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suffering an explosion leaves you with a perma stammer
i got caught in a fireball that caused be to stammer forever and not even mutadone would help

next round i got pdabombed and it happened again

huk told me to make a report if i could reproduce the bug so here it is
Seconding this, tried mutadone and mannitol and something else I forget, nothing works.
The cure for this is getting bombed a second time, as I discovered in a very eventful round earlier today

I don't think this has any other side effects so just do that as soon as possible
Getting bombed is kind of a side effect is it not?
It went away for me one time some 65 minutes into the round, but I don't know what fixed it.
Does this persist after being cloned?
I have suffered this countless times due to my frequent close proximity to explosions.

I do believe that it goes away after cloning, but that's about the only thing to cure it besides more explosions.
This should be sorted out

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