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Give some ideas for gimmick rounds
I have the creativity of a mollusk and want to mix things up occasionally but that usually just ends up horrible chaos rounds where everyone's dying, let's have some ideas for cool 1-off rounds with weird set-ups!!
Shoes are more valuable than gold:
Centcom wants shoes, gather them by any means necessary (Without killing anyone). Whoever delivers the most shoes to Centcom by the end of the round wins.
Twist: Slowly people will one by one become traitors with the objective to steal shoes for the syndicate.
I got two gimmicks. Gimmick One: The station is placed on a syndicate game show. In order to make it out alive, the crew must compete in ridiculous and deadly challanges like to burger eating contests and B-Ball tables, ladders, and chairs matches. The winner is sent to centcom WITH A BRAND NEW CAR! The losers/people who didn't participate die with the station.

Gimmick two: Nanotrasion has sent ALL the gold that valves the credits used by the station to SS13. Four traitors tasked with stealing the gold, are given a multi-implantor, 4 silanced pistol kits, and some matching masks. The crew is tasked to protect the gold from robbers.
gang mode but everyone is also a wizard
Hide-N-Go Murder

One man is an antagonist, the others are hunters. the antagonist gets a chameleon projector, and some sort of re useable knock out thing. everyone is given a pinpointer that shows what the antagonists current transformation is (for instance, if he is a stack of credits it will show a stack of credits on the screen) Or it gives the (general) location of the hiding guy. the guy that kills him gets a prize/ gets to be the new hider! This cant go horribly wrong!

Also P.S. the antagonist gets thermals and all the lights are blown. just to make it a little even.

The crew is too busy chasing wizards and traitors to commit to actual science, show us some real science or everyone dies.


some ideas.

Show centcom the biggest and most creative bomb.

turn a flamethrower into something we haven't seen yet.

use the mechanics components for something cool and sciency.

use botany for something sciencey.

show the productivity benefits of chainsaw arms.

The station is being brought before space-court for the many crimes it has committed. All players are teleported to some kind of court room and forced to testify, for fear of death.
Station hunger games. Each department must send forth two contestants to compete in the main halls and maintenance. The departments can gift their contestants items that they create, like med-drops or pipe-bombs, and the department who's champion wins gets to leave. The others are executed via Wendigo Kings.
Demands: station crew must comply to a syndicate lord's demands in a certain time limit or bad things start happening. Demands should get harder to complete while the time lowers for each demand after completing one. Bad things could include people randomly exploding to black holes to giant syndicate death lasers. The crew wins after completing a certain amount of demands.
Xenonia Wrote:The station is being brought before space-court for the many crimes it has committed. All players are teleported to some kind of court room and forced to testify, for fear of death.

I like this one the best.

Quote:I motion that the witness be removed from the court because he keeps pleading the fifth. He's not even the person on trial! also he's clearly drunk and puking everywhere. Also I think he's crashing from a meth high and he keeps saying that cats are everywhere and screaming things about dragons and spiders.
Like admin orientated gimmicks?
I'd love to see a co-ordinated "spy" round.

Make the round extended, so you can make up a set it up.
Make 10 random people traitors, without any gear, 5 in one team, 5 in another. Their objectives are as follows:
OBJECTIVE 1: You are part of the BADLAD Intelligence Service. There are other friendly units positioned on the station. Your password is "Butt, Chaplain, Melon" Be wary of those who are not familiar with the passcode.
OBJECTIVE 2: There is code in each email sent to separate computers on the station. Retrieve each symbol of the code, and then forward the code the admingimmick@mail
OBJECTIVE 3: Successfully doing so will result in a weapon drop. Please await confirmation on the location of the drop.

This would be very interesting. First person to crack the code, gets the goods. You could run to the nearest computer and start getting a symbol code, but then again, so could one of the enemy team. There's ALOT of paranoia involved. Who's on your team? Is the code correct? Is that dude on the computer part of my team, and should I make my password call, or will that give away my position? Will the other team set a mole? Many questions.
I played MGS3 a while back and I think you could do something fun just by making 6 dudes the cobra unit and giving them some objective

fury gets an infinite flamethrower, a fireproof spacesuit, and rocket shoes that don't suck

fear gets a cloaker, stimulants and a radbow

end gets a chameleon projector, the traitor Med Director rifle, thermals, and a box of grenades

sorrow gets ghost goggles and that old vampire power that made ghosts that would attack people

boss gets that matcho mann thing where anyone who attacks her gets disarmed automatically, and if she disarms someone manually the item breaks and so does their arm

pain gets bees. so many bees.
Cobra unit is ass I wanna be Fatman and skate around the station placing c4 while drinking wine through a straw
I think you mean pain gets wasps. Bees just sit around being cute, not so threatening.
Dabir Wrote:I think you mean pain gets wasps. Bees just sit around being cute, not so threatening.
the new bees do

old space bees were(I think they still exist in like the biodome or something) nightmarish creatures

they'd sting you once and die. but once was all it took considering I think their venom was actually neurotoxin

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