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Stuffing people in escape pods
Could be a fun way to murder people in the escape wing. Since throwing them out the airlock isn't exactly thrilling.
... I like it.
Why can't we do this already?
I've been saying for months that emagging escape pods should allow you to do this. It's not overpowered (there are plenty of things that can kill people instantly as long as you can stun and drag you victim to them), they have a fighting chance of survival, and it would be really funny.
Chiming in with Jim, the reclaimer is already an insta-death and my favorite for medbay rampages. This would be fine.
by god this should be a top priority ASAP, it would be amazing
Not only in escape pods, should be in all pods, grab+click on the pod while being outside.

- George Melons shoves John Smith into the Pod!
You shove humble bee into the Escape pod!
The Escape pod prepares to launch!

But seriously, this would be super-rad.
SwedishCake Wrote:Not only in escape pods, should be in all pods, grab+click on the pod while being outside.

- George Melons shoves John Smith into the Pod!

This would be super useful for spaced body recoveries.
Crumplehat Wrote:
SwedishCake Wrote:Not only in escape pods, should be in all pods, grab+click on the pod while being outside.

- George Melons shoves John Smith into the Pod!

This would be super useful for spaced body recoveries.

It would be, but how would you get out the body?

It'd be better if that code Tobba did recently (where attacking a pod melee, damages the pod no matter where you hit, rather than the bottom left corner) was applied to drag and drop too.
Flying out to space, ejecting a crate, and putting the player inside a crate is easy. Getting them to the right spot (the bottom left corner) is difficult as heck, as a result most people don't bother
If I'm not mistaken you can clear dead/unconscious people out of a pod by clicking on it from outside.

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