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Plasma lung as +2 instead of +1
Right now Plasma Lung gives you +1 trait point, which was kinda fine at the time since there wasn't any real way to tell how impactful it'd really be. After having used it for a while though, I really do think it probably should be bumped up to a +2 trait, considering the impact similar +2 traits have and how drastically plasmalung can impact your round.

Easily the biggest downside, is that you lose your mask slot (unless your preferred mask has internals, meaning if you want to play clown you are FORCED to go maskless (an impossibly grave sin), and you lose your belt, pocket, or backpack slot (depending on how you want to store your plasma). For jobs like Engineer/CE, Doctor, or Security Officer, you either have to get rid of your belt to store a plasma tank that lasts 40 minutes (meaning you have to refill it on average once a classic round and twice an RP round), give up both your pocket slots to use pocket tanks that only last 5-7 minutes max for each of them (and is required if you want to use a wrestlebelt), or having no backpack for a big plasma tank (I've never used it so I don't know how long it lasts but I assume most of an RP round?).

Besides that, it also makes healing/being healed a decent bit more difficult, since you can't be CPR'd without taking even more damage instead, being cloned leaves you with minor tox damage since you're unconscious for 30 seconds.

In terms of closeness, I think it combines both aspects of Blindness and Addict (both +2 traits), since you're forced to lose an important item slot, require a decent bit of effort to partially get around, and constantly pestered by it throughout the entire round.

Did I REALLY need to write an about 2 and 1/2 paragraph post on "pretty please make plasma lung a bit more worthwhile"? No but I thought it was fun and it doesn't really affect me either way (I just want more than 1 person to use it per server)
This seems a fair change.
Yeah sure, we can try it. Done

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