Mon McCready's HoS application attempt 2
Usual character name: Mon McCready
Byond username: Bag_o_cheese
Discord username: bagocheese
Recommended by: tonicolanches
Goon servers you play in: 4 (rest in peace 3)

Reason for application:
I've been playing security for about a year, becoming regular enough for people to recognise me.
I'm confident in my ability to teach, lead and coordinate teams, and I acknowledge I was trying too hard to look good on paper on my previous application, but I think I'm ready to try again.

I didn't mention this on my last application but my first interaction with sec was a bad one.
It was one of my very first shifts, my second one I believe! I was still trying to figure the game out as clown when a couple of officers jumped me for no reason and stole my clowning equipment. Needless to say that left a negative first impression on me.

Due to that I put off playing sec until I couldn't find any other roles I was good at.
I signed up as Security Assistant and sheepishly asked for help, to my surprise it was nothing like I had imagined.
An officer happily showed me the ropes and taught me everything. On that same first sec shift a space yeti nearly killed me and seeing how nice and caring everyone was solidified security as a job for me.

On my shifts as assistant I was fumbling my way around the station, not sure what I was doing but trying to help wherever I could. I really looked up to the officers around me and one in particular stood out: Munches on Paper, their friendly nature and the way they handled things really stuck with me. I mentioned this on my previous application but Munches was (and still is) a huge role model for me.

On my first few shifts as a propper officer I remember being so happy because I could finally be like the people I looked up to. During this time I became much more familiar with the game's mechanics, systems and the culture of the community surrounding the game. 

When the player counts peaked during summer of this year I was very happy and eager to teach all of the incoming newbees the ins and outs of sec. Not only passing down what I was taught but expanding upon it with anything that might help them down the line. I remember an assistant I was teaching the previous shift thanking me for taking time off my game to show them how everything works and they said they wanted to be just like me one day which really warmed my heart. Of course not everyone stays but it still brings me great joy to teach people and I do it whenever I get the chance to. I've made a couple of very good friends though this and I couldn't be more thankful.

Nowadays I'm confident in my abilities as an officer despite my flaws and I think I'm ready for the beret.

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
    My advice is: Remember words are our strongest tool, talking will often take you farther than batons and tasers.
  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
    When on a full team I mainly focus on patrolling, following orders and trying to keep people up-to-date. I also worry less knowing it's more likely for someone to have my back in case push comes to shove.
    When I'm the only officer on duty I try to keep tabs on everything going on in the station. It's more stressful since you can't be everywhere at once, and knowing if something happens it's less likely someone will be there for you, so I always carry some form of first aid besides our beloved robusted donuts.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions:
  • What's a security gimmick you've ran or wanted to run?
    I still want to conduct a full on investigation as det like something out of a crime thriller book, unfortunately most situations in-game don't allow for this.

I'd love to also draw a picture but I'm too tired! sorry!

Previous bans: One, I once suicided after being turned into a syndicate cyborg. It was childish, it shouldn't have happened and I'm sorry to whoever I did that to.
Mon's a fantastic officer to work with! Very responsive and positive in the job, always helpful and good in a crisis in my experience. I'm always glad to have them backing me up.
Mon's a great officer, and as I've said in her last application, I've seen a considerable amount of growth in the past few months. I haven't seen her too much recently, however, that could be due to a busier schedule and less time spent playing. I would be comfortable seeing Mon as an HoS, she has my +1.
I greatly appreciate how Mon demonstrates care for other player's fun when I see her in security and I've had a number of standout rounds with her including:

My first security round ever where they trained me, not only covering all the bases and leaving me feeling like I was fully prepared but also taking the time to explain in looc certain nuances like best practices and differences in the expected server culture compared to other codebases/servers I was familiar with. I would also regularly see her going out of her way to help guide newbie security players in many rounds after this.

A round with only a few security, myself included, with them as Captain. They struck a fantastic balance between letting security do their job without stepping on any toes and giving them time to shine, as well as keeping the team on track and providing guidance and orders when necessary. This resulted in a very enjoyable round not only for security but the antags we dealt with.

Overall I think she is perfectly suited for the role.
Had a couple rounds with them since this application was put up. They're very fast on the radio, keeping a eye on different situations and trying to make sure everything is being dealt with. That's a very valuable skill for HoS and I think Mon McCready has shown they have that talent personally. Never had a negative experience with them personally.
Played with them a few times on the deeper end of highpop chaos rounds.
Handled themselves perfectly, made sure the team was kept in the loop, made a number of good decisions during those rounds.
Nothing negative as far as I've seen.
Great officer from what I have seen in recent weeks, I will second the comments about being communicative and keen to address issues. Great skills and focus to have Especially for a leader! My interactions have always been positive even if it was the simple dialogue of that clown aint right, or any other small banters have left me walking away both IC and OOC with a smile.

Definite +1 from me.
It's just a "positive" story as it's months and months back now. I've not been about reliably enough during the review period to give a +1. This is not a reflection of bag_o_cheese's application itself, but hopefully it just helps give information to admins while reviewing it, but I wanted to provide the context that it's quite far back even if it's positive stuff.

My interactions with Mon as a character have shown they're always willing to "Engage" with people even if they aren't an immediate suspect for crime. This is always a strong point in favour of HoS or mentor applications in my view, as demonstrating you aren't entirely self-goals focused and willing to engage is an important skill to have.

They also are willing to indulge an antagonist gambit in full. It's a rather simple example where one of my characters kidnapped Jones, had murdered the captain who had tried to retrieve them and demanded a ransom for the safe return of the former and location of the latter's corpse. It was clear at the time that security itself was either busy or struggling to catch radio stuff and it wasn't being responded to. That happens for a variety of reasons, but it's also clear Mon picked this ransom call themselves, arranged a trapped briefcase. It looked like they also pulled themself off dealing with a more prolific antagonist while doing so. Everything else went pretty humdrum.

It's important I think, as a HoS to be willing to delegate and split team focus wherever possible to address threats. Both so that threats are not ignored wholesale, but also proportional (or at least a guess at proportional) force is set out. Nobody ultimately enjoys every single officer handling a single issue where it isn't fitting, officers get in each other's way, and the antagonist gets crowded. It's just a useful skill to demonstrate you have in your arsenal for a HoS application.
I have not played much lately with McCready, but in the rounds I have played with her, she was quick to answer and showed good judgement when handling conflict.
After review of community feedback and internal deliberation, we have accepted your application to become a HoS. Congrats! Please familiarize yourself with our HoS Guidelines and reach out anytime if you have any concerns or questions.

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