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Replace Spy with Gang in Secret Rotation
they're both modes that devolve into mass chaos and mayhem but one of them at least lets everyone participate and wear funny costumes in the process.
mozi Wrote:they're both modes that devolve into mass chaos and mayhem but one of them at least lets everyone participate and wear funny costumes in the process.

I thought that gang mode had to be heavily administrated and that was why it wasn't in the rotation? There is a large handful of things that people can do to completely ruin a gang round and without an admin around to squash it you can be screwed for a good amount of time until the problem is resolved. I'd much rather have gang mode in the rotation than spy, though.
Yeah the only thing I have against gang mode is that heads can't join gangs so they end up trying their best to end the round as fast as possible like giving the AI a law to screw with gangs and making bombs and shit like that. I assume that is one of the reasons it needs to be watched by admins. Also I assume it needs to be watched by admins so the gangs don't go around randomly killing people that aren't in gangs.
did we actually get weedpoints or objectives or whatever for gang? gang is fun but if it's just a deathmatch every couple rounds it'll get old
icarus Wrote:did we actually get weedpoints or objectives or whatever for gang? gang is fun but if it's just a deathmatch every couple rounds it'll get old

Yes, you get points for having drugs, weapons and cash near your gang locker.
I would support just fixing spy instead but that may be impossible since you have to change players' attitudes towards it, and tell them to at least TRY to be a spy, use stealth, etc.

What I was thinking was adding a points system, in which killing spymasters/spies/completing objectives would grant you points, while killing civilians would subtract points. So say spy group A wipes out spy group B, losing two guys in the process and killing ~5-10 civilians in the crossfire, while group B kills no civilians yet takes out the other 2 spies, group B wins. Reason being the syndicate is looking for spy dudes that can solid snake that shit when told to instead of being a group of loud retards, group A doesn't get the job. Of course this might not work for many reasons, just an idea.

Also can you still order a belt as a spy? That shit just doesn't make sense.
what's the point of being stealthy though. there is no mechanism for determining who other spies are so killing everyone is really the sensible choice there.
mozi Wrote:what's the point of being stealthy though. there is no mechanism for determining who other spies are so killing everyone is really the sensible choice there.

I agree. The way it is right now, making an army and killing everyone is the best option if you want to win. An ideal spy round to me would have spymasters sending out their spies low-key, sniffing out places like Cargo, Research, security for gatherings and shit (walking by cargo and seeing the captain, QM, and CE opening laser crates and arming themselves to the teeth is a guarantee you've found a spy ring), or sniffing out PDA messages and stuff. Then hopefully the spies would try to infiltrate each other's groups, maybe by pretending to be implanted or killing a member and taking his place with a voice changer. Then leading the others into a maintenance hall trap with the crew none the wiser, MAYBE killing 1 or 2 civvie snoops.

But you're right, this is way too much to ask of a player in the current system when they can just kill anyone that snoops around their area and slowly expand and murder everything for the win. This sorta relies heavily on a spy honor code to work, or severe changes to the mode.
Spy is bad, terrible, horrible, and so on. Please consider this.
gang is more fun when it's moderated and only happens every so often. there's just too much people ~can do~ in a gang round that they shouldn't for it to be in the rotation(walling off the lockers, immediately arresting entire gangs, immediately killing all of security).
Marquesas Wrote:Spy is bad, terrible, horrible, and so on. Please consider this.

Yep. It may be that funny stuff happens now and then in a spy round, but honestly it's just lame and predictable 90% of the time. If admins want to moderate it, gang would probably be more interesting instead.

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