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[MERGED PR] Rework vomiting a bit
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About the PR
Replaces `prob(x) vomit()` snippets with a new `nauseate` proc that gives a stacking nausea debuff. Once this debuff reaches 10 stacks you will get a 5 second warning before vomiting and being stunned for two seconds.

Why's this needed?
Currently vomiting happens randomly and instantly, making it a nuisance but mostly ignorable. This should make it a little more of an actual game mechanic while also hopefully reducing the overall amount of vomit in the game.
Please tell me if this feels like it would make it worse for people who are bad with vomit in videogames, I'm hoping reducing the constant vomit spam will help with that but maybe the slightly more realistic depiction makes it worse in some way?

- [x] Replace most calls to `vomit` with calls to `nauseate`
- [x] Do something about food poisoning
- [x] Handle weird/robotic mob types
- [x] +secret


(u)LeahTheTech + sprites by Xenomni
(*)Most sources of instant vomiting will now instead give you a stacking "nausea" debuff, with a vomit and a short stun at the end. Please report any issues with chemical/other balance cause by this.
(+)Eating low quality food will now give you nausea stacks and only give you food poisoning if you eat several bites of really nasty food.
(+)Food poisoning will go away on its own more often.

This is a neat change, and I like the idea. Currently, vomiting is just a thing that happens that most people are bothered by, save for the poor janitor that has to clean it up. A few thoughts:

  • In the current implementation, it seems like nausea stacks last forever until you vomit. I think it would make more sense for them to decay slowly (as in one every minute or so) over time.
  • To my knowledge, vomiting was removed from withdrawal effects because it was annoying and not very impactful. Maybe they could be added back with this system.
  • Barf bags as a station item
The stacks do decay at a rate of prob(5) every status tick (status ticks are faster than life ticks, roughly 1 per second I think?)
some related gameplay suggestions:
* empty-hand resisting while nauseated has a stack reduction effect (probably with a cooldown to stop resist-spamming).
* clicking a toilet while nauseated vomits into the toilet. a way to clear stacks at the cost of being (somewhat) isolated.
I really like these changes. Gives vomit a place during gameplay while also reducing the spam all over the place.
I'm in favour of this change, would likely give people more incentive to seek treatment for food poisoning rather than just ignoring it (Ignoring it means janitors have to keep coming back to the infected person's workplace to clean, and also does not make much sense on the roleplay server, where your character probably would Not Want to be Sick)
I think I like the idea of a stacking "nausea" debuff the most since you can have things like motion sickness or stress add to it.
[Image: nTSQ7Pl.png]
i like this idea, though yeah, barf bags could be useful to be handed out at medbay (since not always medbay will have anti-emetic..)
i do believe the stun should just prevent you from moving for one second, and slow you for the next two, as i don't want items to drop when i vomit
(02-28-2025, 05:49 PM)RSOD Wrote: i do believe the stun should just prevent you from moving for one second, and slow you for the next two, as i don't want items to drop when i vomit

Well, you dont want it.

The person weaponizing vomiting, however...

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