01-05-2014, 07:50 PM
Spy mode has the potential to be a pretty fun game mode, and I know this because occasionally the stars align and you get a really rad round where spy-like things happen. But usually it ends up a dumb shit-heap where people are murdering literally everyone who isn't in their tiny group and you'd swear it was just a traitor round. People don't bother spying to figure out who the other spies are since chances are you'll just get murdered if you're right.
People under the same spymaster have no way of knowing who is in their group outside of being told who is who, or seeing the other guy get mindslaved. This becomes a bigger problem when a spymaster mindslaves a spymaster, or when people disguise their appearances. I've heard people saying that it's totally OK if you don't recognize them due to being disguised, but I'd like to point out that nuke operatives are able to identify each other no matter what disguise they have on. The confusion of who or who isn't on your team makes it nearly impossible to organize everyone together, or to coordinate, to work together, etc, etc. This is made multitudes worse when people are bad at names, which I myself am.
To potentially fix this, I propose that each spymaster is spawned with a different color implanter. People implanted by the same color of implanter can see each other, but can not see others who are implanted by another color. The spymaster always has his color S over his head, which can only be seen by people who are implanted by his color implanter. This would make people know definitely at-a-glance who is on their team and would avoid ruining that neat % chance of a mindslave implant failing on a mindslaved target. The only downside to this idea that I can think of is that it would muck up stealing a deceased spy masters injector and using it to increase your army, but IMO that was a bad feature to begin with, and this would instead encourage you to hide the injector from the hands of the rest of the surviving team.
Another change I propose is to make spymasters immune to mindslaving from the get-go. I understand that sometimes getting mindslaved by an opposing spymaster can turn out fun sometimes but generally you just get ordered to kill yourself when the guy finds out. It doesn't really make sense in the first place that a syndicate spy wouldn't have protection from becoming a slave anyway. I understand that some people like this feature but I really think it is against the spirit of the mode, and is one of the things making this round-type not so good.
There should be spy-mode specific traitor items that can be bought with tele-crystals that actually encourage spying. I don't have many ideas on this other than bugs and stuff, all I know for sure is the only existing way to realistically spy on someone is with thermals or the AI, and you shouldn't have to rely on those two things to spy on people in a game-mode called spy.
That's all I got for now. Any other ideas? I really think this game-mode has potential but as it stands it is just traitor where you get a free injector. I know there is a thread open about replacing spy with gang, but I figured that isn't the thread to post this.
People under the same spymaster have no way of knowing who is in their group outside of being told who is who, or seeing the other guy get mindslaved. This becomes a bigger problem when a spymaster mindslaves a spymaster, or when people disguise their appearances. I've heard people saying that it's totally OK if you don't recognize them due to being disguised, but I'd like to point out that nuke operatives are able to identify each other no matter what disguise they have on. The confusion of who or who isn't on your team makes it nearly impossible to organize everyone together, or to coordinate, to work together, etc, etc. This is made multitudes worse when people are bad at names, which I myself am.

To potentially fix this, I propose that each spymaster is spawned with a different color implanter. People implanted by the same color of implanter can see each other, but can not see others who are implanted by another color. The spymaster always has his color S over his head, which can only be seen by people who are implanted by his color implanter. This would make people know definitely at-a-glance who is on their team and would avoid ruining that neat % chance of a mindslave implant failing on a mindslaved target. The only downside to this idea that I can think of is that it would muck up stealing a deceased spy masters injector and using it to increase your army, but IMO that was a bad feature to begin with, and this would instead encourage you to hide the injector from the hands of the rest of the surviving team.
Another change I propose is to make spymasters immune to mindslaving from the get-go. I understand that sometimes getting mindslaved by an opposing spymaster can turn out fun sometimes but generally you just get ordered to kill yourself when the guy finds out. It doesn't really make sense in the first place that a syndicate spy wouldn't have protection from becoming a slave anyway. I understand that some people like this feature but I really think it is against the spirit of the mode, and is one of the things making this round-type not so good.
There should be spy-mode specific traitor items that can be bought with tele-crystals that actually encourage spying. I don't have many ideas on this other than bugs and stuff, all I know for sure is the only existing way to realistically spy on someone is with thermals or the AI, and you shouldn't have to rely on those two things to spy on people in a game-mode called spy.
That's all I got for now. Any other ideas? I really think this game-mode has potential but as it stands it is just traitor where you get a free injector. I know there is a thread open about replacing spy with gang, but I figured that isn't the thread to post this.