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A few kudzu people ideas, and a modest kudzu proposal
(02-26-2025, 12:45 PM)Lord_earthfire Wrote: People always forgot tumbling creeper exist, smh...

That is the only genuine thing kudzupeoples have over botanists: Unlimited access to all strange seeds.

This still doesn't quite answer the main issue for me. What are kudzupeoples for ? If they aren't meant to be antags, what do they do ? What are they providing that botany can't already do (arguably better) ? Strange seeds ? Thats it ?
agree with decar here, besides spreading kudzu just ends up being a second team of botanists that doesn't serve much purpose outside of the seeds they have, i feel like they need another goal / role
Right now kudzu is little more than just an annoyance, i would like to see it become an actual station destroying threat should it have enough time to spread, like blob but wayyy slower
(02-26-2025, 11:52 PM)NanoDano Wrote: Right now kudzu is little more than just an annoyance, i would like to see it become an actual station destroying threat should it have enough time to spread, like blob but wayyy slower

Kudzu itself as a traitor tool is doing better I feel, kudzuwalking lets it work as a potential ambush tool and fortification buff (your enemies WILL have to come to you to deal with it and you're walking and seeing in it like a kudzuperson and the fact it can open -ANY- door gives it a niche but functional multi-use. It's "about right" in my view for a 4-point TC item. Compare and contrast with traitor items that fit the more "Rampage" or "Whole station threat" (and they both have to be operated effectively by a person) of a Cyalume or Katana for 7, which is that magic number that excludes getting the pricier utility traitor items. Kudzu doesn't. 

a few months ago I would have absolutely agreed with you, and this is entirely separate to Kudzupeople (though it should be considered that any changes that could potentially even if incidentally hamper the crew is a change in atagonism's favour, and while 99% of LadyGearHearts idea works hard to avoid that the "sacrifice to start a new outcrop" one has legs for it), but Kudzu itself in my opinion is seeing more use from people who would have dismissed it out of hand before. 

Not me, because I suck, but other people have been fun to watch while observing using it.
(02-26-2025, 11:52 PM)NanoDano Wrote: Right now kudzu is little more than just an annoyance, i would like to see it become an actual station destroying threat should it have enough time to spread, like blob but wayyy slower

Since the kudzu planter has been given kudzu bond this is somewhat better case. The healing increase and ability ti dip in and out of dense foilage combined with any deadly  weapon can be extremely ferocious in a talented hand.
I think for its price Kudzu is actually a really good investment, it just needs some synergising as do the Kudzu people, I had almost no idea that they could plant seeds, it hadn't occurred to me that they could plant things like Creepers or Radweed, I do think they need some offensive defence abilities, to put in perspective I did this in a round today, mostly thanks to the 4 TC investment of Kudzu.

A few of my Kudzu people were confronted, but from my experience its very easy to get rushed/overwhelmed and pulled out of the kudzu which can very quickly spell death for any kudzu person, which makes me wonder if they could have a magboot ability that would prevent them from leaving any kudzu tile their on, whether it be of their own volition or not.

The thought they could place down histamine producing nettles and get stung by their own plant is while a funny one, another reminder that I would really like them to gain a few extra resistances/immunities.
(02-27-2025, 09:02 AM)Taylorstar Wrote: A few of my Kudzu people were confronted, but from my experience its very easy to get rushed/overwhelmed and pulled out of the kudzu which can very quickly spell death for any kudzu person, which makes me wonder if they could have a magboot ability that would prevent them from leaving any kudzu tile their on, whether it be of their own volition or not.

I am Melinda from the video! My round end as a kudzu person went as follows: got disconnected from the kudzu due to some sort of flame ability from a guardbuddy, died very quickly due to lack of kudzu, re-bloomed due to crew NOT killing me then was dragged onto the shuttle in crit because someone kept dragging me when I tried to get away and put down kudzu to live on. If that gives anyone any vibes or feelings regarding the magboots ability idea. I haven't been a kudzu person very much so I don't have strong opinions on this and if it was just my lack of skill which killed me or being swarmed.

When I was turned into a kudzu person, I still had the effect of the nettles which I had breathed in prior (cinnamon, capsaicin) which constantly slowed/halted me as I attempted to continue the kudzu spread. So on that note, I feel like being nettle immune would be more ideal for a kudzu person- that or just generally immune to plant-based chems?

Finally, there's a clarification I wanted to ask about. The pop-up describes kudzu people as nonviolent and to only attack humans 'when you are attacked'. The clarification is presumably this means when your physical body is attacked only and not the kudzu (which you are part of). If you wanted to lean more into the antagonist line of kudzu people, you could make it clear that people clearing kudzu are ok to attack as kudzu = you. If not, then definitely some clarification that it specifically means your physical body would be ideal.
i feel like the "when you are attacked" already implied you and the kudzu as a whole, but i guess having it as clarification could be better. whenever i was made into kudzu i'd typically stand around the edges spreading and hitting anyone that'd attempt to destroy it

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