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Bees, and Owls, and Bears, oh my!
So, do you fellow space-nerds have any pets? I figure most of you have a terrarium filled with bees, Wonkmin probably has several owls trapped in his attic, and more than one of you lend refuge to a domesticated bear or something of the sort. Feel free to post a picture, maybe give a name if you're feeling REALLY generous, and of course whatever else you want to add.

This is Mephistopheles, he's roughly a half a year of age now, and he resides in a pretty, colour-changing tank along with my cleaning snail, Odin.
[Image: rrSsyVp.jpg]
*Note, the water isn't murky, the LEDs were just set to kind of a teal colour at the time

Interested to see what kind of pets you guys have.
Aight sure. I got a parrot. Male eclectus, Dominic.
[Image: rq5MAFR.jpg]

He likes to chew on stuff.
[Image: SPxg042.jpg]

The terrarium in the first pic used to be home to my nephew's Phyllobates terribilis, Schmitty. Sadly, Schmitty's gone now. He was a pretty cute frog, though.
[Image: uAYg4Y1.jpg]
Haine Wrote:The terrarium in the first pic used to be home to my nephew's Phyllobates terribilis, Schmitty. Sadly, Schmitty's gone now. He was a pretty cute frog, though.
Are you able to handle Phyllobates terribilis? What about with gloves?
Kovirii Wrote:Are you able to handle Phyllobates terribilis? What about with gloves?
Dart frogs are though[Image: WTryqrG.png] to get their toxicity from their diet in the wild, so ones bred in captivity are actually safe to handle. It's pretty neat.
If you happen to be on the western side of Colombia and run across one in the wild, however, that's a different story.
Ferrets, they are quite insane
Damn, is that ferret albino, if so that is rad as fuck.
TheTrixRabitt Wrote:Damn, is that ferret albino, if so that is rad as fuck.
Yes it is!
I'd upload a picture of my sister's cannibal mouse, Daisy, but it's sleeping right now. When the other mouse died, if had been clawed open and there was blood all over Daisy's mouth.
Oh, okay then! So should it be safe to introduce a new mouse to fill the void?
Spigot the Rat Owner ... 610650.jpg ... 5a121f.jpg ... db69ec.jpg ... G_0166.jpg

Sadly the pink-eyed one passed away suddenly in February, came home to find she'd had a stroke or something and was unresponsive, went to vet, brain tumour etc etc, nothing they could do. That's what happens with rodents, guess that's the price you pay for having such awesome low-maintenance little guys frown
Finally got a good picture of my cat, Macaroni today while I was on my Xbox.
[Image: plkP5Pf.jpg]
He's a Russian Blue cat who are apparently rare or some shit.
[Image: 320836_208638189207120_1648903419_n.jpg]

My dogs they are english mastiffs the one on the right passed away recently though.
I've got a derpy-ass white cat who's almost a year old and is already fat as hell. Crazy bastard's pear-shaped, looks like an owl when he's hunched over. He has a clubbed foot (got it caught in a fanbelt or something when he was tiny before we got him and they almost thought they were going to have to amputate it but it's healed, it just looks weird) and is awkward as hell (ever since he was tiny if you tried to pick him up he hasn't gotten the hang of distributing his weight to accommodate like regular cats tend to do, he just sticks out all his legs and wobbles), but he's a sweetie. Loves kids and people and dogs and doesn't really understand the concept of fear or common sense. Personally I think he has some kind of feline downs syndrome or something. Maybe a thyroid problem too, boy is fat.
ayyy here's my lil doggies

[Image: 8JfNXwel.jpg]
this is sophie. she acts like a lil fuckin princess and then when no one's looking she'll steal her brother's food. she's 12 honkin years old and still runs a mile a minute. she was actually my 10th birthday present, but she honestly never felt like she belonged to me. she stole my entire family's hearts

[Image: z2zir6ll.jpg]
this is pancho. he was named that when we got him. he'sssss like 8 roughly but we don't know for sure. i think he's like quarter basset hound because no matter how much weight he loses he's always a giant blob. he's also got nubby legs and giant fuckin ears. he's much less stubborn than sophie, but for beagles, that doesn't mean very much.

i also used to have a pet skink. rip quetzalcoatl.
my dad caught a fence lizard and we kept it a while too, but we ended up releasing it after i convinced him that the poor thing probably did not want to be a pet.
I've got the fattest, laziest orange tabby of the world, romeo, and the oldest, laziest golden retriever of the whopping galactic quadrant, clara (no pics cause im a poor dude)

and some weeks ago, we found a cute little kitty in our garden and he hates her but she's adorable we're keeping her, fuck you romeo

Also conor, I'd friggin love getting a ferret, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea with the cats and the dog and shit, also my house might end up in shambles I dunno so it frightens me up a bit, what do you think ?

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