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CPR change idea
A though occurred here at the kings idea laboratory. 

What if performing CPR on someone periodically did oxygen damage to the person giving the cpr and healed oxygen damage on the person receiving it.

What if medical training did less damage to themself and healed more.

What if them not having an over wear(armor, space suit, coat, etc) allowed for a higher amount of oxy healed.

And finally: what if Mediborg had an EOS(emergency ocygen system) they could put on a person who was madkless and prone that while the person was not moving and the borg did not move would give them whatever gas was in the small internal tank, which they could eject/replace the way engiborgs can pick up large gas cans.[could also be used for evil or aid with surgery]
When we're at the topic of CPR, while it might be a bit too complex I think it might need some reworks since you can only CPR while stationary and sometimes it's a gamble of 'is the doctor coming' and 'should I rush them to medbay'. 

I think it could roll dices periodically similarly as how the defib does.

Heal victim's oxy by a small amount
Delay the oxy damage accumulation
Deal oxy to the samaritan and heal the victim slightly more;
Deal brute to the victim but heal slighty more

IRL, CPR can break ribs if done right.
maybe not oxy damage directly but just some losebreath like when a clown blows up a balloon?
Oh thats really good, glow. It'd also stop conversation while giving someone cpr
very minor losebreath PR:

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