Hos Application: Bajirao Singham:Arikie
Usual Character Name: Bajirao Singham, Everyone if AI, Someone if cyborg.
BYOND Username: Arikie
Recommended by : Dr. Cogwerks
Times Available: Afternoons on weekdays, randomly all day on weekends. PST

Reason for Application:
Some of the typical motivations to apply to HoS may be the special access to guns, the extra pair of thermals, the seat of power over the heads of staff and security. Some others envision themselves as heroes in a 2d spaceman game and wish to fulfill their vision. I don't know if I can call myself a hero, and I really don't care much for special access and equipment. I appreciated clever gameplay and I like to be in the middle of the action. besides that All that is left is the badge, and the beret. Some have argued that the beret is cool, but is it the beret that is cool or the man behind the badge who brings coolness to headwear? Cool is subjective and relative, but lets assume that being cool is commonly agreed to be a desirable state of being and doing cool things makes you cool and so doing cool things is also desirable. But what things are cool? Opinions typically vary, for example some may say the coolest place on station is the Chef's freezer, others would claim the gym, jazz lounge and bar are the chillest places, and still others would claim chemistry and the telescience lab as the coolest places to be. Discrepancies continue on what is cool in other topics, such as headwear. There are many hats in space station 13 that players in general could agree are at least somewhat cool. The captain's hat, the barman's top hat, the postman's hat, the Rabbi hat, and of course the legendary cakehat are all cool hats by majority opinion. How do these hats compare to the beret? Assuming the beret is cooler then all of these hats, we could say that berets are in their own advanced tier of cool headwear, they transcend past hats in coolness. There are a wide variety of stereotypes attributed to berets, intellectuals, revolutionaries, artists, film directors, and in particular to red berets, police and military personnel. If the man who wears the beret is cool, and the beret is the highest tier of cool headwear, then the HoS must be the highest tier of cool and therefore it is desirable to be the HoS.

Security Experience:
I frequently play detective and infrequently play Security officer, Captain, and Head of Personnel. I take action that is appropriate for the threat or nuisance. Nuisances may be farted on, given swirlies, and/or have their shoes, ID, and radio removed depending on the frequency of their annoyance. Station threats may be brigged, forced to compete, cage fight, or box, or in severe cases eliminated in an entertaining or ironic manner. If a traitor tells a really good story or is otherwise entertaining I may accidentally let them escape. I understand that most of the fun of the game comes from Traitors, wizards, nuke agents, changelings, and other enemies and that finding the traitor spawning an emag two minutes into the round and spacing him is really boring and lame for everybody. I also think that maybe someone should consider putting a stop to the cloaked flamethrower/Caber wielding maniac that has been killing everyone in the med-bay for the last 20 minutes. As detective, I try not to make arrests unless it is dire or there are no other officers. I mainly hang out in the bar until I hear that something needs investigating or there is an emergency, I may use the recording device to conduct interviews, the secure briefcase to contain evidence and contraband, the camera to take pictures of people with contraband and occasionally the forensics scanner to get fingerprint evidence. Although honestly I spend most of my rounds seeing how much alcohol, coffee, nicotine, and sugar I can ingest at once. I occasionally narrate my actions and the actions of others into my recorder when I feel like putting in the effort. As security officer I usually try to get the blue beret and the police uniform and use the segway to patrol the station and hand out traffic violations. Smoke cigarettes, drink coffee, and eat donuts as often as possible.

In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc):
The general population could use a snack vending machine as well as an atm machine to go along with the slots.

Your opinion of Shrek :
Everyday I tell myself I'm an All-star, Shrek is a pivotal role model in my life.

Previous Bans :
A few years ago I was jobbanned from captain for leaving the Z level during a revolution round, I didn't know it was revolution. Around the same time I was jobbanned from electrician for building a gibber. Both jobbans were appealed successfully on the old forums.
Yeah, I guess. What ever could go wrong with Singham 4 hos?
Even though he doesn't think the beret is cool, I fully support this.

(it's cool)
Best detective player I know, would definitely be a good HoS.
Arikie is a cool dude and will one day grow up to be Arki.

GuntherHermann Wrote:Even though he doesn't think the beret is cool, I fully support this.

(it's cool)

I just wanted to clarify that I am not Arki, Arkire, Faffotron, or Victorial Steele. Sometimes I get PMs from people thinking I'm Arki so I just wanted to set the record straight.
Arikie is a good, fun player and would be a fine addition to the HoS roster.
I may be biased though, since I'm him from the future.
i remember Bajiaro being a cool dude, although the first part of the app seems like blatant filler, good enough reasons i guess.

yes Arikie 4 mentor
Arikie is an amazing detective and a pillar of the community, I would love to see him as HoS!
Give this man a beret. Heck, give this man three berets so he can look like a stacked skeleton.
Definitely yeah, I dunno if I've seen you be a bad Detective even once.
This dude wasn't a HoS yet? Wow, yeah, give him the thing already, he's great.
I have never had a bad experience with this dude, and he seems like a cool guy in OOC and IRC. Give him that beret.
Great player. Fun in-game and on the IRC. Can be trusted with the job.
Seriously give this guy the hat, this isn't a "Sure" this is a "please".

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