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IV Bags
Oh god, its another medical idea from lavastage!

Straight to the point, the game needs IV Bags. (incase you were blind when you learned about medical stuff, its the things that pump stuff into your bloodstream slowly)
Already you may see some problems with this, but just hear me out with this.

Firstly, the IV bags should be able to be worn on your character, but they don't have to be. (it would be funny to see a staff assistant take off with one of the IV rollers, dragging the man hooked up with him along for the ride) Though there should be atleast 4 or so that could be worn on your character in medbay. They should take up some really obnoxious spot, like the id slot or something.

Secondly, due to ~space~ technology, the IV bags work like hyposprays, discarding any chemicals that would do harm, and limiting the amount of reagents in your bloodstream (preventing overdose). Naturally an emag would remedy this, allowing 2 adverse effects. One, the bag could be filled with deadly chemicals (like emagged hypos.) Two, if its empty, it begins pumping out the paitents blood, dealing brute damage to them and ultimately killing them (oh, and to remove an emagged one you need to have someone with you to pull it off for you.)

And finally, you cannot check the reagents in the bag while it is pumping reagents (you can take a guess by looking at what color of the reagents the bag holds) but when it is opened and you can add chemicals to it, it will be able to be checked. (you cant open it while its hooked up to you.)

Do you love it, or hate it?
Place-able on the belt, some obnoxious waiting times if you're putting it on yourself, and the inability to turn it off yourself.

Just make it hard to use and it would be wonderful. Bags of epinephrine pumping into you during firefights, and you simply won't go down. Emergency bag of (whatever cures brain damage nowadays), stuck into you at the last minute before you go unconscious, so you don't die. Traitors filling a bag with Grog and holding you hostage, waiting until you explode or get your blood sucked dry.

This is a glorious idea.
I sprited IV/bloodbags ages ago, they're awaiting a blood system rewrite.
Suggestion, since no one uses morphine like ever, why not treat it like a pain killer, if someone's got serious crit and needs to be kept awake/alive/etc but can't go through major surgery/drugs/etc an IV bag full of morphine will hold off on suffocation damage and stuns and give the person a nice trip. Assuming the dosage is low enough they don't fall asleep.

Also this could lead to people attaching IV bags full of morphine to themselves for recreational use. With the risk that they pass out and fall asleep.
I was gonna post something decent here but got distracted and made this so yeah thisd be neat i guess
[Image: k13s7q.png]
Been wanting these for a long time, though maybe with some changes? I've been hoping for a way to add and remove large amounts of fluid from mobs, and IV bags would obviously be able to add it. For removing fluids, an IV bag could be used, but it would have to be below the person. confused What about an infusion machine that you have to sit in a chair for? Would that make it dramatically less useful?

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