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Salvagers roundstart on classic
Salvager mode on classic was removed because they're a little weak by design and hard to do well with (teamwork, in my space game??). Personally I think that with an additional few antag rolls added to the pool they would be pretty fun. The presence of more threatening and/or annoying targets like traitors, arcfiends or so would give the salvagers some natural chaos to play off of. As for making salvagers survive sec encounters more, it could go either way. They might get let off the hook with a brig because they've got more Main Characters to think about, or they might get executed more often due to present station chaos.

I think salvagers could maybe stand alone on classic as an alternative if they had options to revive fallen teammates and get a basic starter kit for them. I've been of the opinion for a while that their pods should be able to dogfight sec pods without upgrades a little better than they can at the moment too but that's straying from the point a bit.
Or increase their starting supply on Classic so they can get better starting gear.
I really haven't seen much of salvagers on classic so that would be pretty nice.
Also i'd love to see interactions between salvagers and other antags (this goes for both classic and RP though).
id like to see some admin ran salv rounds to playtest how they do in classic nowadays. they could also do salvs + a tot or two and see how that functions

i love salvs and yeah, i wish they were roundstart on classic too. if they had more ways to hide / cause chaos they'd already be good, but having salvs & another active threat like arcfiend or traitors would really work. would salvagers be allied with traitors or would they fight against eachother aswell?
Salvagers have a lot more toys than they used to and can easily and consistently win 1v1's against sec with only moderate prep. I think they will be significantly more popular this go around if added.

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