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Visibly open skulls
So the idea is that when a roboticist is halfway through cutting a brain out, the victim/patient's head becomes open and you can see the brain. This would look like a borg with an open head compartment, but what the hell is an open head going to actually do? I could say that maybe you could yank someone's brain out but that would be boring. My idea is that when somebody has an open skull, roboticists have the ability to weld a butt onto the patient's head, replacing the removed skull with a butt that can only be cut off with surgery. Because the butt is now part of your head, you could still wear hats in case for some reason you don't want people to see your head buttocks but that would be a horrible thing to do.
Honestly, I really like this idea. It would mean you can stop a surgery halfway through. It also means that just popping a brain in a head isn't good enough any more, you've gotta staple it closed afterwards. Maybe walking around with the top of your skull missing means that any attacks to the head have a vastly increased chance of knocking you out. Also, doctors should have a way of rooting around in the brain cavity to fix brain damage, just like actual surgeons!
Would be a nice way of telling which bodies you're done with in robotics as well. Good idea.
Captain_Bravo Wrote:Maybe walking around with the top of your skull missing means that any attacks to the head have a vastly increased chance of knocking the brain loose, sending it sliding down the hallway like a wet bar of soap.

You post was good, but I think I improved it.
Darth Various Wrote:
Captain_Bravo Wrote:Maybe walking around with the top of your skull missing means that any attacks to the head have a vastly increased chance of knocking the brain loose, sending it sliding down the hallway like a wet bar of soap.

You post was good, but I think I improved it.
even better.

also yeah I like this idea.
Make a braindome by putting a glass bowl on your topless head. Then you can look like some super nerd who wants to show everyone how big your brain is.
I approve.

Also I can't help but think about frankenstein's head stitches and bolts.
Would it be possible to code in the top of the skull as a limb? So, when you cut it off, not only does it reveal the delicious grey matter within, but it also prevents that person from wearing a hat until they get it put back in.

This would also mean that explosions and Rathen's Secret can lead to your skull popping off. And, you could scalp pubbies! Piece of metal on help intent targeting the head applies a plate to someone's head, which then needs to be Wrenched on to tighten.
Kaet Wrote:Make a braindome by putting a glass bowl on your topless head. Then you can look like some super nerd who wants to show everyone how big your brain is.


one step closer to completing my mad scientist gettup

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