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Shuttle chaos rule
Playing security when there's not much stuff going on can get pretty boring. Since most of your work comes with dealing with antags and crimers.
However, when antags and crimers do nothing most of the round only to unleash chaos almost seems like a justified reason to circumvent RPing and turning the shuttle ride which already is cramped 80% of the time makes for a very chaotic 2 minute free for all in which you don't really have a grasp on who's doing what. I don't mind the chaos, but if your only goal as an antag is to act on the shuttle and on the shuttle only is pretty boring and to me honestly seems like rule dodging.
I ahelp it and move on, and I think personally that's the way to go, always going to be the way to go, and that its really just that simple.

1. I may have missed what they were doing, which might have been prolific and evil, but I simply somehow missed the boat. This can even be true when you're in a good position to know like security or AI.
2.If they haven't, and if someone is waiting until the last moment on RP to do something: That's poor escalation, and if it keeps happening something the admins probably need to talk to them about, because with greatest respect to them: It's terrible pacing.
3. That said, sometimes people flub it, and also what stands as good antagonism is not definitive (though I'd argue the closest you can get is people talk about it months after the round happens positively) so yeah, maybe there's scenarios where a slow buildup before shuttle confrontation actually works out well. I'd say I've seen a few. I've also seen silent antags who spent 85 minutes building up silently before doing their business on the shuttle: I ahelp that and move on.

Ahelp it and move on. To me, the issue is nothing to do with the shuttle, which IS chaos and does drive me nuts, but either the player's poor escalation or my poor luck in noticing it until then.
Shuttle chaos is a stable of ss13 imo. Should antags do stuff throughout the round instead of waiting for the shuttle? Yes. Does shuttle chaos need its own rule? Imo, no, as the rp rules already cover all that with escalation and whatnot. It's an issue with people not following the rules, not with the lack of one.
I really don't see how that is breaking any rules. Keep in mind, the minimum baseline on RP for killing is to throw them one or two sentences in advance before you magdump them.

I don't think we want to get in the situation when an antag risks getting ahelped for not getting enough done during a round.
(01-26-2025, 08:54 AM)Lord_earthfire Wrote:  risks getting ahelped for not getting enough done during a round.

Nah, risk implies some magic black mark for me ahelping someone and moving on. If someone doesn't break a rule but gets an ahelp the worst that happens is that we all move on. So I'm good.
Sounds like hell to enforce and I don't really see an issue with it. Security is probably the job most well equipped to socialize when nothings going on
Shuttle chaos is kind of just inevitable. As much as I hate shuttle rampages and antags that just save everything for the last five minutes, it's nothing to really worry about outside of an ahelp and rolling my eyes.

I would appreciate expanding the general shuttle size, though. The shuttle is extremely cramped on 4 highpop these days, especially on maps like Oshan where the shuttle is even more claustrophobic.
We already make things harder and harder for things to happen during the shuttles. Like breaking stuff, hotboxing and such.

I have no objections of making things like "explosions" not happen in the shuttle.

I do not like shuttle chaos, but it's a staple. But we can make specific scenerio's IMPOSSIBLE.
Cause things like massive explosions are just cheap killing in the shuttle.
Mag dumping is fine since it might kill ONE PERSON.
But the shuttle being bombed and such to me is the LAMEST THING EVER!

So insted of making it illegal. Let's add things to disable certain scenerios from happening while allowing others.
What would the rules even be? No antagging when shuttle is on ETA and ETD time? Like you could've build a scenario that have already happened, but the shuttle came when your scenario is build. If antag needs to get to shuttle to complete their mission, they won't be welcomed without everyone being hostile, so somethings are inavoidable. And what would happen if you are an antag who take escape pod as a wanted man?

A lot of the things that makes shuttle chaos "bad" seems like escalation issue.
(01-26-2025, 02:59 PM)Emimiyu Wrote: What would the rules even be? No antagging when shuttle is on ETA and ETD time? Like you could've build a scenario that have already happened, but the shuttle came when your scenario is build. If antag needs to get to shuttle to complete their mission, they won't be welcomed without everyone being hostile, so somethings are inavoidable. And what would happen if you are an antag who take escape pod as a wanted man?

A lot of the things that makes shuttle chaos "bad" seems like escalation issue.

But that's not the issue here. My issue is that you can have rounds that seem like they're extended since nothing had happened all round. Once you get to the shuttle, there's actual traitors who bought things that they only use at the shuttle. That's my biggest issue
(01-26-2025, 03:06 PM)Dr. Puggers Wrote: But that's not the issue here. My issue is that you can have rounds that seem like they're extended since nothing had happened all round.

The reasons for that are kinda complex, see the "sec equipment being overtuned"-discussion or discussions about the escalation rule.
When I'm sec in a crowded shuttle and it gets too chaotic I just tend to sit in my seat and only if things get bloody do I start firing my taser indiscriminately.
Another simple idea. If it gets too extreme.. have a button in security that flashes the whole shuttle.
I mean shuttle chaos is fun and tradition on Classic. I have no idea about RP though. I mean regardless the round is basically over then anyway. Its just a couple minutes of annoyance if thats the case.
(01-27-2025, 10:07 AM)Kotlol Wrote: Another simple idea. If it gets too extreme.. have a button in security that flashes the whole shuttle.

a more extreme idea (though, that i worry may be unbalanced) would be a button in the pilot room that, after a short and loud windup, electrifies the floor of the seat room (not the mini-medbay, not the snack area, not sec/brig), effectively tasing anyone standing on it

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