It's way too easy to make, however. Maybe give it some sort of durability - the more robust the objects you fire, the faster the gun breaks. A full bullet would do 25 damage to the gun, whereas a spent bullet (assuming they don't do the same brute damage) would do 10-15. That's only an example, however; I have no idea how such a system would work in practice.
Saintish Wrote:It's way too easy to make, however. Maybe give it some sort of durability - the more robust the objects you fire, the faster the gun breaks. A full bullet would do 25 damage to the gun, whereas a spent bullet (assuming they don't do the same brute damage) would do 10-15. That's only an example, however; I have no idea how such a system would work in practice.
It's not too easy to make and i think your balancing suggestion is kindof silly in scope.
Emergency oxygen tanks don't hold that much gas in them, so you'd need to be refilling it often.
The thing doesn't shoot bullets. It shoots pens/shrapnel/potatoes/coins/paper/etc.
Basically, I'm thinking of an item that does damage on par with the staplegun but can shoot anything that can fit in your pocket
Realistically, any bullets fired out of this would probably not do any significant damage. It's be like getting pelt with a stone, albeit a very fast one.
Could we also be able to build a big version of this with a disposal pipe and a large gas canister?
Idea:oxygen tanks (not cannisters, which already is a thing) can be built with different minerals. Stronger minerals are more pressure resistant, thus stronger cannons.
Also as a side effect it may also mean bigger, hotter streams of flamethrower fire.