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ID Change Changes
When the HoP eventually disappears, the captain is kidnapped, and no-one can be assed to hack into Customs, it can get hard to find a replacement bartender.

I propose that the ID computer in arrivals is removed and replaced with something else to fix this. The ID Computer is moved to the market place, and in public (Maybe in one of the market place booths or across from the ATM). Essentially anyone can change the ID, but only up to their OWN access and department. For example, the barman (or someone with the barman's ID) can promote someone lower than them to a new barman, but not to captain. Basically, you can only promote to jobs, 1: inside your department and 2: lower to your job. Civilian Jobs are a bit weird in this aspect, since only two civilian job has maintenance access(Perhaps Assistant>Chaplain>Barman>Chef>Janitor?). Head IDs (HoP ID deals with Civilian jobs for convenience) also allow you to demote them if necessary.

Of course, the HoP's ID Computer is untouched and he can still give himself All-Access or security access or whatever. Not only that, but would it be fun to allow the Public ID Computer to give out all-access ID's? Perhaps putting an EMAG in or hacking it (somehow) would allow you to change ID's no matter what your access level is. The barman could now promote someone to jobs higher then a barman and to other departments as well now.

In theory, this is a great idea. However, the HoP would *essentially* be out of a job. Also, emagging it allows you to give all access? Somewhat legit all access traitors/nukeops, can't do anything to stop them.
This doesn't strike me as the best idea, honestly. You'd just end up with all medics changing their access to geneticist and you'd end up with 10 barmen/chef each. As someone who plays chef once in a blue moon, it's bad enough when you suddenly get two new chefs barging in without any warning, same for genetics.

And Chike's right, the HoP does too little as it is, no need to give him more of an excuse to fuck off into space or play sec.
Just a crazy idea:
Why not make ID access remote? As in the HoP can remotely change the ID of someone on the computer? Maybe incur a fee for doing so?
Have it only let you buy base level jobs. Assisiant, engineer, botanist, chef, boxer, and lawyer. Have it cost you about $500 credits and vend a box with an ID with a name of your choice and a corasponding uniform for your job. Emaging it should allow people to buy any job beside head roles and security.
Perhaps the public ID computer only starts working if, A: The HoP Computer is not found via Pinging (also allows creative traitors to just shut off power into the HoP office or clip a wire to get the Public ID working) and/or B: The HoP and/or Captain is unable to change ID's (perhaps via their 3 ID's being destroyed or off Z-Level, as if they are dead on the station someone can use their ID or clone them. This could be done with the way the Traitor Murder Objective pinpointers work and the Nuke Agent's 'deserted the cause' work respectively.), any head can go into the bridge and turn on the Public ID computer.
Sundance Wrote:Just a crazy idea:
Why not make ID access remote? As in the HoP can remotely change the ID of someone on the computer? Maybe incur a fee for doing so?
I like this. Have a little PDA program which messages the HoP with a requested ID change to a various job access. "PUBBIE SMALLS (ASSISTANT) REQUESTS ACCESS CHANGE TO (BARMAN).

The HoP can set a fee level (visible on the remote console where PUBBIE SMALLS is accessing), and kicks back either "YES, FOR $X" or "NO"

PUBBIE SMALLS then either accepts the fee (which is wired to the station budget) or declines.

For anything more intricate than one job level change to another, you'd have to come in to the computer manually, for which the HoP can charge you additional fees for making him come down.
I think you should be able to forge new IDs in a long complicated process.
That is a really good idea, and I like it. However, what I'm looking for is a way for heads and other leaders in a emergency situation to promote, give access, demote, etc when all three of the HoP and Captain's IDs is destroyed. Perhaps the AI, Cyborgs, and Captain get the message on their PDA's too. Of course, it can get confusing with 4 different people requesting different $X for one job change. Perhaps If the HoP PDA is not found, then it goes to cap, then to AI, then to all cyborgs. Subverted AI's and Cyborgs, traitor captains, and smart hackers can also interfere with this process when not in an emergency situation.

Quote:I think you should be able to forge new IDs in a long complicated process.

This is also a good idea. Perhaps when the telecommnication is destroyed or there is no power, you can manually press new ID's, but they take a long time.
If the HoP is ignoring his job like usual, a chief could also quickly deputize anyone into a department-specific assistant by swiping their IDs together, turning the job description into something like "junior mechanic" or "medical intern". These actions would be logged into the ID computer with the option to remotely revoke the added privileges.

For added chaos, give the same privilege to one-man departments. Waiters, sous chefs and altar boys!
This all just seems a little complicated is all.

As it is, the ID computer could use an overhaul, though. Last I checked the access list was still kinda wonky, probably still had a bunch of shit on there that doesn't exist anymore. If that's been fixed, though, it's still kinda unintuitive.
The ID computer really could some updating, such as renaming and rezoning accesses to clarify what they are, or maybe adding a clickable map.

The remote ID changing seems a bit problematic, seeing as people could be demoted and wouldn't have a say in the matter.
Kovirii Wrote:The ID computer really could some updating, such as renaming and rezoning accesses to clarify what they are, or maybe adding a clickable map.

The remote ID changing seems a bit problematic, seeing as people could be demoted and wouldn't have a say in the matter.

Did you read what i suggested? My suggestion for remote ID changing only allows promotion/demotion from a willing participant.

It also lets you steal the HoP's PDA for ~crime~
Sundance Wrote:Just a crazy idea:
Why not make ID access remote? As in the HoP can remotely change the ID of someone on the computer? Maybe incur a fee for doing so?
this is a Good Idea
Why not just redo the ID machine for more job control

Have a few options that lets hop manage what jobs can be given and if they can be assigned without a captain/HOP ID.

New Job works sorta like custom, but instead of just changing the name, it adds a new job that can be assigned. You can pick all the access and then save it, and assign that job at any time.

Going deeper, there could be a public option. If there's a reason to let people get access, like everybody needs guns, instead of getting a line of people and assigning their ID's a new job, you could have an engineer/mechanic build an ID scanner, and make some jobs public. Any job that's set to public can be added without needing a HOP ID to clear it. Note that HOP is still in charge of choosing what jobs become public, and they can remove public jobs at any time.

Jobs could also be renamed, so a creative hop could rename security officer, mall cop, and the doctor item to Butt surgeon, so everyone who asks for doctor now gets butt surgeon as their new job title. If you could rename every job, HOP would be more fun.

Job limit: If you want a few custom ID's, or run some kind of limited gimmick, you could create job and make it unavailable as soon as the number of jobs are filled. I suggest a Job limit option be added. A good HOP could also consult with security or medical to see how many doctors they want around later. Anyone with an existing ID is grandfathered into the limit.

tl;dr instead of doing away with ID's, why not give HOP more control over what jobs are available.

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