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Chemistry needs some changes.
Lavastage Wrote:
Marquesas Wrote:Tell you what, if anyone comes up with an interesting (not overpowered, not pointless eye candy) effect below this post, I'll code it and give it to someone to port it.
A new hallucinogen that is more subtle, and metabolizes somewhat fast, instead of just having DAT FUKKEN PIG attack you and rainbow screen filters, you would hear things like... bullet firings, cyalumine sabre hits, ETC. and see things pop up in chat like, "the emergency shuttle has been called, it will arrive in ten minutes" (possibly also have a countdown?) Fake radstorm warnings, fake messages of people shooting weapons and stuff (Pubbie jones fires the revolver at captain McGee!)

possibly make it so that slowly over time it will become more and more ridiculous until it becomes somewhat obvious that you are hallucinating, longer its inside you the more obvious it becomes.
(pubbie jones fires the cyalume sabre at captain McGee!)

Commence traitors using this to confuse witnesses. Heh.

Sounds like a deliriant type drug. I like it. Something that you could find in Datura.
Sundance Wrote:Sounds like a deliriant type drug. I like it. Something that you could find in Datura.

Maybe have it's ingredients be extracted from Amanita caps (botany can grow those right?) or anti-histamines.
Marquesas Wrote:Tell you what, if anyone comes up with an interesting (not overpowered, not pointless eye candy) effect below this post, I'll code it and give it to someone to port it.

Look, nerd. Here's example of chemistry mechanics that should be expanded.

ClF3 adds heat to a container when synthesized. It's the only reagent that does this.
Cryostylane does the opposite, and drops the temperature to 0. Unfortunately it pegs the temperature there, so that it cannot be changed until cryo is moved out.
More reagents should add or subtract heat from the container they are in, this way a temperature-based reaction could be triggred by causing another reaction to happen that provides the extra heat (or cold).

There are only two reagents in game that require a minimum amount of base reagents different from one, ClF3 and Ammonia. If more reactions had different required amount of components, you could have "incompatible" reagents together in a beaker (eg. salt, and that chlorine based explosive), and you would be able to pick which reaction you want to happen.

And, like I said in the first post, some reactions could have byproducts. Mix this, and you also get extra water, for instance.
This too could be used as triggers for further reactions.
Reactions actually can have byproducts already, that feature just hasn't been expanded upon yet.
So, below in the spoiler are a bunch of chemical ideas, their formula, their suggested effects, and their possible uses. I spoilered it incase someone wants to be surprised in the future if any of these do make it in.

HYDROCHLORIC ACID - Chlorine + Hydrogen + Water - +1 TOX, +1 BURN every 5 life cycles, splash over 25 units for a 10% chance to melt a face, no effect on headgear. +5 BRUTE to the face, cannot melt items.
GLUE - Sugar + Oil + Stabilizer + Milk - +50 OXY if injested, if splashed on floor causes players to move at a walk pace when running, or half speed when walking. Can be cleaned with nearly anything.
SUPERGLUE - Sugar + Oil + Stabilizer + Aluminum @ 320 - +100 OXY if injested, if splashed on floor causes players to to move at half walk pace when running, or quarter speed when walking. Can only be cleaned with space cleaner or ethanol or acetone.
SPACE GLUE - Sugar + Oil + Stablizer + Plasma - +1000 OXY if injested, if splashed on floor causes players to get stuck. Can only be cleaned with space cleaner.
TAR - Sugar + Oil @ 500 - +250 OXY, +50 BURN if injested, if splashed on floor causes players to constantly move at quarter speed when running or walking until they remove their shoes. Can only be cleaned with space cleaner. Highly flammable.
SODIUM PENTOTHAL - Sodium + Phenol + Ethanol + Oxygen - When injested it causes the PC to mumble uncontrollably things they might not want let out the bag. Some of these things are jokes, ie "I still pee my pants", "I'm in love with George Mellons", "My favorite show is My Little Space Pony", but occasionally the PC will give up things they would rather keep secret like their Syndicate PDA password or their account PIN and RARELY their objective. If the player tries to speak there is a 50% chance they'll actually say something else.
ETHEL ALCOHOL - Welding Fuel + Ethanol + Hydrogen - Alcoholic, +50 TOX if injested and causes slurring, extremely flammable but burns out instantly. Makes for a great fuel source, especially for the flamethrower! When applied to a fabric forms an Ethel Rag that can numb someone in seconds, but they'll still be awake. Awesome for surgery. It is also the chief ingredient of...
CHLOROFORM - Chlorine + Ethel Alcohol + Lithium - Alcoholic, +100 TOX if injested and causes slurring, barely flammable and requires direct flame to light, when applied to a fabric forms a Chloroform Rag that can cause a PC to pass out in seconds.
AMYL NITRATE (aka Poppers) - Carbon + Hydrogen + Oxygen + Nitrogen - When injested, causes instant paralysis for as long as how much was injested. If made without wearing a gas mask, causes victim to suffer paralysis instantly for one minute.
ISOPROPYL - Carbon + Hydrogen + Oxygen @ 75 - Alcoholic, heals 1.5 BURN per unit, HOWEVER it's also flammable.
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE - Hydrogen + Oxygen + Isopropyl - Extremely volatile chemical, causes +50 TOX damage and +15 BURN damage when applied or injested. When combined with Silver it forms an explosion.
MEDICAL PEROXIDE - Hydrogen Peroxide + Water + Stabilizer - Cleans wounds, heals 5 BRUTE per unit.

That's all I got for right now.
I saw banana peel flavored icecream at centcom, so let us utilize that reagent and make bananadine for more assistant hobo drugs.

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