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[PR] Security pouches can be attached to armor vests


About the PR
Allows security pouches to have a one-time option to be attached to a security armor vest permanently, at the cost of reduced armor.

Balance changes if making a pouched vest:
-One extra pocket pouch free
-Reduced protection of vest
-Can't access pouch as easily while in space

Vest won't be able to be attached to anything else like paramedic suits afterwards (not implemented yet)

Why's this needed?
Just a stylistic clothing idea option for Security, maybe good, maybe bad idea (not sure about the idea of extra storage space)

Could also rework into something different, ideas below
-Utility credit option that only holds security supplies or grenades (pairs with morphine injectors, flashbang grenades, etc)
-Armory exclusive item


(*)Security pouches can be permanently attached to Security armor vests through clicking it with the pouch, at the cost of reduced vest armor. The vest can be taken off by click-dragging it to your hand, or using another clothing piece in-hand.

If the reasoning behind this is to give officers more fashion options, I just can't see it. It seems more likely to me that any security players who use the pouch vest will do so for that extra pocket slot rather than any aesthetic reason.

While I wasn't around much while this was being testmerged, I don't think I noticed anyone using this feature once.
while the PR itself is kinda meh, as i'd personally rather the fat pocket than a fat armour slot. i am wholly for increasing the number of exosuit storage options. Exosuits could definitely gain a lot more uniqueness with custom whitelists for internal storage.
Hi its me, I'm the person. I used this every round I could. I didn't even notice it was off test merge until I tried doing it in game earlier today.

Frankly I don't put a lot of thought into numbers - "0.3 less ranged prot means the detectives revolver does a 4 shot kill instead of a -" isn't me. I just liked having more pocket space available. I'd always keep my Security helmet on my belt along with my badge because I like showing off my badge.

Please, I hope this gets merged.
I always enjoy more customisation of armor (e.g. armored radsuit and others). So i am in favor of the PR.
I'm one of those HoS' that will gladly sacrifice My backpack for aesthetic and The ability to move my pouch was a gamechanger, I vastly enjoyed having it as an option so am Very much in Favor of the PR
I’m personally very much so in favor of being able to attach pocket pouches to vests and to spend some resource to get more of them.

Security inventory management is hellish and with how many items we give them in some form to keep track of like morphine autoinjectors, flashbangs, scanners, whistles, etc, and now the recent mentions of possibly adding even more stuff in the form of flashlights or possibly alert pagers it’s getting to the point where you won’t be able to carry your intended/roundstart equipment around without having a bunch of boxes in a backpack.

Optionally purchased pouches seem like a good way of giving people the choice of whether to sacrifice in one area to have an easier time of dealing with it rather than force people to create piles of equipment they can’t carry each round or carry stuff in a bunch of boxes inside their backpack which happens currently.
More customization options are always welcome.
I really enjoyed having the pouch but also having it work on the other styles of vest would be super nice too.

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