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make medical borg patches non-infinite
Meh, no thanks. I mean even though that borg death patches are deadly, borgs still need you to be still for a little bit to put them onto you. And since borgs have no reliable way to stun you (with the hopefully upcoming update to make borgs get stunned by flashbangs) I think this is going to be not necessary and really make the default medical borg kind of useless..
Please don't do this. This is a surefire way to make nobody ever go medical borg.
oops I thought the stamps didn't count as patches and cyborgs had blank patches they could put whatever on,but it looks like im wrong??
So I guess the suggestion is to make it impossible to mess with the default stamps.
Help I am too scrub to think of running away from / into a medical borg that is putting its OH-JESUS-FUCK patch on me / a nearby monkey / assistant. Please nerf them.
I think rogue chemborgs are much more dangerous than medborgs.
Amuys Wrote:I think rogue chemborgs are much more dangerous than medborgs.

They can be, but only if they do the equivalent of a Wizard taking Knock and Empower and stealing the absent HoS's energy gun and thermals.

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