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Medals, and why we can't talk about them
Why is it against the rules to talk about medals in both ICC, and OCC? I really don't understand why talking about them is a bad thing.
Most likely to avoid people working together in an OOC in IC type of deal to get medals for each other or something.
McDogles Wrote:Why is it against the rules to talk about medals in both ICC, and OCC? I really don't understand why talking about them is a bad thing. just is...dont question this. ever.
some hipster or something is probably mad right now bc they give golden globes to good ass films instead of the fuckin mona lisa or whatever

if hollywood has any dignity left they will surrender all golden gobes to the united states marine corps and blow a bunch of kisses at them
winner of best reality program "Mushroom Sons", beating out "Extreme Mushroom Farm", "Mushroom Grabber" and "Boys of Mushroom" #GoldenGlobes

i've been blacklisted from hollywood simply because I refuse to compromise my unwavering support of Microsoft brand and product. cowardice
i have in my hand a list of hollywood bigwigs who have eaten human flesh, and i will reveal one name each day until im provided with respect
GMD and alcohol, and why he can't talk about them.
Sundance Wrote:GMD and alcohol, and why he can't talk about them.

Charles Chaplin
GorillaMyDreams Wrote:some hipster or something is probably mad right now bc they give golden globes to good ass films instead of the fuckin Mona Lisa or whatever
The golden globes is poo! All the real awards are given out at the ultra-obscure art film festivals!!! They truly appreciate the films 2deep for the golden globes!
The thing is that some medals are earned by doing traitory stuff. And while they're pretty damn obvious about it by their titles, it's still kind of expected that you just try to ignore them in the interest of not being too meta or something.

At least I guess that was the reasoning at some point?
I'd guess it's so people don't get spergy about getting medals like how people go nuts about grinding out achievements.
Speaking of medals, they probably shouldn't be announced during a round 'cause some of them are pretty revealing of the current situation.
YJHGHTFH Wrote:Speaking of medals, they probably shouldn't be announced during a round 'cause some of them are pretty revealing of the current situation.
Yeah, medals probably shouldn't be announced. It really fun when you look in the chat and notice a certain medal and think "oh theres a changeling I guess"
BillyMays Wrote:
YJHGHTFH Wrote:Speaking of medals, they probably shouldn't be announced during a round 'cause some of them are pretty revealing of the current situation.
Yeah, medals probably shouldn't be announced. It really fun when you look in the chat and notice a certain medal and think "oh theres a changeling I guess"
Then you get covered in ice spiders.
True but medal achievement recognition is a one off occurrence and usually people can't associate keys with player names (this is why when logs are posted IC names are omitted for the most part) so it's infrequent enough that it doesn't matter. And before you can talk about people using consistent names, those people have usually been playing long enough that they already achieved the medal, making the point moot by and large. On top of this people are usually distracted doing whatever to pay much attention to SO AND SO HAS ACHIEVED THE DORK MEDAL.

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