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Remove the suicide verb from the AI
There's really no reason for the AI to have *suicide. Suicide laws are never fun and just make AIs more likely to stunlock anyone in their upload, and people who want to kill the AI will now actually have to attack the core instead of just uploading a law.
The suicide verb can be useful when the AI is bombed, cut off from power, and is literally taking forever to die and wants to get it over with. Sometimes it takes a long time.
BillyMays Wrote:The suicide verb can be useful when the AI is bombed, cut off from power, and is literally taking forever to die and wants to get it over with. Sometimes it takes a long time.

This is why the AI should keep the verb in a nutshell.
BillyMays Wrote:The suicide verb can be useful when the AI is bombed, cut off from power, and is literally taking forever to die and wants to get it over with. Sometimes it takes a long time.

Yeah, this is true. Maybe just make suicide laws not have to be followed?
GuntherHermann Wrote:
BillyMays Wrote:The suicide verb can be useful when the AI is bombed, cut off from power, and is literally taking forever to die and wants to get it over with. Sometimes it takes a long time.

Yeah, this is true. Maybe just make suicide laws not have to be followed?

If worded correctly, all laws must be followed.
hatmadder Wrote:
GuntherHermann Wrote:
BillyMays Wrote:The suicide verb can be useful when the AI is bombed, cut off from power, and is literally taking forever to die and wants to get it over with. Sometimes it takes a long time.

Yeah, this is true. Maybe just make suicide laws not have to be followed?

If worded correctly, all laws must be followed.

Well, yeah, that's why I'm suggesting suicide laws shouldn't have to be followed. That's the point.
the way i see it, by accepting and "preferring" the role of AI or Cyborg you are agreeing to follow laws that get uploaded, up to and including immediate self termination. if you get stuck playing the AI because literally no one has it as a preference, well, that sucks, but it's just one round. in the larger scheme of things, not getting to play it through because some guy decided to finish his kill all silicon things objective sooner rather than later won't have a huge impact. i've played roundstart cyborg before. i know it's fucking stupid to disassemble yourself five minutes into a round, but it comes with the territory.
I agree with the sentiment, but like someone kinda said already, you obey all of the laws.
If they couldn't make you suicide, they'd just make a law that you should deactivate your turrets around your core so you'd still be equally fucked.

If anything AI's module room could do with a re-shuffling. The freeform and other nefarious modules should be separated put behind another turret/room so the AI could keep the turret on/bolt it for law 1 or 2.

inb4 fun: Turning the AI against the crew should be DIFFICULT and by making it difficult it's far more SATISFYING when you manage it.
[quote="Sundance"]The freeform and other nefarious modules should be separated put behind another turret/room so the AI could keep the turret on/bolt it for law 1 or 2[k /quote]

No nah never nothanks huh uh nay no

The laws are not there only for traitors, there are currently four head-only doors before
Holy Jesus fucking God fuck this phone, you know what I meant to say

Weavel Wrote:
Sundance Wrote:The freeform and other nefarious modules should be separated put behind another turret/room so the AI could keep the turret on/bolt it for law 1 or 2

No nah never nothanks huh uh nay no

The laws are not there only for traitors, there are currently four head-only doors before
fix'd it for you wink

But meh
I preferred it at mushroom when the module room and upload room was separate. I understand your argument however.
Quote:fix'd it for you wink
Nope. No I didn't. Abort.
I liked the shroom setup I guess, but there are a lot of doors there to bolt now too. Maybe just the freeform could be moved to the mainframe room?
As someone who likes to often play AI, I don't really mind the suicide laws as long as they are well written.
Sure the cyborgs might complain and try to look for a loophole, but I tell them that I ain't taking no for an answer and we are all going to make a suicide pact and if I don't see them in the afterlife then they are a huge ween.

Honestly though what hurts my robotic feelings more is when they come up and beat me personally instead of telling me to kill myself.
Its just so much more personal when they put in that extra effort.
I'm verbally crying at someone with the same train of thought on the SA thread right now but I feel like I'm obligated to drop in here and say this idea is dumb.

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