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Updated emotes list
Hey there. If you've ever typed "help" in the me command in-game, you've probably read the part where it says you can type "list" in the me command for a list of emotes! The problem? The wording of getting the help command to work to begin with is a bit... confusing... and the list of emotes is outdated. So, I decided to do something about it. I've had this list of emotes sitting around in my notepad for a while now, and today, I decided to organize them a bit and share them with you all here. I don't know if this counts as being related to SS13, as it is JUST the emotes, so what better place to put it than the general discussion?

Anyways, here it is. Cheers!

commands tab --> me
Talk/Say, and begin the emote with an asterisk (*).
Example: typing *Aflap in the say box would print;
Text-Document flaps his arms angrily!

I've gone ahead and organized all of these emotes by body language and whatever they're generally used for, for easier use. Some of these emotes might fit into multiple categories, but to keep this list from becoming an absolute nightmare to read, I've... NOT done that.

Facial emotes:
Happy [smile, grin]
Sad [frown, pout]
Smug [smirk]
Anger [scowl]
Disgust [grimace, retch]
Silly [raspberry, wink]
Eyes [blink, blink_r, eyebrow]
Embarrassed [blush]
Ew [drool]

Head movement emotes:
Assorted [nod, shame, shakehead, sniff, jsay]

Audible emotes (mostly flavor noises):
Laughing [laugh, chuckle, giggle, chortle, guffaw]
Crying [weep, sob, wail, whine, cry, whimper]
Groans [sigh, mumble, grumble, groan, moan, yawn]
Assorted noises [cough, hiccup, sneeze, wheeze, snore, choke, gurgle, gargle]
Detective exclusive [monologue]

ACTUALLY audible emotes (these play a sound effect in game):
General: [snap, deathgasp, gasp, burp, scream, fart]
Changeling/Vampire exclusive: [monsterscream]
Pug exclusive: [woof]

Hand emotes:
Greeting [wave, salute]
On my mark: [signal]
Hold up: [raisehand] (and with an object in hand it raises the object instead) [twirl, examine] (both of these spin the item but with different flavor text)
Rude [rude]
Convey [gesticulate, wgesticulate, airquote]
Tired [facepalm]
Assorted [crackknuckles, clap]
Ew [nosepick]

Full body emotes:
Sad [sulk]
Scared [tremble, quiver, shiver, shudder, shake, flinch, pale, panic]
I'm literally about to break [twitch, twitch_v]
I broke [flap, aflap, flipout, rage, tantrum]
Thinking [think, ponder, contemplate, shrug]
Flexing [stretch, flex]
Smug [smug]
Dance [dance]
Staff assistant/Captain exclusive [dab] (you can also do this emote if you buy the dabbing license with spacebux and equip it)

Emotes that literally just make you fall over:
Useful: [faint] (if used while laying down you go to sleep, good for impromptu surgery!)
Funny: [collapse, trip]

??? [Johnny]
EAT THEIR FLESH: [consume] (must be in command bar, subject must be knocked out or dead. Deals decent brute damage)

Two person emotes (these emotes can be directed at other players next to you or near you):
Greeting: [bow, hug, handshake, daps]
Ayy, my man!: [highfive, fingerguns]
Rude: [glare, stare, look, flipoff, doubleflip, shakefist, slap, boggle, stareat, rolleyes]

All-in-one list! VVV
smile, grin, smirk, frown, scowl, grimace, sulk, pout, nod, blink, drool, shrug, tremble, quiver, shiver, shudder, shake, think, ponder, clap, wave, salute, flap, aflap, laugh, chuckle, giggle, chortle, guffaw, cough, hiccup, sigh, mumble, grumble, groan, moan, sneeze, wheeze, sniff, snore, whimper, yawn, choke, gasp, weep, sob, wail, whine, gurgle, gargle, blush, flinch, blink_r, eyebrow, shakehead, pale, flipout, rage, shame, raisehand, crackknuckles, stretch, rude, cry, retch, raspberry, tantrum, gesticulate, wgesticulate, smug, nosepick, flex, facepalm, panic, snap, airquote, twitch, twitch_v, faint, deathgasp, signal, wink, collapse, trip, dance, scream, burp, fart, monologue, contemplate, jsay, rolleyes, smug, Johnny, dab, twirl, examine, custom

bow, hug, wave, glare, stare, look, flipoff, doubleflip, shakefist, handshake, daps, slap, boggle, highfive, fingerguns, stareat

consume (must be in command bar)
Wait wait wait wait.... you can Bite corpses?????? Also you forgot a few emotes

Twirl/spin: it spins the item or wiggles your hand if there is none. Makes the sprite spin too (my favorite)
Examine: slowly spins the sprite and says that your examining it (I havent used it without an item in hand
(02-10-2025, 10:09 AM)Mikeistaken Wrote: Wait wait wait wait.... you can Bite corpses?????? Also you forgot a few emotes

Twirl/spin: it spins the item or wiggles your hand if there is none. Makes the sprite spin too (my favorite)
Examine: slowly spins the sprite and says that your examining it (I havent used it without an item in hand

I did forget those, adding them to the list! Thank you.
Consume does not appear to be an emote from testing.

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