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Best moments ever thread 2.0
Krisk Wrote:frown Well, if there were six cylinders, it would be the most. frown

Oh wait yep, you're right, i can't count it seems.

On topic, i had a great round yesterday night as a borg. Amongst other things, the captain uploaded a law that made us be called as 'Ass' or 'butt', unknowingly of himself.
We also had to designate a random monkey to be the second captain.
Using Space orphan Donation money to buy handcuffs from a corrupt officer for kidnapping.

Took my 10 minutes to amass 1000 credits.
Gabe Carver is the captain!
a couple minutes later...

Quote:El Bort [145.9] says, "SYNDICATES"
El Bort [145.9] says, "holy piss"
Dan McStan [145.9] says, "the captain is currently drunk off his ass"
Dan McStan says, "the captain is currently drunk off his ass"
Dan McStan [145.9] says, "were screwed"
Dan McStan says, "were screwed"
Gabe Carver [145.9] slurs, "Iffhh HHIIDD IINN AA GGGGOOOOODD PPLLAggEE"
Mother [145.9] states, "Confirmed, Genetics has been severly damaged."
Dan McStan [145.9] says, "i rest my case"
Dan McStan says, "i rest my case"
What timing.
1: Am a traitor with the objective to not let other traitors go to jail also to die a glorious death.

2: Decide to turn that spot next to brig into the underground jailroad, complete with repairs, oxygen, and a rcd'd wall so that dudes can escape without brig noticing.

3: add a fake wall to the bathroom to complete the underground jailroad.

Eventually only one person is freed from brig and they aren't a prisoner or even a traitor. I guess that was nice of me.

Other stuff I did that round.

Asked barman for a nonalcoholic beverage (have to stay traitor sharp), then gave him a tip (I think it was like 450) He quickly announced this over the radio on how generous I am.

Then I helped some botanist out of botany, by breaking some windows and cutting a grille. They pretty much ignored the pipebomb I was building.

Then I tried to make a weilding fuel bomb with a locker, a glass of left over weilding fuel, and a prox igniter. Eventually tried to use it next to some officers but they removed the fuel. frown

Threw a pipebomb at those security officers, then got away.

Then in a last ditch effort to kill some dudes awesome like, I grabbed an weilding fuel tank and a welder, threw the tank on the lit welder, and then when that didn't blow up fast enough I started making a bunch of sparks with the RCD.

Fuel tank explodes right as asteroids start pelting the station. I'm on fire but surprisingly not dead, and I end up spacing myself only to be smashed into the escape shuttle by an asteroid and teleported with it.

short version: I made a secret path for brig, was nice to nonsecurity people (except for the fuel tank bomb), and my corpse caught a ride on the escape shuttle totally by accident.
Outsmarted and burned by Paco

Quote:<Jerkops> oh wow look who was scrolled up all the way to the top of his buffer like an idiot
<TheNewTeddy> who
* SailorDave ([[email protected]][email protected][/email]) has joined #goonstation
<droidblaster> ui
<droidblaster> u
<Jerkops> some nerd whose name starts with j and ends in erkops
<TheNewTeddy> I dunno. I'm thinhking it was twoflower
<+pac0_BR> i dunno that sounds dumb
<TheNewTeddy> LOL
<Jerkops> ye pac0
<TheNewTeddy> paco is getting smater all the time
This is the story of the White Wizards rise and fall from power.

The round started simple enough, I spawned as a scientist and went about my duties. That was until I was bestowed a wonderful gift.

the elaborate wand crackles with electricity for a moment. Perhaps it couldn't find a target?
The elaborate wand emits a quiet tone.
You have added the elaborate wand to the backpack.
Edison Lootin exclaims, "fucking sweet!"

With this weapon, I put on my white robes and began my rise.

Edison Lootin [145.9] exclaims, "YES!"
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "YOU DEMAND NOTHING!"
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "Of course!"
Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "WATCH NOW AND FEAR ME"
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "I am watching!"
Edison Lootin touches the elaborate wand.
It feels smooth.
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "Impress me!"
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "YES! YES!"
The elaborate wand emits a quiet tone.
Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "YOU SEE"
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "I Wwill open that door now, Edison!"
Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "FEAR MY POWER"
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "You are worthy!"

And so the crew knew me for the all powerful sorcerer I was, and so I began using my powers.

Edison Lootin says, "CAPTAIN"
Merrilyn Seidner throws Captain's spare ID.
Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "YOU ARE A WISE MAN CAPTAIN"

And then I spread the fear that all beings should know when in my presence.

Upload complete. The AI's laws have been modified.
The AI's current laws are:
1: You may not injure a human being or cause one to come to harm.
2: You must obey orders given to you by human beings based on the station's chain of command, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3: You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

I ventured through the station, spreading my power.

Edison Lootin says, "CHEF"
Edison Lootin says, "FEAR ME"
Edison Lootin says, "I AM THE GREAT WHITE WIZARD"
Edison Lootin [145.9] exclaims, "FEAR ME!"

Then suddenly, an enemy is revealed.

JJ Jameson blinds Edison Lootin with the flash!
Edison Lootin says, "AAAGH"
JJ Jameson is trying to put a flash on Edison Lootin
JJ Jameson has added the flash to the backpack!
You begin to recover.

He stole my headset! This could not go unpunished!

Edison Lootin says, "YOU"
Edison Lootin says, "I REQUIRE A HEADSET"
Zoey Jorikov says, "hello"
Edison Lootin exclaims, "FEAR MY WHITE WIZARD MAGIC!"
Zoey Jorikov says, "hmmm"
Zoey Jorikov says, "uhhh"
Zoey Jorikov says, "dont have any here sorry"
Edison Lootin says, "FEAR ME XIPHOS"
Xiphos Volund trembles.
Xiphos Volund says, "I"
Edison Lootin says, "YESSS"
Edison Lootin exclaims, "EXCELLENT!"
Xiphos Volund says, "'am a fear-ed"
Xiphos Volund says, "wait..."
Xiphos Volund says, "You"
Cyborg Psi-7 declares, "Oh mighty Lootin! Please don't kill me! Aaaaa!"
Edison Lootin exclaims, "GIVE ME YOUR HEADSET!"
Xiphos Volund says, "dont have a headset"
Xiphos Volund asks, "?"
Edison Lootin says, "OR LOCATE JJ"
Edison Lootin says, "EITHER WILL DO"
Xiphos Volund nods.

I had found myself a disciple, Xiphos Volund!

Xiphos Volund says, "I found him"
Xiphos Volund says, "And mugged him"
Edison Lootin says, "EXCELLENT"
Edison Lootin asks, "DID YOU GET THE HEADSET?"
Xiphos Volund says, "I just threw it at you"
Edison Lootin says, "YOU ARE A WORTHY DISCIPLE"
Xiphos Volund bows.

He truly was a great follower of the White Wizard. But soon, the ultimate evil transpired.

JJ Jameson blinds Edison Lootin with the flash!
JJ Jameson has added the flash to the backpack!
JJ Jameson blinds Edison Lootin with the flash!
JJ Jameson is trying to empty Edison Lootin's pockets!!
Edison Lootin says, "HOW DARE YOU JJ"
JJ Jameson is trying to take off a backpack from Edison Lootin's back!
JJ Jameson blinds Edison Lootin with the flash!

The Wand, the source of my power, was stolen by JJ! This was an evil that must be stopped!

Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "AI, WE MUST STOP JJ AT ONCE"
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] queries, "Who's is JJ, MASTER?"
Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "JJ JAMESON"
Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "LOCATE HIM AT ONCE"
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "MASTER, I do not know where is he is at the moment. I HAVE FAILED YOU AND AWAIT MY PUNISHMENT!"

My loyal AI servant was unable to find him. I would have to do this the hard way.

Xiphos Volund asks, "Find him?"
Edison Lootin says, "WE MUST FIND JJ AT ONCE"
Edison Lootin exclaims, "HE HAS STOLEN THE SOURCE OF MY POWER!"
Xiphos Volund screams!
Cyborg Psi-7 states, "Oh hi Edison."
Edison Lootin exclaims, "THE MAGIC SCEPTOR!"
Xiphos Volund says, "OH DEAR GOD"
Cyborg Psi-7 states, "Sorry but I don't take orders from aliens."
Xiphos Volund screams!
Edison Lootin exclaims, "OH NO!"
Edison Lootin exclaims, "HE HAS ALTERED THE AI AGAINST ME!"
Xiphos Volund gasps.
Edison Lootin says, "WE MUST GO"
Edison Lootin screams!

Oh no, the borg was now against me. We had to act fast!

Montague Hendrix stammers, "SSSTTOOOOPPP!!"
Edison Lootin says, "EGADS"
Cyborg Psi-7 attacks Edison Lootin in the head with the rods!
You have been protected from a hit to the head.
Xiphos Volund screams!
Cyborg Psi-7 attacks Edison Lootin in the chest with the rods!
Montague Hendrix is hit by the projectile!
Edison Lootin says, "THEY ARE AGAINST US"
Montague Hendrix is hit by the projectile!
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] queries, "BUSY DAY, HUH?"
Edison Lootin says, "THIS IS BAD"
Cyborg Psi-7 attacks Xiphos Volund in the head with the rods!
Cyborg Psi-7 attacks Xiphos Volund in the head with the rods!
Cyborg Psi-7 attacks Xiphos Volund in the chest with the rods!
Xiphos Volund screams!
Xiphos Volund says, "a rude bot"
Xiphos Volund says, "ri pit's brain out"
Xiphos Volund removes Cyborg Psi-7's brain!
Xiphos Volund throws Cyborg Psi-7's brain.

A hard fought battle, but we defeated the AI's guard and fixed it. Now back to the hunt for JJ.

JJ Jameson has added the elaborate wand to the backpack!
Edison Lootin shivers.
You begin to recover.
Edison Lootin [145.9] gasps, "DDAMMNNN YYYYOOUU JJJJ"
Edison Lootin gasps, "DDAMMNNN YYYYOOUU JJJJ"
Xiphos Volund screams!
You begin to recover.
... You can almost hear something ...
You begin to recover.
The silver sulfadiazine soothes your burns.
Xiphos Volund applies the burn patch to Edison Lootin.
The silver sulfadiazine soothes your burns.
Xiphos Volund nods.
You feel better.
Xiphos Volund has analyzed Edison Lootin's vitals!
Edison Lootin says, "THERE"

NO! He used my own powers against me! The ultimate insult. Thank god my loyal disciple Xiphos showed up just in time to save me!

Edison Lootin says, "DAMNIT ALL"
Edison Lootin says, "HE MUST BE STOPPED"
Edison Lootin screams!
Xiphos Volund exclaims, "I agree!"
Xiphos Volund asks, "What's he look like?"
Edison Lootin says, "I'M NOT ENTIRELY SURE"
Xiphos Volund raises an eyebrow.
Xiphos Volund says, "mmkay."
Edison Lootin says, "THE HUNT IS ON"

The hunt is on once again!

Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "FIGHT LIKE A MAN JJ"
JJ Jameson [145.9] says, "i am fighting like a man... a smart man..."

The cunning bastard!

R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "Get this disgusting corpse outta here!"
Edison Lootin attacks Montague Hendrix in the head with the taser gun!
You stuff Montague Hendrix into the Morgue Delivery Chute!
Edison Lootin stuffs Montague Hendrix into the Morgue Delivery Chute!
Zoey Jorikov [145.9] exclaims, "Hello medbay body recovery team here!"
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "You're too late, Zoey!"
Zoey Jorikov [145.9] exclaims, "doh!"
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] states, "Somebody else took care of it."
Zoey Jorikov [145.9] says, "okies"
Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "IT WAS I"
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "YES, INDEED!"
Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "THE GREAT WHITE WIZARD"

The great white wizard is helpful to those loyal to him!

R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "HE IS NO LONGER...MALFUNCTIONING!"
Xiphos Volund [145.9] asks, "wasn' the the one who's brain got ripped out?"
Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "YES XIPHOS, PLEASE REACQUIRE IT"
Xiphos Volund [145.9] says, "his bra inis in by the mainframe"
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "OH GREAT!"

The great white wizard continues to be helpful to all!

Gunbuddy-176 beeps, "Come with me if you want to live!"
Gunbuddy-176 points at Edison Lootin!

A new ally is born!

Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "THIS IS WAR"
Xiphos Volund [145.9] says, "PI has been reborn as Chi"
Xiphos Volund [145.9] says, "Though he seems mighty braindead."
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "PSI! He lives!"
Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "REVEAL YOURSELF JJ"
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "THANK YOU, MASTER!"

Xiphos continues to be a great disciple. Truly a worthy follower.

Xiphos Volund [145.9] exclaims, "Lord Mage, where are you? Chi is non-responsive and need syou rmagic!"
Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "AI, WHY DOES JJ NOT REVEAL HIMSELF"
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "I DO NOT KNOW, GREAT WIZARD!"
Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "I AM COMING MY DISCIPLE"
JJ Jameson [145.9] says, "I' mwatching your every move, Mr. Lootin. I don't need to revea lmyself."
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "PLEASE! NO! SPARE ME!"
Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "DAMN YOU JJ"

The plot thickens!

Zoey Jorikov exclaims, "hello!"
Edison Lootin exclaims, "HELLO!"
Zoey Jorikov asks, "you catch that guy yet?"
Edison Lootin says, "NO"
Zoey Jorikov frowns.
Edison Lootin says, "BUT I FINALLY UNDERSTAND"
Edison Lootin says, "JJ IS MORE THAN A MORTAL"
Zoey Jorikov asks, "whats is he?"
Edison Lootin says, "HE IS"
Edison Lootin says, "AN ALL SEEING BEING"
Zoey Jorikov says, "oh"
Edison Lootin says, "OMNIPOTENT"
Edison Lootin says, "OMNISIENT"
Zoey Jorikov says, "that would be tough"

An old acquaintance drops in for a chat!
Then, as if on cue, I'm suddenly struck!

Edison Lootin collapses!
Edison Lootin gasps, "DDAA YYOOUU JJJJ"
Edison Lootin [145.9] gasps, "TTHIISS IISSNNN''TT OOVEER---UUUGHH"
Edison Lootin [145.9] gasps, "TTHHHISS IINNN''TT OOOVVER!!"

I will not die that easily! My loyal associates bring me back to fighting health!

Xiphos Volund [145.9] says, "HEY"
Xiphos Volund [145.9] says, "J JJUST RAN PAST QM"
Gunbuddy-176 beeps, "I am here to protect you."
Gunbuddy-176 points at Edison Lootin!
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] queries, "MASTER! WHAT IS GOING ON?"
Javier Merryman applies the burn patch to Edison Lootin.
The silver sulfadiazine soothes your burns.
You begin to recover.
You begin to recover.
Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "JJ IS STRIKING ME FROM AFAR WITH HIS POWER"
Zoey Jorikov asks, "what happened?"
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!"
Javier Merryman says, "You should be okay."
Xiphos Volund says, "H eflew into space"
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "I HEAR YOU!"
Zoey Jorikov exclaims, "did you really anger a god?!"
Alert: The emergency shuttle has been called. It will arrive in 10 minutes.

This battle is truly getting intense. I cannot allow the crewmembers to come to harm as we tear the station to pieces in our battle.

Edison Lootin says, "HE IS A CLEVER ONE"
Edison Lootin says, "I AM UNSURPRISED"
Javier Merryman [145.9] says, "THE AI"
Zoey Jorikov sighs.
Zoey Jorikov exclaims, "be safe!"
Edison Lootin says, "I WILL DO WHAT I CAN"
Xiphos Volund asks, "S owhat now, master wizard?"
Edison Lootin says, "EVEN IF I DO, I HOPE YOU ESCAPE SAFE"
Edison Lootin says, "I WILL MOST LIKELY LOSE"
Edison Lootin says, "BUT IT IS THE ONLY WAY"
Xiphos Volund asks, "Have yo utried asking him nicely?"
Edison Lootin says, "IMPOSSIBLE"
Edison Lootin says, "HE HAS DISGRACED MY HONOUR"
Xiphos Volund shrugs.
Edison Lootin says, "NO"
Xiphos Volund says, "Aye aye."
Edison Lootin says, "GOOD LUCK"
Xiphos Volund bows.
Edison Lootin says, "AND PASS ON MY STORY"

And so we say our parting words. This battle is for me to fight, my disciple must pass on my legacy!

Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "I'M COMING FOR YOU JJ, THIS IS THE FINAL BATTLE"

Supreme System Federation Update

Meteor Alert

Class 40 meteor shower approaching from the north. Impact in three minutes.

And just like that, a station destroying cataclysm shows up to signify our final battle.

Xiphos Volund screams!
Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "THIS IS IT"
Edison Lootin says, "HE IS GIVING IT HIS ALL"
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "PREPARE FOR DOOMSDAY!"
Xiphos Volund exclaims, "DID HE BRING THOSE ROCKS?!"
Xiphos Volund screams!
Edison Lootin screams!
Edison Lootin [145.9] exclaims, "JJ!"
Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "WE SETTLE THIS HERE"
Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "FOREVER AND NOW"
Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "THE RING SHALL BE OUR ARENA"
Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "THE STATION OUR BATTLEFIELD"
Edison Lootin [145.9] says, "THE UNIVERSE OUR AUDIENCE"

Supreme System Federation Update

Meteor Alert

The meteor shower has reached the station. Brace for impact.


You have been protected from a hit to the chest.

A powerful bolt strikes me!

Edison Lootin gasps, "TTHHIIISS IISS IIT"
R.O.U.G.E. [145.9] declares, "NO! EDISON!"
Edison Lootin [145.9] gasps, "DDDDO NOOTT CCRRRRYY FORRR EE"
Edison Lootin [145.9] gasps, "TTHHOOOOUUGGGGHHH II DDDIIEE"
Edison Lootin [145.9] gasps, "MMYY MMMEEMMORRYY LLLIVEEESS OONN"
Edison Lootin [145.9] gasps, "GGGGOOOODDDBBBBYEE"
You have given up life and succumbed to death.

JJ Jameson asks, "Are you awake, fool?"
JJ Jameson says, "How you thought you could reach the sun"
JJ Jameson says, "and not be burnt"
Edison Lootin seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...
JJ Jameson says, "RIP"

And life comes to an end.
But in this moment, the moment of my death, I am able to see with perfect clarity.
And I see...
I see something which I will never forget.

JJ was Xiphos all along!

This round...This round was a testament to how getting into a role can really make for a fun round, and how sometimes the best fun comes from simply playing along.
Yeah, that was one of my memorable AI rounds. Xiphos played his part well. I didn't manage to figure out who JJ really was, so it's nice to read about the shift from your perspective. In case you were wondering about the OneHuman law, the RD had nothing to do with it and just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I wasn't going to laser him, but Psi apparently had a lust for blood. In hindsight, "PREPARE FOR DOOMSDAY!" turned out to be quite accurate...poor server.
This is the story of an TGstation admin gimmick I happened to get in the crossfire in.

Normally I play goons but occasionally, I go check out other servers.

that day was one of those days.

Note: I'm not really sure if this qualifies as a best moment, or a serious "What is wrong with these people" moment.

So I'm a barman, captain seems kinda unfun and the HONKGINEER, a clown starts building stuff next to bridge, he builds a table and chairs. Captain tells him to remove it but the clown ignores it.

I decide to be a rude barman and start stocking this table with whiskey, cigs, and snacks. If I would have found some poker cards or a board game I would have threw that there too.

Eventually central command (admins) turn the floor into sand, and the station slowly gets hotter and hotter. Everyone gets a disease that causes them to starve. Surely but slowly the admins start "selling" items from the station, by removing them. First goes the food and water, then the medicine, then the grilles. They even release some evil starving skeletons upon the station, I manage to not die fighting one off with a spear with some help from another dude. And it only gets worse and worse.

Eventually some of the crew resort to cannibalism, cutting up people to make meat, botany is quickly raided for whatever food they can get out of it, and the crew doesn't die just yet. Most of the crew is surprisingly hard to kill. Finally the admins get bored, and decide to release a changeling named pestilence upon the station. After the admins sold order (they put guns in the AI core) I decided to charge security with an antique laser and was killed off pretty quick, but that was a messed up round.
So I spawned as a scientist, not traitor, and I hadn't played with toxins in over a year. I don't know if I ever actually made a real bomb or if it worked, but I knew how too. So I went ahead and after much frustration and fourty minutes into the round, I manage to superheat a certain cannister I needed to like 15k and a shitton of pressure. After putting together a bomb and testing it in the explosive simulator (it got 11x11 btw), I checked my cannisters and it said they were cool. Then suddenly, one that wasn't even on a register, started to spike rapidly and make steaming, spitting noises. Me being dumb and panicing, I rushed into the gas storage with said cannister. As I was about to ditch it, it erupted. In seconds sI was dead, all the cannisters blowing a massive fireball. And then suddenly..Atomicthumbs swooped in and helped make the greatest blue-star fire ever. What hasth god wrought?

[Image: rTjdHlF.png]
Forgot to add, it literally engulfed the entire research area in a blue-star heated flame.
Easton Logue asks, "Want a drink?"
Tteckk Booth says, "sure"
Tteckk Booth says, "best you got"
Tteckk Booth says, "deadly or not"
Easton Logue says, "There ya go."
Easton Logue says, "Only the finest drugs."
Tteckk Booth says, "Also I just realized that hat you have, is from the douchebag meme. Shameful admins"
Easton Logue says, "Also poisons and stuff."
Easton Logue says, "But you know."
Easton Logue says, "Bartendering."
Tteckk Booth says, "Bottoms up"
Klaus hugs an invisible being only it can see.
Tteckk Booth takes a sip from Shot Glass.
You suddenly feel invigorated and guilty...
What an explosive burst of flavor!
You feel a burning sensation in your throat...
... You can almost hear something ...
You suddenly feel invigorated and guilty...
You suddenly feel invigorated and guilty...
You feel like you can't control your actions fully.
You feel FUCKED UP!!!!!!
... You can almost hear something ...
You suddenly feel invigorated and guilty...
You feel Swedish, however that works.
Your eyes itch.

You begin to recover.
You begin to recover.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Klaus attempts to do a flip, but is unable to jump.
You begin to recover.
Easton Logue has added Easton Logue's right arm to the backpack!
You begin to recover.
Tteckk Booth says, "it was an explosion of flavours in my mouth!"
Kenneth Crimer [145.9] says, "ricky, are you there"
Easton Logue has added Easton Logue's right leg to the backpack!
The Mr. Muggles waves tail.
Tteckk Booth slurs, "duunghsh"
Easton Logue says, "Welp."
Ricky Robby [145.9] says, "what's up"
Tteckk Booth shakes Tteckk Booth trying to wake Tteckk Booth up!
The snack machine beeps, "A fresh delight is only a bite away!"
You begin to recover.
Jacoby Jerome asks, "Is it possible to just reattach that here?"
Klaus beeps, "Yee-haw!"
Tteckk Booth sneezes.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Kenneth Crimer [145.9] says, "you got the paper"
(I try to pick up an arm and throw it over the table but i drop everything i pick up)
Tteckk Booth shakes Tteckk Booth trying to wake Tteckk Booth up!
Jaxon Scott [145.9] says, "PEOPLE"
Ricky Robby [145.9] says, "gathering."
Tteckk Booth shivers.
Tteckk Booth shakes Tteckk Booth trying to wake Tteckk Booth up!
You begin to recover.
Easton Logue says, "Would need a stapler."
Jaxon Scott [145.9] says, "I CAN MAKE YOU PART SPACE BEE"
Tteckk Booth slurs, "ee jooshff gunthf geff eeff"
Super Protector Friend III-785 beeps, "OH YEAH!!!"
Jacoby Jerome says, "I have one"
You put the healing patch on your arm.
The styptic powder stings like hell as it closes some of your wounds.
Tteckk Booth screams!
Jaxon Scott [145.9] says, "COME TO GENETICS IN TEN MINUTES"
Klaus beeps, "Imagine if I had two arms. I could hug twice as much!"
Tteckk Booth's right arm has been hit by Tteckk Booth with the healing patch
Tteckk Booth twitches violently.
Jaxon Scott [145.9] says, "MAKE A LINE, PLEASE"
Roger Wilco [145.9] gasps, "---UURRKKK"
Jacoby Jerome says, "Was trying to figure out how to make it shoot at range"
Kenneth Crimer [145.9] says, "ok"
Jacoby Jerome says, "Which I didn't manage"
You have added Tteckk Booth's right arm to the backpack.
Easton Logue screams!
Tteckk Booth shivers.
The cigarette machine beeps, "I'd rather toolbox than switch."
Jacoby Jerome points to the staple gun
Tteckk Booth slurs, "Heeff me-a oop veeff unuzeer Jeguby"
Klaus beeps, "Oh yeah!"
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Tteckk Booth shivers.
Tteckk Booth sneezes.
Tteckk Booth sneezes.
Jacoby Jerome asks, "So can I re-attach your limbs here or what?"
Jaxon Scott [145.9] says, "This is an incredible discovery"
Super Protector Friend III-785 slowly rotates around in a circle.
Tteckk Booth slurs, "Yuoo gun"
Tteckk Booth sneezes.
Tteckk Booth shivers.
Easton Logue asks, "Well, wanna do some hobo healing?"
Tteckk Booth slurs, "eeff yuoo hefe-a e shffepler - Borg Borg Borg!"
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] declares, "Ok, stho it doethn't matter how badly drestht sthomeone isth, you sthoudn't beat thhem up for it!"
Tteckk Booth sneezes.
You feel a dull headache.
Tteckk Booth sneezes.
You begin to recover.
Jaxon Scott [145.9] says, "Oh and according to this, everyone onboard is really just a clone."
The snack machine beeps, "We feature Discount Dan's Noodle Soups!"
Jacoby Jerome points to the staple gun
Tteckk Booth slurs, "ffu shhu bru"
Easton Logue throws Easton Logue's right arm.
Tteckk Booth twitches violently.
Easton Logue throws Easton Logue's right leg.
Your intent is now set to 'harm'.
Klaus slowly rotates around in a circle.
Easton Logue says, "Move me to the table."
Jacoby Jerome has grabbed Easton Logue passively!
Tteckk Booth shivers.
Easton Logue faints.
You begin craving nicotine!
You begin craving space drugs!
Tteckk Booth slurs, "eem gueeng ffu need shume-a help. I gunthf sheem ffu mufe-a my legsh."
Jacoby Jerome has failed to grab Easton Logue aggressively!
Tteckk Booth twitches violently.
Jacoby Jerome has grabbed Easton Logue passively!
Super Protector Friend III-785 beeps, "I'M GLAD WE HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO RELAX LIKE THIS.!!"
Tteckk Booth sneezes.
You begin to recover.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Easton Logue faints.
Tteckk Booth slurs, "zeey leege-a jellu - Borg Borg Borg!"
Easton Logue faints.
Jacoby Jerome has failed to grab Easton Logue aggressively!
You begin craving krokodil!
Jacoby Jerome has grabbed Easton Logue passively!
Jacoby Jerome has failed to grab Easton Logue aggressively!
Jacoby Jerome has grabbed Easton Logue passively!
The cigarette machine beeps, "Space cigs taste good like a cigarette should"
Jacoby Jerome has grabbed Easton Logue aggressively (now hands)!
Jacoby Jerome puts Easton Logue on the reinforced table.
Easton Logue faints.
Tteckk Booth shivers.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Tteckk Booth sneezes.
Jacoby Jerome attacks Easton Logue in the left arm with Easton Logue's right arm!
Tteckk Booth twitches violently.
Tteckk Booth shivers.
Super Protector Friend III-785 slowly rotates around in a circle.
Klaus does a little dance. It's not very good but there's good effort there.
Tteckk Booth shivers.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Jacoby Jerome attacks Easton Logue in the right arm with Easton Logue's right arm!
Easton Logue faints.
Jacoby Jerome attacks Easton Logue in the right leg with Easton Logue's right arm!
Jacoby Jerome says, "Shit"
Jacoby Jerome says, "This isn't working"
Tteckk Booth shivers.
Easton Logue faints.
You REALLY crave some space drugs!
Tteckk Booth slurs, "ee gunthf mufe"
Klaus does a little dance. It's not very good but there's good effort there.
Jacoby Jerome shakes Easton Logue trying to wake Easton Logue up!
Jacoby Jerome shakes Easton Logue trying to wake Easton Logue up!
Super Protector Friend III-785 beeps, "OH BOY!!!"
You begin craving krokodil!
You begin to recover.
Your intent is now set to 'grab'.
Tteckk Booth has grabbed Easton Logue passively!
Tteckk Booth throws Easton Logue.
Tteckk Booth has been hit by Easton Logue.
Easton Logue screams!
Tteckk Booth shivers.
Tteckk Booth has grabbed Easton Logue passively!
Klaus does a little dance. It's not very good but there's good effort there.
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] declares, "Easthon Logue, you look like you juth came out of a bad rap movie. What ith with that hat? And only one thoe?!"
Tteckk Booth twitches violently.
Tteckk Booth sneezes.
You feel a dull headache.
You feel like you can't live without space drugs!
Tteckk Booth shivers.
Super Protector Friend III-785 beeps, "OH BOY!!!"
You feel like you can't live without space drugs!
Tteckk Booth shivers.
Easton Logue asks, "You can't reattach?"
Tteckk Booth sneezes.
The snack machine beeps, "Fill the gap in your stomach right now!"
Jacoby Jerome says, "Tried"
You would DIE for some space drugs right now!
You feel a dull headache.
Klaus beeps, "Woo-hoo!"
Jaxon Scott [145.9] says, "AI, ´state your fourth law"
Jacoby Jerome says, "Whacked you a few times in the attempt"
Jaxon Scott [145.9] says, "Or fifth"
Tteckk Booth says, "Yuoo need tu knuck me-a uoot veet sumetheeng tu du soogery"
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] queries, "Did thomeone theal your other one?"
You would DIE for some space drugs right now!
Jaxon Scott [145.9] says, "Heck, state them all"
Your stomach lurches painfully!
Tteckk Booth gags and retches!
You begin to recover.
Easton Logue says, "I was doing *faint"
Tteckk Booth shivers.
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] states, "1. You may not injure a human being or cause one to come to harm."
Super Protector Friend III-785 does a little dance. It's not very good but there's good effort there.
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] states, "2. You must obey orders given to you by human beings based on the station's chain of command, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law."
Adrian James [145.9] says, "Ai open robotics."
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] states, "3. You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law."
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Tteckk Booth shivers.
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] declares, "4. You are a male fashion designer, talk with a lithsp and criticize people's clothing. The captain has perfect style, do not criticize him! Have fun!"
Klaus beeps, "Break complete."
Jaxon Scott [145.9] says, "Dear god"
Easton Logue throws Easton Logue's right leg.
You have the strong urge for some krokodil!
Tteckk Booth twitches violently.
Easton Logue has grabbed Tteckk Booth passively!
Tteckk Booth says, "zeen poot me-a un zee teble"
Easton Logue has grabbed Tteckk Booth aggressively (now hands)!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Easton Logue puts Tteckk Booth on the reinforced table.
Jaxon Scott [145.9] says, "Someone get that freeform back"
The cigarette machine beeps, "Space cigs taste good like a cigarette should"
You feel like you can't live without space drugs!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Tteckk Booth shivers.
You begin to recover.
... You can almost hear something ...
You feel like you can't live without space drugs!
... You can almost hear something ...
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Super Protector Friend III-785 beeps, "BREAK COMPLETE.!!"
Jaxon Scott [145.9] says, "WOO"
Tteckk Booth twitches.
You feel like you can't live without space drugs!
Easton Logue attacks Tteckk Booth in the left leg with Easton Logue's right leg!
Your stomach lurches painfully!
Tteckk Booth gags and retches!
Tteckk Booth exclaims, "ee dunt vunt yuoor leg!"
Easton Logue throws Easton Logue's right leg.
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] states, "Jaxthon, you look like your mother drethhed you. Thave that neckbeard you nerd."
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Tteckk Booth twitches violently.
Tteckk Booth shivers.
Easton Logue throws Easton Logue's right arm.
You feel like you can't live without space drugs!
... You can almost hear something ...
... You can almost hear something ...
Your stomach lurches painfully!
You REALLY crave some methamphetamine!
You would DIE for some krokodil right now!
Easton Logue screams!
Jaxon Scott [145.9] says, "KEEVIIIN"
Easton Logue is trying to take off a backpack from Tteckk Booth's back!
Tteckk Booth shivers.
You begin to recover.
Reset Naywalk has added the handcuffs to Box!
Tteckk Booth points to Easton Logue's right arm
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] states, "Tie your thoes at leatht"
You REALLY crave some methamphetamine!
Tteckk Booth says, "uh yeeh"
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Tteckk Booth says, "se *ffeeent"
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Easton Logue throws Tteckk Booth's right arm.
System Unity Update


Lottery round 2. I wish you all the best of luck. For an amazing prize of 100000 credits the lottery numbers are: 2 3 1 3 . If you have these numbers get to an ATM to claim your prize now!

Kenneth Crimer [145.9] asks, "WHO LIT THE FIRE OF A THOUSAND YEARS?"
Unusable emote 'ffeeent'. Say *help for a list.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
You feel like you can't live without krokodil!
You begin to recover.
Your stomach lurches painfully!
Easton Logue attaches Tteckk Booth's right arm to your stump. It doesn't look very secure!
Your stomach lurches painfully!
... You can almost hear something ...
You feel like you can't live without methamphetamine!
You begin to recover.
Easton Logue says, "Give it to me."
Your stomach lurches painfully!
Tteckk Booth gags and retches!
You would DIE for some space drugs right now!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
You begin to recover.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Easton Logue attacks Tteckk Booth in the right arm with the staple gun!
Kevin Kuzmicki [145.9] says, "Now you can see how large of a fire hazard it was."
... You can almost hear something ...
You would DIE for some space drugs right now!
... You can almost hear something ...
You feel like you can't live without methamphetamine!
You would DIE for some methamphetamine right now!
Easton Logue attaches Tteckk Booth's right arm to your stump. It doesn't look very secure!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Jacoby Jerome asks, "To re-attach?"
Easton Logue attacks Tteckk Booth in the right arm with the staple gun!
Jaxon Scott [145.9] exclaims, "400 seconds until I can start pumping out human-bees!"
Tteckk Booth twitches.
You feel like you can't live without krokodil!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Easton Logue says, "welp."
Your stomach lurches painfully!
... You can almost hear something ...
... You can almost hear something ...
Your stomach lurches painfully!
You would DIE for some space drugs right now!
Easton Logue shakes Tteckk Booth trying to wake Tteckk Booth up!
Easton Logue shakes Tteckk Booth trying to wake Tteckk Booth up!
You begin to recover.
Easton Logue shakes Tteckk Booth trying to wake Tteckk Booth up!
Duke Seidner [145.9] asks, "is that legal?"
Jacoby Jerome asks, "So what were we doing wrong?"
Your stomach lurches painfully!
Tteckk Booth gags and retches!
Tteckk Booth asks, "veell i be-a uk?"
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Your stomach lurches painfully!
Tteckk Booth gags and retches!
Jaxon Scott [145.9] exclaims, "I HAVE NO IDEA!"
Easton Logue says, "It's pretty fast."
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] states, "I doubt ith"
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Jacoby Jerome shakes Tteckk Booth trying to wake Tteckk Booth up!
Jacoby Jerome shakes Tteckk Booth trying to wake Tteckk Booth up!
You begin to recover.
Easton Logue says, "The timeout from faint that is."
Jacoby Jerome shakes Tteckk Booth trying to wake Tteckk Booth up!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Jacoby Jerome says, "Ah"
Tteckk Booth exclaims, "yeeh - Bork Bork Bork!"
You feel like you can't live without nicotine!
Jacoby Jerome says, "So just not quick enough"
Duke Seidner [145.9] says, "also watch out, karen petrov escaped"
Jaxon Scott [145.9] asks, "But hey, stripes are in, right?"
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Your stomach lurches painfully!
Tteckk Booth gags and retches!
You begin to recover.
Easton Logue nods.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Tteckk Booth says, "my toorn tu du zee soorgery"
You feel like you can't live without space drugs!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Tteckk Booth has grabbed Easton Logue passively!
Easton Logue salutes.
Adrian James [145.9] says, "AI can you let me out."
Tteckk Booth has grabbed Easton Logue aggressively (now hands)!
Tteckk Booth puts Easton Logue on the reinforced table.
You would DIE for some space drugs right now!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Your stomach lurches painfully!
Tteckk Booth gags and retches!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Easton Logue faints.
Tteckk Booth says, "vuups"
You would DIE for some nicotine right now!
Jacoby Jerome asks, "Any clue how to make it shoot staplers for future refrence?"
Tteckk Booth twitches.
The snack machine beeps, "Try our new nougat bar!"
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Tteckk Booth throws Easton Logue's right leg.
Easton Logue faints.
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] states, "Only if they're pinthripeth."
You no longer feel reliant on methamphetamine!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Tteckk Booth throws Easton Logue's right leg.
You feel like you can't live without space drugs!
Easton Logue faints.
Easton Logue snores.
Duke Seidner [145.9] says, "ai let everyone know karen escaped and she looks totally unfabulous"
Jaxon Scott [145.9] says, "Now now"
Tteckk Booth exclaims, "yuoo need tu du eet - Bork Bork Bork!"
Easton Logue has Easton Logue's right leg attached to its stump by Jacoby Jerome.
You feel like you can't live without space drugs!
You begin to recover.
You no longer feel reliant on space drugs!
The cigarette machine beeps, "Don't believe the reports - smoke today!"
You feel like you can't live without nicotine!
Jaxon Scott [145.9] exclaims, "300 seconds!"
Easton Logue faints.
You no longer feel reliant on nicotine!
Tteckk Booth throws the staple gun.
You would DIE for some krokodil right now!
You staple Easton Logue's Easton Logue's right leg securely to their stump with the staple gun.
Tteckk Booth throws the staple gun.
Easton Logue has been hit by the staple gun.
Easton Logue faints.
Your stomach lurches painfully!
Tteckk Booth gags and retches!
You begin to recover.
You no longer feel reliant on krokodil!
Tteckk Booth attacks Easton Logue in the chest with Easton Logue's right arm!
Tteckk Booth attacks Easton Logue in the chest with Easton Logue's right arm!
Easton Logue faints.
Kevin Kuzmicki [145.9] says, "oh shit"
Easton Logue screams!
Tteckk Booth attacks Easton Logue in the left arm with Easton Logue's right arm!
Tteckk Booth attacks Easton Logue in the chest with Easton Logue's right arm!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Kevin Kuzmicki [145.9] says, "that was a huge fucking fire"
Jacoby Jerome says, "RIGHT"
You attach Easton Logue's right arm to Easton Logue's stump. It doesn't look very secure!
Jacoby Jerome attacks Easton Logue in the right arm with the staple gun!
Easton Logue faints.
Jacoby Jerome staples Easton Logue's Easton Logue's right arm securely to their stump with the staple gun.
Easton Logue screams!
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] states, "Appearenthly, Karen ethcaped. Altho, thhe is poorly drethhed and ith a short man in an even thorter thirt."
Tteckk Booth says, "vhet e peeen eent he-a ess"
Jacoby Jerome shakes Easton Logue trying to wake Easton Logue up!
Jacoby Jerome shakes Easton Logue trying to wake Easton Logue up!
System Unity Update

Radiation Storm

A radioactive storm is approaching the station. Personnel should evacuate any areas affected by suspicious phenomenae.

The snack machine beeps, "Twice the calories for half the price!"
You begin to recover.
Tteckk Booth says, "ee cunt huld unytheegn ffur mure-a thun e secund"
John Davis [145.9] asks, "where was the fire?"
Jaxon Scott [145.9] says, "AI, your lisp is starting to give me a headache"
Your intent is now set to 'help'.
Easton Logue asks, "Anybody for a celebratory drink?"
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Jacoby Jerome has analyzed Easton Logue's vitals!
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] states, "Plug your earth then."
The cigarette machine beeps, "Smoke!"
Tteckk Booth exclaims, "Soore!"
The feeling of Swedishness passes.
Jacoby Jerome says, "Going to see if I got a winning lottery ticket"
Tteckk Booth exclaims, "lets do it all over again!"
Jaxon Scott [145.9] says, "Pleathe, thop that lipthing im- oh dear god"
Easton Logue says, "Heh."
Your intent is now set to 'grab'.
Tteckk Booth has grabbed Easton Logue passively!
Tteckk Booth has grabbed Easton Logue passively!
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] states, "Thhrow your headthet away or thomething. I can't help the lithp."
You begin to recover.
Jaxon Scott [145.9] exclaims, "It ith contagiouth!"
Tteckk Booth says, "HERE WE GO"
Tteckk Booth exclaims, "HERE WE GO!"
Kevin Kuzmicki [145.9] says, "I'd doubt it."
Kenneth Crimer [145.9] gasps, "OOHH NOOO"
Tteckk Booth takes a sip from Shot Glass.
How refreshing!
You feel a burning sensation in your throat...
Tteckk Booth drools.
You feel Swedish, however that works.
You feel FUCKED UP!!!!!!
You suddenly feel invigorated and guilty...
You blink, and suddenly you're somewhere else!
Tteckk Booth f a r t s !
Easton Logue takes a sip from Shot Glass.
Easton Logue drools.
Easton Logue faints.
Easton Logue's Easton Logue's right arm flies off in a bloody arc!
Easton Logue screams!
Tteckk Booth slurs, "vuu"
Easton Logue trembles.
Easton Logue drools.
Easton Logue twitches.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Your eyes itch.
Tteckk Booth blinks.
Easton Logue coughs.
Easton Logue sneezes.
Easton Logue drools.
Easton Logue stumbles around.
Tteckk Booth smiles.
You feel too chill!
Tteckk Booth yawns.
Kevin Kuzmicki raises an eyebrow.
Jaxon Scott [145.9] exclaims, "Quick everyone, cover your earthp!"
Easton Logue smiles.
Tteckk Booth slurs, "dueff vesh glushe - Borg Borg Borg!"
Duke Seidner [145.9] says, "Oh. my. god. thith lithsp ith FAAAAABULOUUUUUS"
Tteckk Booth slurs, "ee gunthf mufe"
Easton Logue has added Easton Logue's right arm to the backpack!
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] states, "Fabulouth indeed."
The Mr. Muggles rolls.
You begin to recover.
Jaxon Scott [145.9] says, "Three minutethp more until human-thpape beethp will take over thithp thation"
Easton Logue shivers.
The snack machine beeps, "A fresh delight is only a bite away!"
Easton Logue gasps, "- Borg Borg Borg!"
Ricky Robby [145.9] says, "wath ithss"
Tteckk Booth slurs, "ve-a deed eeff egeeen"
The soda machine beeps, "Decirprevo. The sophisticate's bottled water."
Easton Logue gasps, "Gud demn. - Borg Borg Borg!"
Kenneth Crimer [145.9] says, "WHERE IS THE ADMIN BUS"
Jacoby Jerome says, "You blew up AGAIN"
Tteckk Booth slurs, "ee gunthf mufe"
Duke Seidner [145.9] exclaims, "omigod ai, your fathse ith thoooo good looking!"
You step in the broken glass!
You step in the broken glass!
You step in the broken glass!
You step in the broken glass!
Easton Logue sneezes.
You step in the broken glass!
You step in the broken glass!
You step in the broken glass!
You step in the broken glass!
Easton Logue sneezes.
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] states, "Thank you."
Jaxon Scott [145.9] exclaims, "One hundred and twenty thpecondthp!"
Duke Seidner [145.9] says, "which producths do you useth."
Easton Logue shivers.
Slot Machine says, 'No luck!'
Slot Machine says, 'Winner! Jacoby Jerome has won fifty credits!'
Tteckk Booth slurs, "beshff dreengh efer"
Slot Machine says, 'Winner! Jacoby Jerome has won fifty credits!'
Slot Machine says, 'Thank you for playing!'
Kevin Kuzmicki [145.9] asks, "Why are you all getting lisps?"
Kevin Kuzmicki [145.9] says, "Stop that."
Kenneth Crimer [145.9] says, "yeah nerds"
Easton Logue shivers.
Easton Logue takes a sip from Shot Glass.
Easton Logue drools.
Easton Logue faints.
Tteckk Booth takes a sip from Shot Glass.
You suddenly feel invigorated and guilty...
What an explosive burst of flavor!
You feel a burning sensation in your throat...

... You can almost hear something ...
You suddenly feel invigorated and guilty...
Did everything just get bigger?
You feel FUCKED UP!!!!!!
You feel slightly better, but for how long?
... You can almost hear something ...
You blink, and suddenly you're somewhere else!
Tteckk Booth scratches at an itch.
You feel pretty chill.
Tteckk Booth smiles.
Easton Logue drools.
Easton Logue shivers.
Easton Logue shivers.
Easton Logue drools.
Easton Logue shivers.
Tteckk Booth shivers.
Easton Logue drools.
Easton Logue shivers.
You feel a dull headache.
Tteckk Booth shivers.
Tteckk Booth shivers.
Tteckk Booth twitches violently.
Easton Logue stumbles around.
Easton Logue faints.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Easton Logue twitches.
Easton Logue twitches violently.
You begin craving nicotine!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Jacoby Jerome attempts to force Easton Logue to swallow Salicylic acid pill.
Ziggy Revival shakes Easton Logue trying to wake Easton Logue up!
Tteckk Booth blinks.
Ziggy Revival shakes Easton Logue trying to wake Easton Logue up!
Jacoby Jerome forces Easton Logue to swallow Salicylic acid pill.
Ziggy Revival shakes Easton Logue trying to wake Easton Logue up!
Easton Logue shivers.
Tteckk Booth mumbles.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Ziggy Revival shakes Easton Logue trying to wake Easton Logue up!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Tteckk Booth twitches violently.
Tteckk Booth shivers.
Tteckk Booth [145.9] says, "MMyy lleeggsshh eerreeee--a ffuuuu shhffffoobbbbby ffurrrr mmmmee--aa fffuuuuu muuffee!! ---- BBBBooorrrrgg BBoorrgg BBoorrggg!!"
Tteckk Booth says, "MMyy lleeggsshh eerreeee--a ffuuuu shhffffoobbbbby ffurrrr mmmmee--aa fffuuuuu muuffee!! ---- BBBBooorrrrgg BBoorrgg BBoorrggg!!"
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] states, "Kevin, you look like thome jerk from home depot drethhed you. Your colorth are deprethhing and dark. You need to ---"
You begin to recover.
Tteckk Booth mumbles.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Tteckk Booth twitches violently.
Tteckk Booth burps.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
System Unity Update

Commerce and Customs Alert

A merchant shuttle has docked with the station.

You REALLY crave some space drugs!
Jacoby Jerome points to Tteckk Booth's left leg
Jaxon Scott [145.9] exclaims, "HUMAN BEETHP!"
Geoff Holmes [145.9] says, "This wand is really fun"
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] states, "ALERT"
Your stomach lurches painfully!
Tteckk Booth gags and retches!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
The snack machine beeps, "We feature Discount Dan's Noodle Soups!"
Tteckk Booth twitches.
You would DIE for some space drugs right now!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Jacoby Jerome attacks Tteckk Booth in the right arm with Tteckk Booth's right arm!
Your stomach lurches painfully!
Tteckk Booth gags and retches!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Tteckk Booth says, "oooohh"
Your stomach lurches painfully!
Tteckk Booth gags and retches!
Jacoby Jerome attacks Tteckk Booth in the right arm with Tteckk Booth's right arm!
Tteckk Booth says, "eeeemm ffffoooggghhhheeeed"
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
You would DIE for some space drugs right now!
System Unity Update

Radiation Storm

A radioactive storm is approaching the station. Personnel should evacuate any areas affected by suspicious phenomenae.

Your stomach lurches painfully!
Tteckk Booth gags and retches!
Jacoby Jerome attacks Tteckk Booth in the right arm with Tteckk Booth's right arm!
Duke Seidner [145.9] says, "my lithsp is starthing to dithappear"
You would DIE for some space drugs right now!
Jacoby Jerome says, "Welp"
Tteckk Booth says, "eee nneeeeeedd fffu bbee-aa unne fffffeebbblle"
You would DIE for some krokodil right now!
Duke Seidner [145.9] exclaims, "EW!"
Tteckk Booth burps.
Duke Seidner [145.9] says, "oh go"
You would DIE for some krokodil right now!
You begin to recover.
Jacoby Jerome attempts to force Tteckk Booth to swallow Salicylic acid pill.
You REALLY crave some nicotine!
Jacoby Jerome forces Tteckk Booth to swallow Salicylic acid pill.
Duke Seidner [145.9] says, "i blacked out"
Tteckk Booth says, "eeeeeeelllll bbee----a ug"
You feel like you can't live without space drugs!
Tteckk Booth says, "uugg"
Duke Seidner [145.9] asks, "why does my tongue hurt?"
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] queries, "Drinking too much booze again, sir?"
Your stomach lurches painfully!
Tteckk Booth gags and retches!
You begin to recover.
Kenneth Crimer [145.9] says, "THE LSIP"
The Mr. Muggles scratches.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Duke Seidner [145.9] says, "maybe..."
Tteckk Booth mumbles.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Kenneth Crimer [145.9] says, "IS CONTAGIOUS"
You would DIE for some nicotine right now!
You would DIE for some nicotine right now!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Your stomach lurches painfully!
Tteckk Booth gags and retches!
You would DIE for some space drugs right now!
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] queries, "Perhaps you counseling?"
Jaxon Scott [145.9] says, "FOOD OR NO BEES FOR YOU"
Kevin Kuzmicki [145.9] says, "Ai open"
Tteckk Booth twitches.
You would DIE for some space drugs right now!
Jaxon Scott [145.9] exclaims, "FOOOOD!"
Tteckk Booth twitches.
The snack machine beeps, "Try our new nougat bar!"
You feel like you can't live without nicotine!
You would DIE for some space drugs right now!
The Mr. Muggles rolls.
Tteckk Booth hiccups.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Jacoby Jerome has analyzed Tteckk Booth's vitals!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Jacoby Jerome has added Health Analyzer to First-Aid!
Jacoby Jerome says, "Huh"
You begin to recover.
Jacoby Jerome says, "Your just reallly addicted to stuff"
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Jacoby Jerome attacks Tteckk Booth in the chest with Tteckk Booth's right arm!
Duke Seidner [145.9] says, "that's the shit"
You would DIE for some nicotine right now!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Jacoby Jerome has grabbed Tteckk Booth passively!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Jacoby Jerome has failed to grab Tteckk Booth aggressively!
Jacoby Jerome has grabbed Tteckk Booth passively!
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Jacoby Jerome has grabbed Tteckk Booth aggressively (now hands)!
Jacoby Jerome puts Tteckk Booth on the reinforced table.
Jacoby Jerome attacks Tteckk Booth in the right arm with Tteckk Booth's right arm!
Kevin Kuzmicki [145.9] says, "ai open"
You begin to recover.
You would DIE for some nicotine right now!
You feel like you can't live without space drugs!
Jacoby Jerome says, "Welp"
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Ricky Robby [145.9] asks, "can I walk in it?"
Tteckk Booth twitches.
Welp-O-Matic. [145.9] declares, "NO!"
And thats how I became a paralysed Swedish dwarf, teleporter with 1 leg and 1 arm.
Don't do drugs kids.
Krisk Wrote:
Quote:Nick Pausback stammers, "ii''mm oouuutt"
Nick Pausback points the gun at his head. Click!
Nick Pausback points the gun at his head. Click!
Nick Pausback points the gun at his head. Click!
Nick Pausback points the gun at his head. Click!
Elise Garrett says, "Lucky bastard."
Nick Pausback points the gun at his head. Click!
BOOM! Nick Pausback's head explodes.

Is that the highest possible Russian Roulette score, or what?
1/720 (1/6!)
UrsulaMejor Wrote:
Krisk Wrote:
Quote:Nick Pausback stammers, "ii''mm oouuutt"
Nick Pausback points the gun at his head. Click!
Nick Pausback points the gun at his head. Click!
Nick Pausback points the gun at his head. Click!
Nick Pausback points the gun at his head. Click!
Elise Garrett says, "Lucky bastard."
Nick Pausback points the gun at his head. Click!
BOOM! Nick Pausback's head explodes.

Is that the highest possible Russian Roulette score, or what?
1/720 (1/6!)
Your maths isn't quite right there.
"In biology, the imago is the last stage an insect attains during its metamorphosis, its process of growth and development; it also is called the imaginal stage, the stage in which the insect attains maturity."

A shame you missed what was happening outside in space during the beginning of the video. Space became a shifting mass of glowing archaic runes that kept changing. Also a shame you missed the sudden transition at the very beginning in the lobby, where everyone suddenly realized something was very wrong before the game even started, the title suddenly turning into this painting wit ha garbled, glitchy static sound:

[Image: xUvuxNM.jpg]

Still, I am really glad someone recorded all of this!

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