thing.

Further to that, our players are petty fucks and will either use the capabilities of the repair drones to metagrudge and repair the damage caused by those who killed them or whatever, or wall shit off or something.

I would only be OK with the idea of maintenance drones as like, a kind of alternative AI shell or something. That said, I want someone to answer me. Why do you think it is objectively a thing that will improve the quality of rounds to have damage to the station repaired?

(fyi dead people arent gonna get to be drones. this shit aint happenin. accept it and move on)
I just want a hazard sticker gun, or some signs that can be toggled for various bad things. I don't care about dumb ghost drones.
thats a neat idea. like janitor signs from the future that are big LED screens you can change
I agree with bubs kinda. I mean if there are ghosts fixing the station every round it would just make the round drag on more cause the holes being punched into the station by the bad guys would just be fixed up so no one would call shuttle. Also I can really see these things being used to grudge someone who killed them. Like a bunch of drones just chasing down a changeling or someone who is trying to be really sneaky.
Anticheese Wrote:I just want a hazard sticker gun, or some signs that can be toggled for various bad things. I don't care about dumb ghost drones.
This is a good idea. It would at least cut down on the "Why is the arc smelter gone" and "why is Toxins bolted" radio spam. Though I think the station status displays are supposed to be able to do that on a station-wide basis, if they actually even exist (I have no idea where one goes to view them).
what if we just have these repair drones be something you can toss a brain into like a borg? Maybe if you toss and NPC monkey brain into it just does its job like a floor bot or clean bot would do.
hatmadder Wrote:what if we just have these repair drones be something you can toss a brain into like a borg? Maybe if you toss and NPC monkey brain into it just does its job like a floor bot or clean bot would do.

this is also a neat idea
bubs Wrote:
hatmadder Wrote:what if we just have these repair drones be something you can toss a brain into like a borg? Maybe if you toss and NPC monkey brain into it just does its job like a floor bot or clean bot would do.

this is also a neat idea
I think I had heard this kinda idea tossed around before; something you could throw a braindead brain into that was quick to make and low on material cost, but would still let the person communicate if they returned to the game. Could also be used if there's a big backlog on dead bodies for robotics to process. Sorta brain-in-a-jar dealie.
bubs Wrote:Being dead is a punishment, first of all, and giving dead people a prize is stupid.
Because the person that joins a late round, is immediately acid spat on, absorbed, and spaced by a changeling on the arrivals shuttle, is an idiot for dying and needs to be PUNISHED by sitting on their thumbs for the next 40 to 50 minutes. I don't know about everyone else, but when that happens I just decide to play a different game altogether sometimes.

But yeah, I was just throwing out repairs as suggestion for some actual use of the bots. The fact that they would be easily killable, the time delay for how fast they could be made, and that the machine that makes them could be destroyed were meant to be balances against the potential damage they can do against a traitor. I'd be happy with just a sticker gun, though.

hatmadder Wrote:what if we just have these repair drones be something you can toss a brain into like a borg? Maybe if you toss and NPC monkey brain into it just does its job like a floor bot or clean bot would do.

This is also a great idea, separate from giving dead players something to keep them engaged in the game beyond just spectating.

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