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The teleporter should be access-free
Well yeah, I agree it's perfectly fine as it is. I was just making suggestions based on this suggestion.
You can build a pod/grab a pod and get to the diner much easier than using the teleporter and then having to build the teleporter in the diner (or is that setup by default now?)

Plus Pods give you access to all the parts of space that are accessible by pod, not just the diner.

Otherwise pretty much any part of the station is accessible if you are willing to commit some level of theft or property damage.

Thermite and pyrosium are the easiest combination for removing rwalls that I can figure.
The diner teleporter is easy to set up. Just bring glass sheets, or break the glass windows and melt down the shards.

Wrench the computer console frame in place, insert one of the teleporter boards from the rack into the frame, screwdriver it, insert two wire and two glass, and screwdriver it again.

Then you can teleport to the station teleporter room to grab or scan the hand-tele.

Its great for roboticists as well. Make a dozen cyborg heads, head to the diner, and make all the roburgers you can shove down people's throats.
Hell, the diner is even better than that for traitor Roboticists. Bring a syringe, pump the two npcs full of roburgers, harvest the nanites, and get a sleepypen. Hello entire crew of robots.
Captain_Bravo Wrote:Hell, the diner is even better than that for traitor Roboticists. Bring a syringe, pump the two npcs full of roburgers, harvest the nanites, and get a sleepypen. Hello entire crew of robots.

Robotic transformation is really obvious, takes a long time to develop, and is easily curable. The diner has fairly steady traffic now days between mining and people buying drugs.
Is it super obvious? I seem to remember being surprised by it before, but it's been a while since I've honestly seen anyone even try it, so I might be misremembering. I know it's pretty easy to cure with electric shocks, but I thought it was subtle enough to get by.
Captain_Bravo Wrote:Is it super obvious? I seem to remember being surprised by it before, but it's been a while since I've honestly seen anyone even try it, so I might be misremembering. I know it's pretty easy to cure with electric shocks, but I thought it was subtle enough to get by.

You might trick someone who has never had it before, but it forces your guy to say "beep boop" occasionally and at stage three or so you get messages about how there is something inside of you.
I think most people would just accept it. I know I would.

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