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Mysha's Recipe Manager + Telesci Utilities
Recipe Manager

Recipe Manager makes the lifes of every chemist/barman/mad scientist a lot easier, giving them the ability to look up ingredients of every chemical in their recipe list, alongsie with the directions needed to make that particular reagent.

Here are some visual aids:

[Image: nCSSprW.png]
You can doubleclick on any of the ingredients and it will take you to its entry in the recipe list.

[Image: tanKRGt.png]

[Image: dkTFurU.png]

With this release I include the recipe list cogwerks released, with some information added by Marquesas, compiled into the required format by me.

Recipe lists
The recipe lists are YAML-formatted text files. You can edit them with any plain text editor. The basic format is included in wiki.txt.
You can add any number of new recipe lists, so if you want to make your own list of drinks for when you are a barman, you certainly can.

The newest recipe lists are available from Download them, then in Recipe Manager select File->Add recipe list, and select the downloaded files.

You can get the latest release here:

The program itself is open source (licensed under GPLv3).

Telescience Manager

  • Full size station map
  • Panning
  • Zooming
  • Translating coordinates by clicking on a map
  • Manual coordinate input
  • Bookmarks
  • Three modes of calibration: GPS, Extrapolation and Manual
  • Support for multiple maps (currently only the station map is included)

Basic controls
  • Left mouse button - pan around the map
  • Right mouse button - select highlighted tile
  • Middle mouse button - reset zoom
  • Mouse wheel - zoom in/out

You must first calibrate (Options->Calibrate) before the program will translate your coordinates.

Visual tour

[Image: o5LMSuz.png]
Here we have the main window of the application, showing the map and the coordinates panel.

[Image: 9z5OZj9.png]
The bookmarks panel, toggled by clicking on the Bookmarks button. Here you can add a bookmark from the currently selected tile (Add selected button) or an empty bookmark to be filled in (Add button), delete a bookmark or save the list.

[Image: RnBcRT0.png]
This is the calibration dialog (Options->Calibrate). It supports two modes of calibration: the common GPS method, and a new Extrapolation method usable by the AI or borgs (invented by yours truly).

[Image: TVW3y10.png]
After calibration (by using the Calibration dialog, or by inputting the constants manually) the program translates all coordinates automatically.
In the 'Coordinates' section you have the currently selected map tile coordinates.
The 'Manual coordinate selection' section allows you to input any coordinate without selecting it on the map.
The 'Bookmark' selection shows your currently selected bookmark.
The 'Calibration' section is automatically filled in by the Calibration dialog (or you can fill it in manually)

The availability of this program doesn't mean you should use it for crime/stealing. Do not abuse your newfound power.
As most people who use telescience already have their own spreadsheets, this application shouldn't distrupt the life of the station too much, but if you are new to the life of a telescientist, please try first to understand how it works and/or make your own spreadsheet before you start to blindly use the Telescience Manager. A good explanation of the linear algebra used is available on the wiki:

You can get the latest release here:

The program itself is open source (licensed under GPLv3).
No, this is awf-
Quote:Released with the approval of the administration
Well then! big grin
Holy cow, this is awesome.
I saw Egg on that list. How do I make egg!
Archenteron Wrote:I saw Egg on that list. How do I make egg!
Download it and see dum dum
Wow this is awesome!
Is there a way to add recipes to this? So if we find out the secret to Grog, Booster Enzymes, Initropidril, etc. we can add them in ourselves for our own personal use?
Aaaaand I see that you addressed that at the end, and I somehow missed it my first read-through. Nevermind! v
Yes. Just yes.
I could totally see Baystation and TG station just offering their own recipe lists.

It probably wouldn't even be that hard if someone could figure out how the save files are formatted.
The program is designed to easily add new recipes. Let's look at a sample recipe in the wiki.txt recipe list:
- name: Synthflesh
      - Blood
      - Carbon
      - Styptic Powder
      depletion_rate: 0.4
      per_cycle: Does nothing in the bloodstream currently.
      application_effect: |
                          -TOUCH: Heals 1.5 BRUTE and 1.5 BURN per unit applied.
      notes: Splashing a beaker of synthflesh on someone is very, very effective. The medics will love chemistry a whole lot if you provide them with synthflesh patches or beakers.

Indentation is important, and the formatting has to be valid YAML, but it's trivial. Adding a new reagent named for example "Unobtainium" would be as simple as adding:
- name: Unobtainium

Adding the ingredients that you need to add to make it is also simple:
- name: Unobtainium
      - Impossibrium
      - Phlebotinum
      - Hardtofindium
    heat_to: 1000

heat_to just shows you that you need to heat the ingredients to the specified temperature (here 1000) to make the reagent.

If you want to add some information, just add the 'info' section:
- name: Unobtainium
      - Impossibrium
      - Phlebotinum
      - Hardtofindium
    heat_to: 1000
      notes: This is very hard to obtain
      per_cycle: Does something completely random.
      weight: Infinity kg

All the fields in the info section are just names that will show up as labels, the standard ones as proper capitalized labels (that were defined in the translation file), the non-standard (here: weight) will be just as you tped them in the file (so 'weight' in this example).

Adding new recipe lists is also as easy. Just create a new text file, and include:
name: New recipe list

'name' defines what the recipe list will be called. Under 'recipes' you will add the reagent definitions (so the ' - name: Somethingium').

So a new recipe list with one recipe could look like this:
name: New recipe list
  - name: Unobtainium
      - Impossibrium
      - Phlebotinum
      - Hardtofindium
    heat_to: 1000
      notes: This is very hard to obtain
      per_cycle: Does something completely random.
      weight: Infinity kg

Or maybe as simple as:
name: New recipe list
  - name: Unobtainium

Just remember that indentation (use spaces, not tabs) is important, and if you need the YAML syntax, it's here:

Overall I tried to make the recipe list format as simple as possible for manual editing.
Notepad++ Supports YAML

I'm fairly certain it can also convert tabs to spaces. (note you have to go into the settings and set YAML as the tab settings. I don't know if convert to spaces is default so you may have to set it manually.)

Just seems like a useful thing to point out.
So it's all the publicly released chem recipes someone can find on the forum, just put into a simple client/in game menu?
It *sounds* good, I'll say it's cool for now, but still, hm.
Chike101 Wrote:So it's all the publicly released chem recipes someone can find on the forum, just put into a simple client/in game menu?
It *sounds* good, I'll say it's cool for now, but still, hm.

What are you implying here? That because it's only the public recipes it's not worth it?
This isn't just all the chemicals put together I'll have you know. It's alphabetised, it has information on all the chemicals, a step by step guide for making it, what other chemicals each one is used in AND you can easily add your own chemicals to the list.
Don't cry until you try! I don't know

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