02-26-2025, 01:21 PM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2025, 02:10 PM by RSOD. Edited 1 time in total.
Edit Reason: clarification
let voice changers apply any (even multiple, maybe) speech alteration of your choosing when speaking through them. i feel like this is the first thing you'd expect a voice changer to do anyways.
you'd set them inhand when out of a mask/item, and they'd apply the effect when put in a mask and talked through. simple.
regardless, this sounds like good fun and otherwise just traitors running around speaking nonsense in clown because they turned on almost every single voice alteration
This sounds like fun if the voice alterations would be selectable (like radio station), however if it's random I think most people would use it less as they would still wanna be understandable
(02-27-2025, 06:50 AM)Mikeistaken Wrote: This sounds like fun if the voice alterations would be selectable (like radio station), however if it's random I think most people would use it less as they would still wanna be understandable
yeah they'd be selectable, i worded that poorly woops
In my opinion... the voice change option on the changeling is sometimes a crap shoot too.
Want to pretend to be the captain in general? You got the name but not the tag.. you are OUSTED.
But sometimes it does.. the problem is.. this random prompt only appears AFTER typing into the message.
Should be 100% of the time OR... show it at the start.